You May Be Strong . . . But Are You Tough?

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by Yard Dart, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. BobRenken

    BobRenken Monkey

    When i was a kid my family did tje back to the land thing. We built a house ourselves, farmed,...survived and dis it quite well. Its a great start, but STAYING prepared means teaching the children, having fun during adversity. Backpacking instead of RVing. Joining a fitness club and going several times a week instead of 4 more hours of boobtube!
    Packing and repacking the bug out bags.
    Stay alert. Anything can happen at any time theses days!
    Be ready mentally, physically and spiritually!
    Mountainman, BTPost and Yard Dart like this.
  2. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    It is good to be reminded of these things.. Complacency can creep in ..
  3. Tevin

    Tevin Monkey+++

    I can't prove it, but I have a theory that when things finally do implode, many of those who think of themselves as "tough" or "strong" will be among the first to turn to Jell-O. Likewise, those who never thought they had it in them will rise to the occasion and prove themselves as solid and dependable leaders.

    I also have a second, also unprovable but related theory that the more one talks and/or thinks about what a badass they are, the more likely it is they will be in the Jell-O bowl. To their credit, they usually (not always) have an impressive resume: Military service, good with their hands, good with guns, martial arts training, all the usual cliches. Their technical skills are often first class. But beyond looking good on paper, they are insufferably full of themselves. A big mouth comes standard on all models.

    So if you are the type who likes to tell everyone how you walked ten miles to school with no shoes...congrats to you, Jell-O boy!

    Some of the strongest, toughest people I've ever met don't know (or won't admit) how amazing they really are, and that is why when SHTF they will be more successful and respected than the guy who thinks he's the reincarnation of Superman and John Wayne and doesn't mind telling everyone about it.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2013
    chelloveck, Mountainman and tulianr like this.
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I've always been fond of those that show up and do, then disappear when the job is done and keep their yaps shut. Pay attention to those that do the work in shadows, they are the doers not the poseurs. Don't even thank them, it'll embarrass them. All they want is to be in the info loop and called when something needs done.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2013
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    You are correct Tevin in the fact that you can never judge a book by its cover. I have seen very large/strong men fail on just an obstacle course rope climb, while the unasuming wirey- smaller statured guy hang's in strong in the most grueling of situations under fire. Those that arise to the situation at hand are at times suprising, for when the time comes to step up or cower, most do not know how they will react. I hope you did not infer some of the early thread bravado of a couple of us, as Jell-O folks... as we are but old soldiers giving each other the good's, in good humor. Nothing more than good natured fun as we like to keep it here on the Monkey and not bravado to self-inflate. I know what I have done and can endure, but that has been thru that test of mettle, some of us have been subjected to due to service.

    As the thread starts, it is not about how much you can bench and how fast you can run, but more about your overall fitness and mental toughness in stressful situations. How you react to stress, sleep deprivation, various weather conditions and so on will determine how you survive. Can you pull that trigger when a bad guy comes your way.... only that moment will tell the true story. All we can do is prepare to the conditions with comparable environments and conditions. Not sitting in a gym doing arm curls in a temperature controlled room... But training, working and preparing in the environment we may find ourselves on a daily basis as a point of survival.

    Audie Murphy is a great example of my point I am was trying to make. A man that came from a simple farming background under tough conditions, which in war stepped up to be one of America's greatest hero's.

    Audie Murphy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    MOH Citation for Audie Murphy
  6. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Can not be more in agreamant with the above posts.. Any of the true "warrior" that I have had the humble honor to meet, are just that, Humble in describing their deeds. He who regales those around him with his great deeds are not to be trusted. The quiet humble man is the one to pay attention to. In my opinion of course..
  7. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Why not? Mr Rogers And Captain Kangaroo we're both very serious warriors. yes they both would prefer to entertain children.
  8. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Yes they where and that makes my point.
    Sapper John and kellory like this.
  9. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    Very well said: Put millions out in the heat in the southwest without A/C in the middle of summer. I don't care how tough you are, hundreds every year die crossing the border from Mexico. Most of them were in better shape than the majority of Americans today. You got to be smart with your choices. You are where your two feet put you. Prep why you still can, prep for family members who can't afford it.
    Bear likes this.
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Just a NOTE here: If one has done their Preps "Properly" then Strong, and Tough, are just additions, to an already Good Prep'er Setup & Lifestyle. If you are a BUG-IN type of Prep'er, just how Strong, or Tough, do you have to be, to pull a Trigger, or flip a Switch..... For those that are NOT at that level of Preps, then you have work to do. So get to it. For those that have been doing this for Generations, most just need to maintain what they have, which takes a lot less time and energy. ....... YMMV.....
    Bear, Mountainman and Dont like this.
  11. Bear

    Bear Monkey+++ Founding Member Iron Monkey

    I've been thinking a lot about this these days...

    My 15 year old Daughter shared this with me (actually forced me to watch it when I said I didn't want to watch a depressing video as she initially described it... ) as she thought it was pretty inspirational.... and it is.

    @Yard Dart posted a pretty important piece for all of us to ponder on many different levels as the discussion here reflects....
    I went back to the original post and re read the section on "Defining Toughness" and "Mental Toughness"... I firmly believe your mind is your ultimate tool... forcing yourself to imagine the unimaginable or as one of my favorite books on the subject is titled "The Unthinkable"... is good mental preparedness that without it... would render all your physical and purchased preps.... useless... IMHO

    This video and this man's story may have been posted here before... and it may be and I know it is certainly just one of many like it... (we often forget or overlook or even block these stories and the good people who live them...) but this is the one that crossed my path through my Daughter... it caused me to pause... and it was a painful pause (although I was amazed, thankful and happy that my Daughter liked it and took the time to force her old fart/out of touch/not cool Dad to watch it:0)... but the thoughts it ran through my head and the mental exercise I forced myself through... may somehow have made me just a little "Tougher"... and that could make all the difference in the world for my loved ones, family and friends someday...

