Why Are You Prepping?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by TXKajun, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Jewels

    Jewels Monkey+

    Why do I prep?

    Life is hard these days and it is comforting to know that you can control some of the pitfalls if you plan ahead instead of reacting to the crisis.

    What parent can look at the child that depends on them and say I was too lazy or too stupid to show you how we survive (and thrive) in this crazy world.

    If the SHTF who knows if any of us will survive, but it is nice to know we can learn to have a bearable life instead of being among the panicked masses.

    Prepping isn't just about storing food away or buying ammo (even though that is important). It is about SKILLS. (teaching, learning and sharing them)
  2. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I've finally decided why someone should prep.
    Because God (alternatively Allah, Jehova, Yehwah, Mother Creator) helps them that help themselves.
  3. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Well done Grasshopper
    TheyCall MeBruce likes this.
  4. Defiant_River

    Defiant_River Monkey

    We have always prepared in case of extended power outage or some natural disaster. The last several years we've really looked at the breakdown of society and what we can do to keep ourselves together.
    We put up a lot of food every year and always put back household items and medicines. I doubt we can always be 100% ready for everything but we are working it every day.
    BTPost likes this.
  5. Mangokitty

    Mangokitty Monkey

    We prep because we want to make sure we can protect and provide for our children no matter what kind of event happens regardless if it's weather or SHTF stuff.
    BTPost likes this.
  6. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Easy answer? I'm a Boy Scout that never really gave it up.

    Really, my dad was a prepper of sorts...one of the 2 big lessons he taught me was to be as ready as I could for anything that might happen...with "ANYTHING" in capital letters.

    If I come up against something and I am ready and do everything I can and it still "gets" me, I still go out fighting. If I am hit by something I'm not ready for, I just die of stupid.

    I spent a lot of years since then working for the government and don't trust them even a little bit...and most of the other governments I have seen are, at best, damn near as crazy as ours.

    Actually, I'm at a point right now where the odds of me making it through a TEOCAWKI/TEOTWAWKI "event" are slim and 1-2 year survival would involve miracles (due to health issues that will improve somewhat over time...if there IS time). However, one of the things I smile about a lot is that my wife, my kids and my grandkids will have a fighting chance.

    Prepping is what you DO...

  7. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Because I like to eat... :D
  8. I have been a Survivalist since the 70's.

    Before that it was just good sense to put up a pantry / root cellar for the next year to carry you through to the growing season. Came from Mom and Dad growing up in the Depression and my Grandmother.

    I resent the way the gooberment controled media painted Survivalist as a dirty word, so everyone switched to "prepper".

    I guess I still prepare to survive because it was how I was raised.

    I guess the concerns I have mostly stem from those PC folks who made survivalist a dirty word.

    Rule 1.: I like living free, and believe that my right to do stuff extends right up to another individuals right to do stuff.

    rule 2.: I believe that the only moral way for people to interact is by free fair trade; by mutual agreement; to mutual benefit; without the presence of fear force and fraud.

    Anyone violating those beliefs, they are among the big reasons why I am a survivalist.

    I also believe their is not way to break a law (I.E. Gravity always works, and nothing will change it.)

    The rest is policy / scribbles on paper, often enforced at the point of a gun by those who would be king, and are probably violating rule 1 & / or 2.

    At this point in time I feel the reasons for being prepared are legion,

    There will always be natural disasters, local ones are bad, huge ones can be extinction events.

    There will always be man made disasters and events by those who would be tyrannical despots that threaten the natural rights of individuals, many of which are secured by the Constitution.

    Today I would say the most likely problem will be war, government tyranny, and monetary collapse. In my AO the most likely natural disaster would be a flood or a tornado.

    Short of a comet hitting earth or a nuclear war I believe I have my bases covered as well as I can with the resources I have.

    Nuclear war is at best a combination of maybes, knowledge and a ton of good luck to survive.
    Cruisin Sloth and tulianr like this.
  9. While flippiant, I wanted to add

    I prepare, because being caught unprepared sucks.

    NO matter the event.
  10. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    I prep because number 1, I live on the gulf coast. Hurricanes and idiots will abound when one happens. They may not become MZBs though in the rush to evacuate, I would rather be supplied and sitting pretty. Though with my occupation, I will be on hand showing idiots where to go to get out of dodge and trying to save people. The second reason I prep is because times are tough. You have to try and stretch everything you can to make it through. I have heard people say, once cigs make it to 4 or 5 dollars a pack, they will quit. With gas prices up, and my unit it about 30 miles away, my expense is becoming a headache. So prep with a bike. Maybe a scooter. Third reason is that my dream is to be totally self-sufficient. Why allow others to take care of me, when I can do so for myself? Too many want to be taken care of in this day and age.

