Wondering what other folks thoughts on this one are....

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by Thunder5Ranch, Apr 14, 2022.

  1. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Was raised on a farm in 1940's, corn, wheat, oats, hay, barley, chickens, hogs, beef cattle, milk cows, bought seed corn and some mineral blocks and stuff to put in feed grinder, sold potatoes, eggs, milk, hogs, turkeys, beef, ect. Only bought a little chicken feed and raised the rest. Neighbors did the same. Average farm was 160 acres, lots of 40 and 80 acres ones with people who worked a "full" time outside job and supplemented that with farm. Still used horses for a lot of things and had horse drawn stuff that dated from 1880 to 1920 era's. By 1960 it was all going away, needed tractors and combines, milk coolers and fancy milking parlors. Now one farmer in area farms 4,000 acres, small milk producer has 1,000 cows, small hog farmer has 5,000 hogs, and you can drive for 10 miles and not see a farm with an animal and the barns etc were torn down to save on taxes. Corn and soy as far as you can see, no till planting in spring, fertilizer, herbicide, insecticide, etc, all summer, huge combines and picker-shellers, in fall. Have to dry the crop or it will go bad, sell to somebody, let land lay over winter, rinse and repeat. Seldom see a garden and 9 cattle are ok, get 10 and you are "commercial" and have to start jumping thru hoops. Left area and live in NH. Nothing left here for ag or animals, import about 97 % of what we eat, a very few gardens and the few small places left are usually some sort of idealistic semi hippie food co-op where no one makes any real living from it.

    Unless system totally fails, not coming back, as farm life is not most peoples choice. If you have cows, somebody has to be there morning and night, all year around to milk them, can not miss one milking without problems. Planting time and harvest time are full time, seven days a week from can see to can't see, then do the milking etc. 14 hour days with no pay, hopefully that comes after the harvest and the crops or the stock raised with the crops are sold. No one to sell eggs to or to have them graded, candled, packed, stored and sold. No slaughter houses buying 50 hogs or 10 head of beef, no store buying a few strawberries, or garden truck, etc. Can do a farmers market thing still, but prices are high and customers are few, niche market. Only a few commercial fruit and veggie operations left in state and when someone will pay $100,000 and up for a 2 acre house lot to build a $600,000 house on, they are going away as well.

    Good area to talk about, until there are changes in production and distribution, we will have a few huge producers supplying the government to distribute to those living off the government tit in the urban areas. Not a new concept, the Romans perfected it and it worked until there were not enough working Roman's left to supply those in the cities and the barbarians and no money to pay for things destroyed the system. Sounds a little like what is going on now and soon posts like this will be in tin foil hat area as the powers that be don't want the sheep to get upset, makes them hard to herd you know.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2022
  2. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    The town I live in when we first move here (pop 500) there were acres of beans, tomatoes, cucumbers. cabbage, planted stuff was harvested and sent to the local packing sheds. Over the last 40 years farms are gone -sold to developers ---packing sheds gone. Sure the property may be worth plenty to a developer but once that farm is gone it's gone forever, In my opinion the land is worth more producing food year after year. This is happening all over the country we import more and US dollars flow out of the country and we become depended on foreign sources to feed us--Makes no sense
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2022
  3. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Yeah not really a question for anyone who's paying attention. Seems pretty obvious to me.

    The local Sams Club has not had rice, ramen, some soups, and a few other items for about 2 years. The local Wallyworld has about 25% of the shelves empty. They actually moved every shelf in the store so that the isles were wider and people wouldn't notice. All local grocery stores are 'restocking' on a daily basis. Things that you used to get like OJ are hit and miss.

    Luckily we have a lot of farms, farmer markets, and local butchers, hunting, fishing, and about a years worth of food storage. I am starting to think that 2 years might be better with supplements from hunting, crops, etc.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2022
    Seepalaces, Ura-Ki, duane and 2 others like this.
  4. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Yeah lets pretend that nothing is happening. Just because they said they were going to do it doesn't mean its real. Why would we take the wealthiest and most powerful men and women in the world at their word?
    The World Economic Forum

    Seepalaces, Ura-Ki, duane and 3 others like this.
  5. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Yea,,,, me too.
    Seepalaces and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    The OJ has really stood out for me. One trip the OJ will be overflowing and the next 5 trips there will not be a bottle to be found. Also notice that there are a lot of empty holes in the shelves and even more facing the front of the shelves with a layer and nothing in the shelf cavern behind the face. Would not take much a surge in buying to = empty stores again around here.
    Gray Wolf, Seepalaces, Ura-Ki and 4 others like this.
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    It's definitely planned. And, it falls right in with why they don't give a damn about the poll numbers for the mid-term elections. I think we all better be pretty fearful because they got something planned on a grander scale and leveraging a food shortage is only part of it.
  8. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    A very good video
    Thunder5Ranch likes this.
  9. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    First, as always, I'm grateful for you chiming in. It's good for me to have an expert on board that understands the intricacies of small farming to point out facts on the ground.
    Second, I respectfully disagree about current inflation. This is entirely Biden's fault. I don't disagree that the Republicans are just as awful at overspending, but Biden's policies created giant fuel costs intentionally, as his administration said often and loud before it occurred to them there would be a political consequence. Further, Biden's statement in November that there would likely be no response to a "small incursion" on Ukraine by Russia set this whole war in action. That was all Putin needed to assume the west would either look the other way or not have the political will to do anything if he invaded. By all measures, twenty to twenty five percent of Africa was already in food instability because of drought and pestilence. Not to mention China will certainly have issues and China is also heavily dependent on Russia/Ukraine. What happens when twenty five percent of the world's wheat production is gone this year? The cost of wheat will go up dramatically. Europe already pays more for everything than we do, they won't blink at paying more for our wheat and transportation costs because it will be the only game in town. These things are entirely the fault of this administration and the idiot leading it. So, yes, the high costs are entirely the fault of the Democrats.
    Now, do you want to talk about the carryover costs of the Republican administration greatly overreacting to the pandemic? Yeah, that's certainly a kick in the bum, and all of their election year pandering yielded them precisely nothing.
  10. BlueDuck

    BlueDuck Monkey+++

    All part of the plan. Can you say Population Control?
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