Why Are You Prepping?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by TXKajun, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. rsbhunter

    rsbhunter Monkey+


    As a fellow S.E. New Mexico resident, some of the reasons that a person may want to have "extras" on hand, as well as survival supplies range from grass fires, that can range into the tens of thousands of acres..to something as simple as a water shortage.....It may not be as big a problem in other parts of the U.S. , but in New Mexico, clean , potable water is not a given! There are small towns that their water supply has been deemed unfit to drink by the health dept....Winds that are capable of flipping semi trailers can cause havoc with power lines, and, like last year, there were whole counties that had no natural gas (during one of the worst cold snaps) because of a valve problem, or poor planning (depend on which theory you believe). Can catastrophic things happen ? Of course, but if something of the nuclear range happens, and your close enough to be with in the fall out range, nothing short of an underground bunker, will help you survive even a few weeks, long term survival, even Vegas won't give odds on...But plan on what you think is worst case scenario, and hope you covered all the bases....Like i said before, HOPEFULLY, in 100 years, people will be around to laugh at us for being prepared....rsbhunter [peep]
  2. Wolfgang2000

    Wolfgang2000 Monkey++

    I grew up in hurricane country, Having hurricanes supplies was just normal. This mind set was reinforced in the Boy Scouts, and my military stay in Alaska.

    Without worrying about terrorist, fiscal collapse, or nuclear attack, just about every area of this country has 3 or more natural events that can cause the infrastructure to go down. Being ready to replace or do without said infrastructure just makes since, from a husband/father view point.

    PS On the nuclear attack angle. I was in a Catholic grade school during the Cuban missile crises. We were required to bring 3 days of can goods an a blanket for each student. We were also given dog tags. We also had duck and cover drills.
  3. GamecockOperator

    GamecockOperator Monkey++

    As a recent noob poster, And after reading this entire thread as i have tended to be more a lurker than a poster i felt like i should post up on this thread.

    I am not what is considered a great prepper, however, im trying,and im doing what i can as funding, and family permit. I know my old lady thinks im crazy for it but as im a former eagle scout, i tend to adhere to the "be prepared motto" that you all have mentioned so many times.

    I dont per sae think i prep for the "doomsday" event. Although some of my prepping can be thought to be for that. I think that in any time, be it todays day or that of my forefathers, that having extra plans, food, clothing, and necessities is just good common sense. If you cannot provide for yourself and your family, you have large problems, regardless of the era.

    I would like to think that the reason why i prep is just because i dont like to be caught with my pants down, and that i would like to survive / help my loved ones survive. I feel that 2 is good 4 is better of most things as many of you do as well. I was practically raised by my grandfather (wwII generation) and like to think i have picked up some of his older generations common sense and logic. It seems to me today, many folks my age (mid 30's) are so clueless at how close they are to being totally screwed that there would be all sorts of dead and issues if something happened and i dont want myself, or my loved ones to be part of that statistic, and lets face it, the way this country has been ran within the last 40 or 50 or 60 years, we have a lot to be worried about. :(

    As for the fema camp /rex 84 poster, Please post more of that in depth. I had no idea till i googled rex84 what it was.

    thanks, and thanks to you all for being such a great community here. I look forward to posting more, and being more involved here as time progresses.

    STANGF150 and pcw907 like this.
  4. Lucky Johnson

    Lucky Johnson Monkey

    Hmmm... Why wouldn't I prep? There are many reasons to do it. Some most would consider logical and others would probably raise a few eyebrows and label me as a crazy that needs to tighten the tin foil. Let's see...

    1. I live in the so called sunshine state. Need I say more?

    2. The price of gas is going up, and therefore, the price of food as well. The job market is looking pretty bleak. Before long who can really afford groceries?

    3. The global economy is going to hell in a hand basket. People all over the world are rioting against their governments. It won't be long before America falls in our current state of things.

    4. And the rest would make me a fruit cake...lol
  5. [peep]I prep because I'm a fruitcake...[tinfoil101]
  6. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    I prep because I've met Mother Nature a few times. Although she cut off the power; we lived rather well for a week or so.
    Alpha Dog, Gator 45/70 and BTPost like this.
  7. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I am prepping for the zombie apocalypse.

    Actually a number of more realistic scenarios.
    1) Tornado/Wildfire. Both common to my area. Last summer we had several bad wildfires with one resulting in a short term evac.

    2) Severe weather. High winds or winter blizzards can knock out power for days here. I've also had the dubious pleasure of dealing with water lines that froze in the ground where I work, leaving an entire town without water for the two weeks the temps stayed at 0.

    3) Job/income loss. My job security runs on a sort of 12 month cycle. The minute election results are in, I know if I have a good 12 months left, or if I am at risk of getting the axe. Right now I'm holding my breath until 5 pm Monday, at which point I'll know if any of my haters are on the ballot. If they are, I'll spend the next few months ratholing as much food and supplies as I can, and paying my truck payments as many months ahead as possible. Skills I have, but there just aren't many job openings where I am. Plus, the Mr's boss is talking about scaling their hours back to eliminate overtime, which makes up 1/3 of his paycheck. I'm definitely into overdrive on increasing our stock of everything right now.

