Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Wow! Great video! I hope all here watch it. Actually, one of the best I have ever seen on the subject. I agree with everything she said and, freely admit, I found those numbers/percentages very, very disturbing. Radical/Islamist/Fundamentalist vs. Muslim. From my own perspective, experience and travels, I will admit that I fear that normal Muslims, like the normal Germans of the late 1930s, will be dragged into the radical fold as the governments of their countries turn more and more radical, or, more correctly and as she stated, more fundamentalist. I saw this happening (now!) throughout Central Asia and, I fear, in Turkey. What's disturbing, and clearly pointed out in the video, is while only a few Muslims are radicals, there is a very large number that hold extremist views that's...scary. And, even more scary was finding out that 26% of 18-29 yrs-old Muslim-Americans think its okay for suicide bombers to kill civilians... Talk about a religion that needs a make-over, modernized...whew!
  2. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    Ten mainstream media would have you believe that there have never been terrorists before, such a lie.
    Hate is horrible disgusting and I do not hate Muslims but we cannot coexist. The numbers we had before all this trouble were in no way problematic many were home grown and not terrorists, but as back as far as Robert F. Kennedy who was killed by Sirhan Sirhan, who was incensed by the fact that Kennedy promised to give then cutting edge fighter and bombers aircraft technology to Israel. So Sirhan Sirhan considered it his duty as a Palestinian to kill him.

    There have actually been a couple hundred murders attacks and bombings that were terrorism but either the media or our leaders saw it that way. They could not grasp the hive mindset you poke one and the whole group goes after you. during WWII an Imam went to Hitlers Germany to learn how they were doing it, driving nationalism indoctrinating the children into a full pitch furor, And he helped the Nazi's because he hated the Brits and he took back their system. Mufti Haj Amin Al-Husseini, for example, "was granted honorary Aryan" status by the Nazis for his close collaboration with Hitler and the Third Reich.

    As a nation with 4 year presidents, we do not seem to get that there are groups that have a generational chess game and we are playing checkers, they have a long game and the muslim history has been from it's inception conquer by force, they are NOT a peaceful religion in their holy texts over 100 references to killing how and when and why. Our leaders hoped to appease them by not ascribing murder, honor killings and it's conversion by force of death. but its all there and it cannot be spun otherwise except to a person who doesn't read, Ignorance is not our friend in this war, it is killing us, We play be rules of engagement and they have no rules we are infidels and they have no religious belief to be open honest or keep their word in fact to the contrary they use any method to win.

    Persians or Iranians are not Arabs they hate them they only use them to further the faith and when they have used them up they will find another fool to replace them Persians are more cunning intelligent and patient boxing with them is stupidity. they use spies they use their enemies weaknesses against them their laws and know their enemy like a book.

    Our leaders have fought the wrong enemies for decades there are 2 vital countries that without them and their money this mockery would fall apart, like a magic show you never see the trick that's being played on you, and both of these are masters of the diplomatic delay and diversion.

    Because of censorship Ann Barnhardt's original video that explained in shocking and vivid detail why we should never befriend them deal or have political relations because they have no rules when it comes to their faith verses ours or those that espouse they have no faith or disinterested because they are not they are devout and it is only the numbers here that stop them for a bloody internal war here and now but there are the faithful here that would gladly commit a 911 event or worse if given a chance. I am amazed that we have not had more trouble but as of now the 2 powers are draining our strength with the death of a thousand cuts before they come in for the kill and that is not physical it is a financial war once we are broke they will run through Africa and Europe and up into Russia by the time everyone figures this out it will be too late events from there will be fast fluid and fatal.
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