
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Clyde, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    While you might not be interested in my response, I am going to answer anyway so others can learn.

    I fully agree that every woman and man should know how to defend themselves and not expect law enforcement or anyone else to come to their rescue but rape prevention is far more than learning self-defense. We differ on a few other things. First and foremost, the best defense is leaning how to avoid being vulnerable to an attack but even with diligence, attacks do happen. Sometimes by a stranger and sometimes by one known to or related to the victim. Those cases in particular go under reported. As for a firearm or blade as a defense, a weapon does no good when it is tucked inside a pocketbook. Most states don't allow for open carry so where exactly is a woman supposed to keep her weapon that it will be ready in 1.5 seconds from the moment she realizes what is happening? When it is a know person, most (not all but most) hesitate to pull the trigger even when the opportunity exists. This is a human response.

    My main disagreement with your original post is branding the victim a "tart." Some women make poor choices when it comes to being vulnerable but that in no way equates to being a "tart." I'm sure that at least one time in your life you made a decision, or a non-decision, that you later regretted because of the outcome. Does that mean that you deserved the consequence or that you merely had to accept them.

    It's all find and dandy to sit in an easy chair and pontificate about rape and it's victims but no one should ever equate that with understanding the real violence and aftermath of an attack.
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