    I once did an experiment. A female friend of mine "took care of me" for a week. To me it was the most humiliating, horrible existence that I have endured so far. Took a week off from work, she paid bills and I "sat around the house". Sucked for me and I know it put weight on her. Couldn't see how others can even live that lifestyle. Playas, mooches, and those hooked up to the government IV just don't impress me at all.

    Self-sufficiency, peace of mind and stretching the worthless dollar. Reasons for prepping.
  11. davidsdesire

    davidsdesire Monkey

    i agree with the PP who said 'because He helps those who help themselves'. People make me think of the old joke about the man on the roof in a flood.

    My grandparents canned, dried, froze, smoked and fermented their harvest so they'd have something to eat thru the winter. When did we stop thinking we had to plan past our next can of Chef Boyardee???

    I like knowing that i won't be in trouble with the next ice storm/windstorm/blizzard hits here...not to mention the other doomsday scenarios.
    jms21y likes this.
  12. usmcvet

    usmcvet Monkey+

    Well put.

    I still remember watching Fox news following Katrina an a reporter interviewing a woman walking into the super dome empty handed. When asked why she responded quickly that the Govt. would take care of her. Scary thought.
  13. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I prep because i've alway's had my ass kicked by Huricane's...and the Gooberment will save me .!!!
    Oh..Wait a minute...Damn it...I must be Brainwashed...S.O.B...!!!
    There was no Fema in 65'..to help during Betsy...?
    When was this Corn of Utopia savortism Born...??

    Sorry...I have my own language...But not really sorry...hahaha...
    jms21y likes this.
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    If she had anything to carry in, she probably wouldn't have gone there in the first place. The mind set was pretty clear, yeddy?
    jms21y likes this.
  15. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    repping is a piece of mind to me !

    Its a comfort thing nowing everything will be ok for the most part...
  16. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    I sleep much better with beans,bacon,and bullets under the bed.A plus for the better half is it keeps me from blowing my SS check down at the domino hall.
    jms21y likes this.
  17. Beano

    Beano Monkey

    I have always had a healthy measure of self-sufficiency ingrained in my being. When I was a kid, I would go into the woods and build a fort and stock it with plenty of BBs for my Daisy and MREs from the surplus store. In these dismal times, I see it as the most important kind of insurance. It feels good knowing that because of relatively small efforts, I will be eating, wearing dry and clean clothes, wiping my bum with TP, defending myself, and staying warm....all without relying on someone else.

    For all of the varying degrees of prepping, there is one common denominator: we are all seen by the sheep as crazy people. It is one of the most mind-boggling things; that planning ahead to care for yourself and your loved ones is an act of lunacy. I never hope for the worst to happen, but sometimes, I irrationally want those people to be proven wrong. The way things are headed, they probably will be at some point.
  18. Beano

    Beano Monkey

    Very good point! My ole lady thinks I'm nuts, but she admitted that she won't think so when the SHTF and she has warm food and a man with guns in the house. I told her it's going to feel a hundred times better when she gets real good at handling those guns as well.
  19. Beano

    Beano Monkey

    aaaaaaand I neglected part of your original post....winter storms are probably the most common thing here in the midwest that would cause me to shift into action mode. Apart from that, collapse of economy and basic social fabric is my most feared scenario and is chiefly what drives my prep planning.
  20. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    this is an interesting post it goes with the one i started earlier "what have you been threw"
    I went threw Katrina {not in NOLA}.and know several people who spent days on there roof tops and days in the super dome ... If you have been threw several hurricanes and several false alarm cat4 hurricanes y not stay in the city and ride it out ...No 1 new the city was going to flood or that a hooper barge was going to go threw a levee...
    As we all say bugging out is a last resort so these people chose to ride it out...
    ok so what should they have done ...

    What would all of the survival experts or "experienced preppers " have done ...
    It seems we all use Katrina as a great example and talk a bunch of crap about what we seen on the dredge report or on the news ...Yes i know people who had guns taken and i new people who were contracted to take guns bla bla bla...

    but what was the real problem with the govt responce ?
    did anyone die from starvation or lack of water ...
    what was the real problem ????
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