Why Prepare?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by DarkLight, May 6, 2015.

  1. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    I LOVED Wyoming when I live down there.. My grandparent's didn't know anything about "prepping".. They just stocked up for the winter...Or putting away something extra for when the union grandpap belonged to would go on strike...
    Erskine you say?? Hmm...
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yep.... Stanley Erskine was my GrandPap....
  3. lonewolf89

    lonewolf89 Monkey

  4. lonewolf89

    lonewolf89 Monkey

    i could probably put together another top ten list to answer this question, but i won't. "why prep?" , before answering that question one should ask "what am i most afraid of?" and build from there. i see prepping as a way of getting the jump on hard times down the road. what other things do we prep for? there's retirement, medical , home, and life insurance, these too are all forms of prepping.
    the boy scouts and coast guard both have on thing in common- the same motto: be prepared. although the coast guard's is in latin: semper paratus, which means always (be) prepared
    sarawolf, GhettoPass and NotSoSneaky like this.
  5. sarawolf

    sarawolf Monkey+++

    I lived without a lot of my youth, but being a daughter of a mom and dad of the great 1930's depression I knew how to do many things my peers didn't. I've been hungry and not knowing where the next meal was coming from. Knowing how to cook many things others wouldn't even think about saved my bacon many a time. I lived many places with no indoor plumbing even in the mid 1960's. Winter is the hardest with that one and having that chamber pot under the bed, it HAS to have a lid lol. We're talking Wisconsin and 45 below zero or more at night.
    When hubby and I married we could make a penny scream and had to, but he had a pretty good job for then, and one of the things we made sure of, especially after joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the wisdom of having extra tucked away and not just food but alternate ways of heating, cooking and etc. I had already done some of that as dh hunted and we preserved the bounty. I could can and loved learning how to tan leather and many other old things. My mom taught us how to skin and cut up meat as she did that since she was a child.
    We have used these preps for times of illness, high unexpected bills with no extra money to shop, or and natural disasters and no way to go buy anything. While others were freezing in great ice storms we were snug, warm and fed. So one has to take a spit bath, big deal.
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