    Hope you enjoy it and that it might somehow help you be "Tougher" too :0)


  12. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I want to die after having listened to just the first half of that song, Bear. :cry:

    I finally couldn't take it any more...but it was a nice effort. lol.
    Bear likes this.
  13. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    WOW. Thanks, Bear.
    Bear likes this.
  14. Bear

    Bear Monkey+++ Founding Member Iron Monkey

    @Brokor Yup... it was pretty tough to watch the first time... the second time it was tougher and after thinking about it and this thread ... the third time was the toughest... forced myself to imagine myself, my family and my loved ones in this situation... painful indeed... might just have made me a bit tougher... and for that I'm grateful to this extraordinary fellow....

    Brokor likes this.
  15. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Exactly right Dont... That inner tenacity will come out and you will survive... or if not, you will fail you & yours.
  16. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    I used to tell the son's that if someone put it together then there is a way for it to be taken apart to effect repairs..
  17. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    A smart thing to do, is to have a manual for any mechanical or technical equipment you have on hand and store it away for future reference when the internet is a thing of the past....
    Brokor and Bear like this.
  18. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Have had that discussion with friends and all the manuals on the hard drive needs to be printed and put into binders. In the mean time they are shared in electronic form .. Plus a book can be readily distroyed and far from portable.. I am working on how to build a safe and secure storage space for gear and info..
    Yard Dart and Bear like this.
  19. SemperFiSkye

    SemperFiSkye Monkey+

    Tough is a word. Smart is a perception.
    If I went back to being clay, I can't imagine being moulded any other way.
    Baked to perfection, fully grown, nobody will know the life we have known.

    The whole point is not whether it's better to be tougher, stronger OR smarter. I'm glad to be acquainted with all you tough SOBs, you dang geniuses, and you strong MFs ;D lol you make the forum fun (I wasn't aware I had to choose between the qualities; I'll just have to go on in my ignorant way, cultivating all of the above).
    The point is to challenge yourself. Deviate from the norm because I GUARANTEE no matter how hard you train/prepare/sit on your -bleep-, when SHTF you will not be prepared for everything that could/would/should/did/didn't happen. Get up every day and say, "Huh. I ran five miles yesterday...well, my kid's about 86 lb now, so let's see if I can run two and a half miles with 86 lb of flour/potatoes/what-have-you in a loose sack in my arms" (just a random example, it doesn't have to be a stamina or strength thing) OR "Pretend my bug out plan has snafu'd. One person is unaccounted for, the mode of transportation has been fu-er...flogged completely, I cannot use my dominant arm, and we need to move NOW."...not because this is likely to happen, but to challenge your mental acuity, your thought process under pressure, or anything you feel you are lacking in that you feel might need to be TOUGHENED UP.
    Great, your smart, and you're gonna wait until the crowd thins before you turtle your head out of your shell (not attacking anyone; just follow me a minute-yes, I'm being specific, but I'm pointing out why saying this will see you through isn't all it can be). Excellent plan. Well constructed and no Peter how are your mediating skills? Because no matter how smart, you need to be in the same "house" as whoever else for as long as it will take. So toughen yourself to living day in and day out with that company. Yes, you get along great, or Yes, you constantly buck heads so you'll just avoid each other within the dwelling...that shjshdhdj don't work, buddy.
    Need to challenge yourself to the opposite of what you want or opposite of what you see happening, and that's the point of toughing it out-not being a happy camper.

    I mean...if everything was going my way and I expected it to continue to do so...why would I be on this site? ;) lol
    Mountainman, Brokor, tulianr and 4 others like this.
  20. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Every day, I find myself caught up in a moment of contemplation, in an almost Zen-like state. I will be at work, with family or just shopping somewhere, and take notice of the mannerisms of others. A child eats an ice cream cone and asks mommy for something, receiving a muddled answer before the previous conversation with a friend resumes. Acquaintances and coworkers talk about their favorite television show and share recipes and gossip. They drink beverages often labeled as "healthy", but the main ingredient is often high fructose corn syrup and they are too ignorant to understand what that means. A manager or boss would mention the Superbowl with excitement or how the economy is tanking in sullen monotone, and then regard the new health care plan as necessary in a strong, defiant voice. An elderly man tries to cross the street but has dropped his bag and nobody stops to assist. Naturally, people like ourselves take the time to help. A man in his twenties talks to his friend about the new X-Box and how it's "so freaking sick!", describing every detail with enthusiasm.

    In the blink of an eye, without an ounce of delay, the entire world can change. The sooner we move out of the civilized, decadent, complacent mindset --the better. Most people are actively engaged (as zombie test clones) in mind control every day, but they are too conditioned to see it. They have been poisoned and slowly led down this road they blindly travel. Parents medicate their children because it's "what everybody is doing", but they just don't have the time to be parents at all. The youth of today will spend countless hours engaged in video game combat, dubbed "first person shooters", eagerly killing zombies, soldiers, and creatures to build up an aggressive tendency. Watch how their eyes glaze over and they become angry when forced to walk away from the console. I would say, stick around and see if they treat real life the same as they do a video game, and just shoot every person on sight, half expecting to reload and start over.

    Mental toughness in the modern era begins with tuning out, dropping out and keeping out of the control matrix.
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