Why Mac Sucks - Don't Choose Apple

Discussion in 'GNU/Linux' started by Brokor, May 4, 2017.

  1. stg58

    stg58 Your message may have been removed or altered. Founding Member

    Very cheap. The "powerwash" feature which wipes and resets is handy like a Windows reformat and reload did.

    Private? No.
    Secure? Not so much.
    mysterymet and Brokor like this.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    That is why I like my iPad, and iPhone... I do NOT use the fingerprint feature to LogIn on either device, I only use the Six Character LogIn, with the COMPLETE WIPE Feature, if 10 Wrong Tries happen, ENABLED... I also, NEVER use iCloud, and ONLY backup to my iMac, with encrypted Backups.... I am able to RELOAD either device, over the Internet, via an Encrypted VPN Tunnel, if I happen to be traveling, or need to bring up a NEW Device.... It has ALWAYS, been my Policy, Not to rely on ANYONE, Outside my Family, or two trusted partners, for ANY IT Support... But that is JUST ME, YMMV....
    mysterymet likes this.
  3. fmhuff

    fmhuff Monkey+++

    The truth is unless you need a particular OS for specific applications and use your device simply as an internet appliance any of the aforementioned OS's will do. I've used them all and now have Windows on one laptop and Ubuntu Budgie on the other. Using the Chrome browser and yahoo email I can hardly tell the difference.
  4. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson Monkey+++

    I still wish the Linux world would come up with a modern version of something like Lindows. A great idea that fizzled way to soon. Wine is good for some things, but not enough to make a permanent switch. I do use Mint when I can, but it is a pain to shut down and switch drives all the time so on certain boxes I end up running mostly windoz.

    Mac and their propriety hardware was just never an option back when I started learning about computers in the early 90s. I have built many pc boxes from cast off scraps others have thrown out. Most any warm weekend in my ao you can hit half a dozen yard sales and find enough cast off boxes to build something working for just a few bucks. Church sales are even better. You just can't do that with a Mac.

    I have heard now days Macs are using pc hardware, Intel chips and such. I just see no good reason to adopt the os, I don't see anything it can do better than Linux or windoz.
    Tempstar likes this.
  5. Lone Gunman

    Lone Gunman Draw Varmint!

    There’s a lot of truth in this thread. I should know, too! After 22 years working on Windows-based computers, I finally switched; and I’ve been using a very expensive (Read, ‘overpriced ’) iMac computer for the past 2 1/2 years — That’s not 1, not 2, but 3 full-blown, major operating system upgrades; and what really annoys me the most is that the original ‘Maverick ’ operating system has turned out to be the most trouble-free and ‘non-cobbled together ’ operating system of them all!

    What is the biggest disappointment I’ve had with Apple? Well, I (foolishly) listened to the young kid who was my, ‘Apple Genius ’ salesman when I bought my iMac; and I, also, bought just enough RAM rather than as much as could be stuffed 'under the hood'.

    Why? ’ Because my, ‘Apple Genius ’ assured me that for, what I very clearly told him I was doing on a computer, I already had more than enough RAM; and, besides, I could always add more at anytime I chose to do so, and, the additional cost to me would be, at most, only a couple of hundred dollars more.

    Well, as things turned out, what that little ‘Apple Genius’ hadn’t taken into consideration was the fact that: The work I usually do on a computer IN COMBINATION WITH all of the other ancillary programs and apps that an iMac typically runs would, and did, eat up all of the available RAM that kid had assured me I’d be OK with! Then, the first time I called Apple to purchase more memory ....... Bingo! Lies, damned lies, and more damned lies!

    Oh, I’m sorry, ‘Mr. Gunman’; but, with your particular iMac, you ‘ can’t get there from here!’ ‘No can do for you on your machine — Sorry!

    — ‘But, but, ‘ Mr. Senior Apple Engineer’ I dropped over 3 grand on your great new computer machine; and, besides, the salesman told me ....... !

    I hear ya! I really do; and I understand; but, unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do for you, here, on my end of the transaction!