    4) Hyperinflation. Don't have to explain this one.
  8. carly28043

    carly28043 Monkey+

    I prep because I grew up watching my grandparents and parents. They were not "prepping", they were just living the way they knew how. The garden's, food and gas stores, money put back, shooting for hunting and defense. These were all a way of life. It wasn't so much that we were told to stock up that started me prepping. It was seeing the grace that they showed in any crisis. Job issues, fuel crisis, death, nor illness never really disrupted our world like it did to so many. No matter the problem there was still a smile. Still time for the family. Still a "we are fine". No last minute shopping trips. No "what do we do?". That is my goal. To be able to weather the storm (whatever it may be) with sanity, grace, and humor still intact.

    The only time I really saw a crack was when my brother accidentally shot a hole in my Dad's gas barrel in the 1970's. However, that storm was passed and my brother is still alive, even if he is reminded of it often.
  9. jreb357

    jreb357 Monkey+

    I am a prepper because the thought of my children being cold and hungry drives me to stock food, water, and firewood. I am a prepper because I envision their little faces crying because I failed to provide for them in an economic collapse. That drives me. It motivates me. I would rather waste thousands of hard-earned dollars than look at the faces my hungry children. If nothing bad happens, then it was a win-win.

    That is why I am a prepper.

    SurvivalDisasterPlan.com<!-- / message -->
  10. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    ^^^ This

    It is my responsibility as a husband, father and provider to ensure that my family has what they need to maintain a decent level of existence and if at all possible, thrive in a collapse.

    That's why I'm starting to prep, paying off debt, putting in a fence so I can put in a garden, etc.

  11. RangerRick

    RangerRick RangerRick-North Idaho Oath Keeper

    FEMA camps and more

    To much to write, so goggle and then get pi$$ed.
    Civilian Imate Labor Program
    FEMA Concentration Camps/Executive Orders
    Operation Cable Spicer
    Operation Garden Plot US Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2
    Operation Falcon
    Operation END Game
    Operation Northwoods-sound familar to 9-11,

    closed military installation will be use for prisons,
    REX-84 for illegals, who now have amesty, leaves no one but US.
    Garden Plot controls population
    Cable Splicer takeover of state/local government by Feds
    EXECUTIVE ORDERS;10990, 10995, 10997, 10998, 10999, 11000, 11001, 11002, 11003, 11004, 11005, 11051, 11310, 11049,11921, National Security Act 1947, 1950 Defense Production Act, Act of August 29,1916, International Emergency Economics Powers Act. NDAA Sect 1042,2007 act, The Military Commissions Act of 2006, National Security Presidential Directive 51 [NSPD-51], HR1955, Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, ect

    This has been going on for a long time. The Orders /Acts are renewed with every President.
    Checkout Halliburtin, Kellogg, Brown and Root [KBR]

    Good Reading, RangerRick
  12. Jeff Brackett

    Jeff Brackett Monkey+++

    When I was a teen, I remember a conversation with my parents in which we were discussing the possibilities of a nuclear war ever happening in the US. During that conversation my mom said something to the effect that, if there ever was a nuclear war, she hoped to be standing directly beneath the first missile to hit. And I also recall thinking to myself, "but what if you aren't?"

    Now that I'm older, I worry less about a nuclear war, and more about a multitude of other, more mundane problems that could cause an upheaval in our lives.

    I trained in martial arts most of my life. I learned to make knives, some basic woodcraft and survival, and pieced together some basic BOBs, but that was about all I could afford until recently. Now I'm beginning to take some of those first steps in prepping.

    To me, it's just an insurance policy. It's like I always taught my kids - it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
  13. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    I apply the same thoughts to firearms; an insurance policy that I can take to the range and have fun with.

    In an insane world reality could easily be starving people drawn by the smell of what you are cooking.

    NOWHITEFLAG Live Free or Die Trying

    Because starting back in the 70's with OPEC- oil embargoes, followed by the Carter administrations double digit inflation,unemployment, interest rates and all the other ups and downs and periods of economic instability, I decided to opt out and stop depending on the economy and our government.
  15. I take back the "I'm a fruitcake" thing... Personally I would love nothing more than to live in the middle of nowhere like they did back in the old days... no neighbors, living off the land, and knowing how to improvise. I prep because it would kill me to see my children and/or wife starve.

    but I say I'm still a fruitcake :D
  16. Wampuscat

    Wampuscat Monkey

    I prep because I did not spend 30 years, 4 shooting wars and jumping out of perfectly good airplanes to see this country fall into a re-make of the 3rd Reich. Also, because my family and my self have became really fond of eating and breathing!
  17. brnwshd

    brnwshd Monkey

    +1 for eating and breathing.
    Helps me save money in the long run, by eating my preps in rotation for deferred cost on groceries (only buy things with coupons or on sale). Also enjoy practicing my right to LIBERTY.
  18. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Ya know, get enough fruitcakes, & you can build you a bulletproof house that'll survive most any thing, possibly even a Nuclear War!!!
  19. WOOHOO! I'll bring the tin foil :D
  20. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    Because there's something happening here. (What it is, ain't exactly clear)
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