Your view on suicide.Controlling how you die.

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by Big Ron, May 19, 2018.

  1. aardbewoner

    aardbewoner judge a human on how he act,not on look and talk.

    suicide is a strange word.I would call it peaceful ending,and why not, no need to suffer days, specially in a TEOTWAWKI and no morphine. I find it idiot for the ones who do it because the don't get earthly goods or find aspect of there body less. I can find a heart for the one who step out because the are bullied, that are the one i cry for because the other type just kill the others.
    For doctors i say the try but some time the just go on, why for the money ?. Then if the see no way or you run out of money the let you perish a agonizing dead the don't care ! I will not comment on the religious aspects as every "group" has there own dogma,s .
    Signing for a fast soft end. my 2 cts
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  2. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    My father left this world just about a year ago (23rd of May)

    At 92 he was in fairly good health - for his age, except that he had bone marrow issues (no one told me the medical name) - and thus required regular platelet transfusions. With those, he was fine, took his own baths, cooked simple meals and so on.

    It was a bit of a surprise when he announced that 'his bags were packed and he was ready yo go back home to join Helen' (his wife a many decades). Mom had passed about two years prior. He stopped the transfusions.
    Shortly after his announcement, he did so.

    Nobody in the family tried to talk him into sticking around. This was a choice he had made after some real thought.

    Born in 1925, he volunteered for & served in WW2 and was drafted for the Korean Conflict. He'd survived the Great Depression - yet, the world he lived in had become an alien landscape, one he no longer wished to live in. None of the sky pilots at the church the folks attended found any problem with his choice...

    My only sadness was that, with the short notice, I was unable to arrange for the Great-grandchildren (Alaska branch) to travel to Tucson for a final visit. Just one of the prices we pay for where we live...

    We all enter this world naked, covered in blood and screaming. I can only hope not to go out in the same way.....
    Last edited: May 21, 2018
  3. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    My family has tended toward extreme old age with rapid decline and natural death. Suicide is something that I cannot understand, and it took me years to get over the anger I felt toward two people who I'd known that chose this path without a word of goodbye. I will likely never understand it. I'm wired to wait for the sunrise, and greet the new day with hope, even when I've been near death myself. The selfish part that haunted me was that so much thought had gone into the planning of the events, yet none was apparently given to the aftermath, leaving me with bodies to deal with and no answers. That part was what took me the longest to get over.

    I cannot possibly understand.

    Gator 45/70, Zimmy, BTPost and 2 others like this.
  4. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    I "liked" your post because of what you wrote, not because of the picture posted.
    That T shirt is utter BS.

    "..please don't judge what you can't possibly understand."

    I understand that it was indeed a selfish act committed by a weak minded attention seeking coward who got to this place because of his life long drug abuse. Who stole pain meds from first his dying father, then later his dying mother and then ended up on my dime in my home because he had nothing left and no where else to go.
    To show his thanks for all that his Sister and I have done for him he decides to blow his grey matter all over our walls and soak our carpets in his blood. In a house that is about 3 yrs old. That room has had to be gutted down to the bare studs and sub floor. This asshole has been dead just short of a week and he's still leaving bags of shit for me to find. I just got off the phone with the county circuit court, then an attorney. Seems asshat had two upcoming court dates for drug possession/paraphernalia charges dating back to just before he was moved in here! Seems he ODed in the parking lot of a drug store(gotta love the irony there) and was found by a passerby. Ended up with a couple days in jail then released pending these upcoming court dates.

    Yeah, I understand everything just fine..
    Gator 45/70, Zimmy, DarkLight and 2 others like this.
  5. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    While a tough subject I was thinking more about what quality of life a person is living. I have watched or heard about people who are like the living dead. Ending your life on your own terms would be better than that. Imagine a person in a nursing home wearing pampers and needing around the clock care. No longer able to drive or care for themselves. Sitting in a chair or laying on a bed waiting for death to take them away. Or someone who is terminally ill and in great pain that can only be kept at bay by strong pain meds. Both my grampa and my dad both said they didn't want to end up like that. Of course, my grampa did until he refused to eat and passed away. My mom and dad live the sitting around thing right now. I wonder that in moments of clarity they may think their lives are a living hell. Not to mention the toll it takes on those who are caring for you. I did learn that many don't put money away for all the care needed towards the end of their life. My parents have a room in a nice home with around the clock care and food cooked for them and clothes washed. They are together.
    chelloveck likes this.
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Heavy duty subject this is.
    My mother is 83 with 3rd stage colon cancer, Had some of her intestine removed last year but the cancer is still there.
    She has refused kimo, She's scared for sure, I talk to her often.
    Myself I have outlived my father and grandfather, One died by heart attack One by stroke.
    When my time comes and if I can I will be telling the Dr. to be generous with the Morphine or at least leave it where I can reach it.
    Tully Mars and chelloveck like this.
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