Why learn Morse code?

Discussion in 'Survival Communications' started by DKR, Dec 10, 2017.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I see the use of CW as allowing low power (QRP) operation away from the house. A plus is simple equipment. For some time, my primary CW rig was the MFJ-9200.

    OTOH, with a NUE-PSK modem, you can use an existing SSB rig for PSK-31 - and the same set of paddles used fr CW. I have one of these for my existing FT-817.
    I just added a 300Hz mechanical filter and it made a world of improvement for both CW and PSK-31.

    I went one further and picked up a Elecraft KX-2 - it will do SSB, CW (with a really nice adj filter) - and as a native mode that will do PSK-31 and RTTY using the paddles for input.

    I now believe PSK-31 aces out CW for low power/high noise - and the newer FT-8 based modes do even better. These newer digital mode require a PC of some sort, where the KX-2 has everything in the software.
    KX2 Transceiver

    Do a search using "SOTA" to see some really great videos of folks working from a mountaintop with minimal gear....

    Dunno about the Zombie Apocalypse, but working DX out of a backpack with a small rig, a wire antenna and a set of paddles is great fun.
    Like this -

    100mW QRPp SSB SOTA Activation (EA8/LA-010) - Самые популярные видео
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
    Motomom34 likes this.
  2. I'm don't have enough knowledge on the subject to give input here. But I do have 2 printable cards that could be of use to those who wish to learn code. so here they are. just save pic. and print. morse code in 1 minute. morsecode.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  3. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    you're not going to learn to send or receive code from that. you could take a half hour to decode something once, but you're not learning. I like this
    Just Learn Morse Code
    Motomom34 likes this.
  4. familycoyote

    familycoyote Monkey

    cw works always special in difficult situations when propagation is poor you can make contacts in cw and with less rf power we can make contacts.
  5. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 On Hiatus Banned

    I had great difficulty learning morse code..but kept at it....and slowly I passed the 5WPM goal...

    Again I kept at it and passed the 13 WPM goal....I was stunned to realize I was getting better at it.

    But you know....I wanted to see if I could pass the 20 WPM goal and kept at it...,just to see if I could do it.

    Morse Code was always intimidating to me...but like many things ...if you keep at it you learn.

    For me it was did I have the right stuff so to speak.

    Oh...I could have waited until they dropped the Morse requirement but something in me wanted to know if I could do it.

    Same with learning to reload my own ammo....could I do it. Did I have "The Right Stuff!!??"

    Same with lockpicking/shimming....locks...could I do it and eventually make my own picks...and shims.

    My point is ...if you dig in and learn.....you can teach yourself lots of skills....many useful in a SHTF/prepping situation...

    The olde timers in this shipyard taught me to modify certain tools to expand their capabilities and even at times do some jobs for which they were not originally designed.....

    Sometimes this is called thinking outside the box.....but you members decide for yourselves...and for your reasons...

    Many of us are a type of Shepard...tending to our flock.....which is sufficient reason...to learn new skills and ways of thinking..

    Most of the time our sheep in our flock...do not want to know how we did it....they just want it done..........sound familiar??????

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Tempstar likes this.
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