Witnessed a robbery up close

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Airtime, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. TXKajun

    TXKajun Monkey+++

    Sounds like a scary experience. I think you did exactly the right thing, but maybe not for the reasons listed so far. Not sure of the ethnicity of the bad guy, but "XYZ Lives Matter" and it seems if you'd heroed up, your name would be in the papers and on tv. That would leave you, your immediate family and extended family (meaning anyone with your last name) open to some serious reprisals and lawsuits.

    He was probably just trying to get tuition money for this semester's pre-med school. *sarcasm*

    Glad you're around to make this post.

    Ganado, Airtime and Caveman Jim like this.
  2. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    @Airtime you did the correct thing. I think even had you been carrying, you would not have done anything different. The perp wanted money from the register and that was the goal. Yes, he was threatening but was it escalating to the point he may have pulled the trigger?

    The is the best line. In CCW class the goal is to move away, not engage. Drawing your weapon is the last resort, that is the end all and once dawn is for use. @Caveman Jim brought up another point, family. 50% of the time I am with one of my children. That adds another layer to the situation. If you engage while in the presence of loved ones, it puts them in danger. Had that been the situation then moving away would not have felt so helpless.
    Bandit99, Ganado, Airtime and 3 others like this.
  3. Salted Weapon

    Salted Weapon Monkey+++

    In a situation like yours and say you are armed as you know so much responsibility goes behind that point and shoot choice.
    When I was in LE training a million years ago the Sargent said when you pull that trigger don't think what your mom will think, your kids or wife will think or even your pastor or friends will think. Think what will the District Attorney think?
    Same rings true in the private sector. Not to drive up a sore subject but the Bundy's here in Oregon did not think that part thru.
    I am not arguing whether they are right or wrong, justice is not about right and wrong its about legal and not legal.
    Oh sure we all will act and hope we do the right thing but being right doesn't always keep you out of jail , or trouble.

    Sometimes the best we can do is pray and hope the man upstairs has not called our ticket number yet.
    Bandit99, TXKajun, duane and 4 others like this.
  4. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    I have been encouraged to carry when visiting WAl-Mart..But then that is not the big city like where you frequent.. And, as Idaho is a constitutional carry state, as you are aware of, I generally have a weapon close to hand at all times.. Well, except at work..
    Bandit99, Airtime and Caveman Jim like this.
  5. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Very wise words. Because from Airtime's post, he was not the one being threatened so his escalating the situation by engaging the perp could have got someone hurt and could have landed him in jail. Sometimes best intentions can go really wrong.
    Bandit99, Ganado, Airtime and 3 others like this.
  6. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    While this is Survival Monkey, we have always been a multi topic site where discussions of all current events is allowed. We see in every election cycle the prolific posting of political themed threads. While it gets tiring at times it always subsides after the election. We have been here through three presidential election cycles thus far. This isn't our first go around. There are many who come here strictly for the survival topics, and that is our main theme. But to limit the site to only "beans and bullets" topics would soon result in a drop in membership and possibly the end of the site. We have seen this many times over the years. A lot of one topic sites have closed and their members migrate here. And then want us to copy the style of their failed site. We are Survival Monkey and we are a successful site and that is due in no small measure to our light moderation and adherence to freedom of speech.
    We do strive to keep a clean house and there are forums for nearly any topic. We try to keep the political ones in the forum "Politics". If a member is tired of the political posts then simply don't go to that forum. There is also an "ignore" feature that can be utilized if any member simply does not want to read anything from a certain other member. None of their posts will be visible to you. Some members use this feature to enhance their enjoyment of the site.
    Ganado, RightHand, duane and 4 others like this.
  7. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Oh and by the way, good job Airtime, you did exactly right. There is a time and place to act and a time and place not to. The wise know the difference.
    Ganado, Airtime and Caveman Jim like this.
  8. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I think because he did not have him weapon on him, that is one of his questions. Would that have been the time or the place to utilize his weapon?
    Airtime likes this.
  9. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    IMO only, I would have pulled if he had threatened me directly or popped off a round at anybody nearby. Crossing that line has to be distinct.... "I feared for my life and the lives of the people around me.. I had no option but to protect those in danger".
  10. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    My opinion is that unless lives were in serious and immediate danger he did exactly right, even if he had a weapon. First money and credit cards etc. can be replaced, life can't. Second, as mentioned, collateral damage is a real possibility in a stressful situation within close quarters. Even highly trained people sometimes wound or kill innocent bystanders.Third the laws are so vague in many places that it could be you that ends up in handcuffs. A store owner in my state was being robbed by two teens with a gun, he pulled his out and exchanged fire chasing one off and wounding the other. The wounded man still had his weapon and according to the shop owner, he believed was trying to get up, so he shot him again. He sits in prison today for not taking any chances and firing the second time.
    Airtime and Salted Weapon like this.
  11. Salted Weapon

    Salted Weapon Monkey+++

    Thanks, I try and look at thing in a logical survivable way, sure we all would want to go all Rambo and would either die or kill and innocent.
    Collateral damage is not an option when in a neighborhood and is not accepted by the public as acceptable losses :)
    Minuteman, Airtime and Motomom34 like this.
  12. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Some states have stupid laws when it comes to self defense!!!
    Ganado and Airtime like this.
  13. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    I’ll add a bit to the story and a lesson or two driven home a good bit more.

