Why you should keep shooting

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Gruesome as those slash wounds appear they aren't physically disabling...no reason he couldn't have unloaded all his mags into mack the knife unless he was slashed across the carotids or some othe relatively shallow major artery, or severing tendons he should still be mechanicaly functional ...
  2. gillman7

    gillman7 Monkey+++

    Once again, "I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6"

  3. dukenukum

    dukenukum Monkey+++

    I was always told and trained to shoot until they are out of your sight picture
    when they hit the ground reload they may in some cases get back up .
  4. Stratovarius

    Stratovarius Monkey+++

    In a zombie horde SHTF situation, you are probably in the red zone ALL of the time if you are outside your retreat/home. But you can't be that way 24/7.

    ...Just another reason why a survivalist needs friends.
  5. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    What I mean by that is there was no aparent reason for him to stop shooting as the knifewounds, though grisly would not have mechanically stopped himfrom continuing to empty his mags onthe knifeguy..
  6. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    There varying levels of "tactical awareness" :)
    [troll] oh btw( no offense)...there's no such thing as "zombies" outside of a hollywood sound stage, In a "zombie horde situation" I always go back out to the lobby and geta refill onthe the giant tub o'corn with extra butter flavoring please. You're talking about wading duke nukem like through your neighbors ( somebodies mommies and daddies :), Who may or may not have comitted capitol offenses. Perhaps leaving some people around to help hand cultivate all that unused interstate may come in handy..[dunno].[sawgunner][boozingbuddies]
  7. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Just MHO but I could foresee, especialy in heavily populated areas or those along egress routes from heavily populated areas, a short time following a major SHTF situation where the turds would have to be scooped out of the gene pool. Basicly when a lot of otherwise normal peacful folkswould be thinking they were entitled to whatever anyone else had simply because they didnt have anything and when the folks who were not so peacful before would decide it was time for them to cut loose while 'the man' was distracted or gone. So could see where there might be a very unplesant time where those 'mommys and daddys' would become attackers you would either deal with acordingly or find any preperations you had made gone and yourself in a position to be on the other side of an attack to get food and supplies or starving.

    So while I dont figure it would go on indefinatly ( folks would learn pretty quick that wasnt the way to go or would be removed from the gene pool fairly quick) I figure the 'zombie hord' senario isnt at all unrealistic, just look at the way folks responded in NO after Katrina.
  8. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Just trying to keep alittle reality check ( I know "mommieas and daddies" was a "namby-pamby" kumbaya term..) If they attack they are looters and threatening my families survivalthey can discuss their lack of preparation with mr. remington 870 ( my "turd scooper")...if they are with kids or injured[dunno]depends if I had any coffee left that morning...
  9. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I know what you're saying, I was just also trying to kind of toss in the reality (IMHO) that when/if things go that bad it most likely would not be the 'mutant zombie bikers' we think about that would be the most likely threat but rather the unprepaired people who are simply trying to get what they need for them and their families to survive to late in the game when the only way/place to get it is from those who already have it for their own. Its something I think a lot of us forget (and probably like me want to forget) that those are the folks we would most likely be forced to defend against. A situation where no one on either side of it is 'evil' both parties are just trying to survive and the other party is an obstical to that primal goal. A situation where even if able to blind ones self to it it would likely be just as stated, fighting against and potentialy haveing to kill parents simply trying to feed their kids because the only food they are seeing is what you have for your own kids.
  10. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I have a weakness for the movies of the undead. I find them entertaining, scary funny. [pop] However, they don't come into play in my preps. Except for maybe stashing a few zombie movies away to kill time, but I do watch out for the MZB's. [troll] [sawgunner]
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