It took him six rounds to hit a microwave at 50 yards, with an optic and from a supported position. It would've been safer at 100 yards, but with marksmanship skills like that he'd run out of ammo and never hit it at that distance. Steel is nasty stuff when hit with rifle rounds. I've observed a 75 yard return from cratered mild steel plate hit with .30 caliber and larger FMJ. We don't do that anymore.
I once shot a old washing machine with a colt .45 acp,the bullet somehow turned,came back and hit me on the shin,big bruise. Never will I do that again.
I know someone who is elderly and when I cleaned up his house(he went to a nursing home) I found his brand new shotgun he bought twenty years ago. Never fired! I took it apart and cleaned it up. I doubt he even knew how to load it or take the safety off.
Maybe, we all will get lucky, and the Newbie SnowFake Gun Buyers will shoot each other, and take two out at once... We can hope...
Ol' two blast keeps shooting himself in the foot. Methinks he's about to fall off the cliff with his endless forgetting what he's trying to say. Who the DNC is going to stand up in his place is really obscure.
I try to imagine Biden debating with Trump. I wonder if will ever happen. The Democrats just like Biden because he would be easy to control. A puppet.
I keep reading stuff about Biden saying another debate isn't needed. I guess that's what he was told to say by the people controlling him.
Most of the first time buyers seem to want a seemingly common self defense weapons ie. 9mm handguns, .38 special revolvers, and 12 gauge pump shotguns. The impressions I get from them is that 1) They are worried they may not be able to buy a gun if things get worse, 2) Cheap firearms are just as good as expensive ones (HiPoint=Glock) 3) The mere presence of a gun gives them peace of mind that they can ward of any attack. Several first time handgun buyers are actually long time long gun hunters(game and bird). They never worried about self protection until now, as police wait times and in some areas the police will not even show up if there is no actual violence. They always relied on the social contract that the police will show up quickly when they call. Now that the social contract is losing is effectiveness, they are starting to realize they might have to defend themselves and their property.[/QUOTE] I never liked this quote and many others from "famous" gun people. It belittles new gun owners and gives the impression of an "Elitist" type of group that you will never be a part of. Every "Expert" in any field will be found as not so much as an "Expert" 10-20-or-30 years later. Times change and so do ways of thinking and training, especially with technology advances. Years ago you would be berated for resting your M-16 on the magazine while firing, now it is taught to do so during rifle training. Advances in quality control and manufacturing have made possible now. One of Heinlein's other famous quote I think trump all "There are no dangerous weapons, only dangerous men." is probably the most appropriate.