    When I slunk back away from the counter area, the girl stocking shelves that I told. “go, go, go” was now leading a bit as we negotiate the aisle away. There was a fork and one could go left or go right down other aisles. She went right. I saw that this was going to have more exposure to the gunman and if he looked right, he’d see us and we would be in the open a good way down the aisle and all he needed to do was move a few feet and would have a shot all the way down a long aisle. I didn’t like that risk.

    I went left.

    Now understand I am the kind of guy that when we sit in a restaurant, I may ask my wife or daughter to change seats and have even asked for different tables so I can have a good vantage point on what is happening in the restaurant. When I fly on commercial airliners I know exactly how many rows forward or backwards will get me to an exit door so I can find it if smoke clogs the place, my eyes are burning and I have to feel my way to a door.

    I went left.

    Little did I realize that left was a short aisle into the cosmetic and hair care area of this dollar convenience store that was basically a cul-de-sac, it just looped around a set of display shelves and came right back out where I went in. If the gunman came that way I was trapped. Fortunately he didn’t. I was looking at the shelves, trying to see which ones to climb over if needed. Like Marlas I looked for the biggest items to be able to throw (bottles of shampoo just didn’t cut it in my mind.) I was feeling even more helpless and thinking, “you dumbass…” Now was thinking should I make a dash down the right aisle or wait. The situation was more stable up front and the gunman more situationally aware and in control.

    Generally, I tend to be situationally moderately to fairly aware. My guard had been down. I had ventured into a part of the store I didn’t ever visit (I don’t generally wear much make-up ;-) I probably could have initially dashed down the aisle following the employee maybe unnoticed by the gunman as there was some commotion at the register and he was focused on the clerk. But after I went left, that opportunity was likely gone. He also looked eager to get out, I stood fast out of view until he left.

    A couple lessons:

    1. Pay attention to where the folks run that work in a place or the folks you have high confidence know their way around. Give extra consideration to following them when fleeing, they have essentially practiced it many times.

    2. Always know of several alternative ways out and routes to get there.

    Some good thoughts and considerations being offered. I appreciate the discussion and well wishes that I am still able to post here. Thank you.

  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    If you see a fire alarm handle, might be a good diversion ---
    Caveman Jim and Airtime like this.
  15. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I do not know, that could be the thing that escalates the situation from a robbery to a murder. Maybe it is the access to news or what but I think people do not value life as much as they used to. I think some inner city folks have nothing to loose. Plus fire alarm would add noise that would make it hard to hear what was going on
    Ganado and Airtime like this.
  16. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Fire alarm pull stations are positioned at doors of egress. It allows you to pull the alarm as you exit to safety.... in this case, safety from the shooter, but also triggering an alarm for the public safety folks to come to the site.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
    Caveman Jim and Airtime like this.
  17. Bishop

    Bishop Monkey+++

    My sister used to manage a gas station in Ohio, she was robbed at gunpoint and talked smack to the guy the whole time and followed him out, said if she had her gun she would have shot him.

    My response you are an idiot, 1st money not worth dying over, 2nd it not yours and 3rd, you work in a gang area, was most likely a gang member and if you did kill him its not easy living with, 4th if it was a gang member the retaliation that would follow and what would happen later.
    Caveman Jim, Yard Dart and Airtime like this.
  18. Bishop

    Bishop Monkey+++

    Oh carry a slingshot they get over looked all the time.
  19. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    DANG , what HH are you living in ??
    Today I was pissed because one of these was taking a on street parking spot > [​IMG]

    Keys were left in it !!! THE NERVE !!

    Edit Add ;
    AT , ya did the right .
    Know your battles & the predicted outcome .
    all fingers , two xtra leakers from not knowing above
  20. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I am in downtown metro Seattle, Everett and into Tacoma often for work... I follow city rules when I am out and about.... ;)
    Just recently I had a homeless woman block me on a sidewalk and demanded I give her a $100.... that was a first. I have seen much on the downtown visits... we have one hell of a homeless issue round these parts. I have been trailed by some till they decided I might be someone to walk on by....
    Have had two guys walk onto an elevator with me in a parking garage.... and when they notice the hand behind the jacket near the belt line, beat feat as soon as the elevator opens, tells you a lot of their intentions. I operate in the jungle, though I live in the country... your tactics daily should not change no matter where you are IMO.
    Tully Mars, AD1, Bandit99 and 2 others like this.
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