OK, so here it is, middle of February down in SE NM. I have a plum tree that always blossoms early....yep, it's doing it again right now. We're supposed to have highs in the mid 80's for the next 8-10 days and a possibility of rain on Sunday, so I expect my peach and apricot trees to come out, too. Drat! Wayyyy too early. Kajun
We are expecting the first crop of potatoes to be ready to dig next week, and the corn is tasslin. Been getting green onions and radishes for a few weeks now. Just ran through the cultivators through the new peas, beans, okra and corn first of the week. Expecting the first toms and peppers soon as well. Life is good
Sounds like your at least 2 months ahead of me. Been eating radishes and lettuce, but the rest is just getting a good start.
@Ganado How do I find the 2016 garden thread. I have tried "garden" in the search and get almost nothing.
oh you baby monkey @T. Riley *shakes head* must teach you how to use search Topic of the Month May 2016- Gardening | Survival Monkey Forums just kidding =) i had to ask @Yard Dart D for another listing 3 times last week. this site doesn't search easily =) I just search garden 2016 site:www.survivalmonkey.com
Tip for searching....add *** marks before small words. Needs at least 5 characters to search. Otherwise it will spit out common or too small words from the search box.
So I was going down into the valley to weed what I call my "duck garden" because of why it was built. Stepped over the berm and a female gambles flew up, landed a short way away, 2-3 chicks joined her, I thought that was strange, then saw the rest of the brood under a bunch of grass, probably 12+ in all, the male joined in and took charge of the chicks, I left, ... one more reason not to weed the garden,.. tomorrow I will weed the garden 20'X20'. Rancher