    It turned out that, during the manufacturing period in which my iMac was built, the factory had (I think brilliantly!) decided to hardwire the RAM modules into the motherboard; and, instead of costing me only a hundred dollars, or so, to upgrade my RAM by simply plugging in another module, I would have had to spend around a thousand dollars (or more) in order to obtain the increased memory capacity that I required.

    (Damn that kid! This was the first time in many years that I decided to trust a salesman’s representations at face value; and look what he went and did to me!)

    Apple has also taught me that just because they give you the next ‘new and improved ’ operating system for free, does NOT mean that what you're getting is a better, faster, or more useful operating system over the one they have also — and irrevocably — written over and taken away!

    Most annoying of all, numerous features in any of the subsequent operating system upgrades have turned out to be cobbled together, less functional, less easy-to-use versions of the former Apple programs. I don’t know exactly ‘What ’ Apple is improving; (transparency, maybe?) but I do know that I would be happy if I never saw another ‘improved’ Apple operating system or program, again, for as long as I’m stuck with my present machine.

    Oh, one more thing: Anybody who uses Apple’s ‘iCloud Technology ’ is, in my considered opinion, a fool; and I have found Apple Tech Support’s numerous and repeated little tricks to get me to subscribe to, and/or use their ‘iCloud Technology ’ very annoying. Originally I thought I was paying all of that money for a: better, simpler, more graphic, more virus-free, and easier-to-use computer with LEGENDARY and completely free tech support; but, for a fact, this is definitely NOT what I got!

    Just like so much other civilian 21 century technologies, Apple iMac computers, their included programs, and much too frequently changed operating systems are, quite literally, ‘flying by the seat of their pants ’. Some of the computer programs work well enough; but, so far, I’d say none of them really work all that well. Different a typical Apple iMac upgrade is; but better than the last upgrade? At the very best, I’d say only marginally so!

    The streaming video is cool; the background YouTube music is pleasant to have; but the internet radio programs have, of late, started to become all crapped up with constant commercials just like the normally broadcast radio programs have been for many years.

    The fait accompli for me, though, came when I discovered that foreign hackers (ComBloc, Turkey, or China, I don't know?) were holding ALL of Apple's iCloud user information up for ransom! Apparently these international cyber-thieves want Apple to pay them millions of dollars in bitcoins; or else they will release the: names, addresses, bank accounts and other personal information on anyone — ANYONE — who was ever been either ingenuous, or trusting enough to use Apple's highly insecure iCloud technology! (This is a very real extortion threat that Apple has been, of late, completely silent about!)

    As an added bonus these people, whoever they are, have also threatened to wipe clean everyone's Apple i-devices: iMac computers, iPhones, iPads, whatever! :unsure:
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
    Brokor and Homer Simpson like this.
  6. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    I have an IPhone and 2 IPads. Gave away a Macbook though. It just handicapped me too much as most of what I did needed a Windoze based program.
  7. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Linux Mint does everything and much more than Windows already.
    Yes, that's the inescapable reality of software licensing in the modern age. We will probably NEVER see Microsoft turn away from their .NET stranglehold on software enterprising since it's the very backbone to their fortune. Linux can only do so much without risking system security or opening the door to the juggernaut corporate collective. People either have to forget about the corporate executable software dependency and accept open source as the standard, or suck it up and dual boot. As a caveat, for every Windows based program out there, something similar exists in the free world of open source. One just has to acclimate to the changes and sometimes accept it's not the exact same. For example, Gimp is a very good image editing program (free - open source) and it does a good job at replacing Adobe Photoshop (expensive corporate version) but it just doesn't quite satisfy every need I have because I've got many years invested in Photoshop.
  8. Homer Simpson

    Homer Simpson Monkey+++

    I agree for the most part that Linux will do anything windoz will, except mainstream games and some specialized software. The program for my automotive scan tool.is an example. I could probably run it with wine, if I could afford the resource overhead. The laptop that runs that is not the latest and greatest with limited resources by today's standards, so I run that with windoz. I need it to run when I need it to run if you know what I mean. I have found most automotive software in general works better with windoz.
    Brokor likes this.
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