was at the treasury in DC making a delivery and when the plane hit the pentagon the government locked all the buildings -the about threw us out bodily was so glad to get ahead of the mad rush to leave the city there was reports of a bomb going off at the congress and other buildings sad day for America but you know what they say about letting the fox in the hen house
Wow, this turned into a really cool topic. I've asked a few people the same question before and everyone remembers that day so clearly. It was a big day in history and everyone knew it. For a brief moment, more people than ever gave a crap all at once about something. That glimmer of patriotism lit up for so many who were ready to defend their homes and families. So many who were already screaming for blood. They just needed to be told who did such an atrocious act against their fellow American's... Ever since I started putting this together (14 years later) I realized that there had been a complete media black out about building 7. I had a friend who would always talk about how it was an inside job but I honestly thought it was just conspiracy crap crazy people talk about. All the evidence I was shown back then was questionable and I actually didn't own a computer so I never saw anything about building 7 back then. Most people I've talked to recently think only the two towers collapsed that day and were also as shocked as I was to find out about building 7. If you watch the video, you can see the demolition charges going off. The owner of the building said in an interview that he instructed his men to "pull it" (you can find the video) which often means "demolish". Did he get a team to go into a burning building, place detonation charges carefully and then blow it by 5:30... or did he have a self destruct button on his building no one knew about (I don't think I would want to work there personally if my boss could blow me up at any moment)... or was it all planned? Is it all a massive frame job to fuel a hate for Muslims? To get a surge of patriotic Americans to enlist in the armed forces?To justify war? Stealing resources that rightfully belong to them? At some point, you think "what have we done" when you come to grips with the realization of the monster America really is... I mean, I'm all for protecting your home and your family... but isn't it crazy how the government seems to hide behind them?
I recall it as vividly as if it were yesterday. Funny thing is, I can't remember what I did for my birthday that year, just a few short months prior to then. Can't remember what I did for Christmas that year, even, or any other holiday. But, Good Lord knows, I know exactly what I was doing when I heard that news.
I was in Port of Spain, Trinidad, reconstructing a salvaged barge with local labors near a ghetto called Sea-lots. My wife called in a panic and said we were under attack by missiles, I turned on the sat tv just in time to see the second plane crash into the towers live. Almost immediately, all phone lines were tied up and it was nearly six weeks before I could get a phone call back to the States. Western Union wouldn't work and I had no way of getting money sent to pay the 40 local employees that were working for me so I had to suspend operations. We ran out of fuel, fresh water, and food before more could be sent. I had a few thousand dollars in FRNs, but the locals were afraid to take dollars because the rumor was, that Wall Street had collapsed and they might be worthless: LOL. The exchange rate was 7.5TT to the dollar although some were willing to exchange TT for dollars , even trade. Credit cards could not be processed. It was five months before I could get a relief and flight back into the States. It was quite a different experience, having left the United States of America and returned to Miami International filled with soldiers carrying M4s with M203 grenade launchers everywhere. It was horrifying, returning to the "Patriot Act" now being law. I have grieved the loss of our Nation since.
@GhostX "Is it all a massive frame job to fuel a hate for Muslims?" ...and then we invite 100,000 of them into the country without anyone of vetting them or even going through the normal immigration process... Do you realize how crazy that sounds? They 'fuel the hate' and then invite them? And, yet... I have a friend visiting. He is an Architect. He believes the Twin Towers very possibly could have gone down due through the explosion going down through the elevator shaft since the jet fuel is so explosive. But, he has never seen the video of Bldg 7. I will ask his opinion after I show it to him...meant to do so last night but too far into our cups. He is one of those that is just starting to wake up to reality after Hillary got off scot free from the Bengasi and then the server and finally the Democratic election...as a former Army Engineer (so he knows and understands about classified material), he was floored when the FBI didn't do anything when she was so obviously guilty. So... I will show him and ask.
If you ever want to get hundreds of thousands of Americans pissed off at the same time, and unite them for ONE cause, Kill a bunch and see how fast you get what you want!
Jet fuel explosive? Don't think so. It is kerosene and I mixed some with pure oxygen to see if I could get it to explode, just didn't happen, even when dropped into a red hot skillet.
Agree, it's even hard to get to burn compared to gasoline. That said, mix it with fertilizer and strange things can happen. Not a lot of difference between jet fuel, fuel oil, or diesel.
People throw around the term "Explosion" a lot these days, and most of the time they get it wrong..... It covers a very wide range of conditions, in modern Vernacular usage.... It is similar to, "The sound was like a War Zone...." 90% of these folks have never BEEN in a War Zone and have NO Idea what an actual War Zone, sounds like.... The same with " It was like a Bomb going off" Again Most folks have NO Idea, what a REAL Bomb Detonation, sounds like.... and this goes TRIPLE for most Journalists, that write the Headlines in the MSM...
To add fuel to the ignorance observed, there's a significant difference between detonation and rapid conflagration.
I always will believe that the only reason for 9/11 was to install the Patriot Act and get a couple of new wars going to keep the Rothchild's in comfort. We just can't have that damned piece of paper (The Constitution FOR the United States of America) to get in our way.
Had to walk 20 freakin miles from downtown Cleveland back to the bus stop where I left my bike. My bus wasn't due for hours when they evacuated downtown and thumbing it was an exercise in futility amid all the irrational fear and panic. Irrational fear and panic is what sticks in my mind that day...the day I saw just how much of a nation of scared sheep we had really devolved to. I was glad to see how so many pulled together in the days to come...but it was that panic that day that woke me up to what this country would become if something much worse ever happened. That was the day I became a prepper of sorts. Edit: the one thing that day always reminds me of is 1941 with John Belushi.
I'm just looking at the kind of psychological effect that was aimed for if this is completely an inside job. My point is that the event was used as a way to manipulate people's emotions and inspire prejudice, if they didn't already have it, for people of Muslim faith. I do believe that there are Muslim extremists, don't get me wrong, but I'm not certain there were any on 9/11.
I thought I would post this just so everyone can be aware of the opposing claims for building 7 World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest If I'm wrong, that's fine with me. All I'm interested in is the truth.
NIST.GOV If one commits a criminal act, the best outcome for them is to be allowed to investigate themselves. Nuff said.
I was at my sister's because I wanted to be there for my nephew's first day at school. I was the first one up, and got online to check email and such, there was a news flash at Yahoo 'bout it, but I wasn't awake enough for it to register yet, then my sister's best friend called her and told her to turn on the TV. My sister was in Tacoma(well specifically Parkland), and I took buses home to Everett, and going through Seattle, the place was like a ghost town. Just about everyone on the bus was silent, and the only person I remember seeing out on the streets in Seattle was a security guard in front of an office building.
Just to do ensure I close the loop on this... I did have my friend who is a retired architect look at the video for bldg. 7 going down. He has made his entire career building the same types of buildings. He had never see the video before. He said that without a doubt it was a controlled demolition, couldn't be any other thing. However, he said that as soon as he saw the planes hit the Twin Towers he knew they would be coming down due to the jet fuel and the elevator shaft (for whatever reason). Anyone, there it is for what it is worth... I haven't known him for long but he is a true professional (or was) and would have no reason to say anything like this if he didn't think it was true. I believe the current government explanation is they cannot explain it...and that is that.
Actually I just posted the official government explanation. They say that fire was the cause of the collapse of building 7. It almost seems like the official pdf report is the smoking gun since the collapse is clearly a demolition. Thanks for getting your friend to look at it. If you think our government is responsible, this is what you should show other people to prove it. There will likely come a time when all our rights don't count for anything and the more people who are awake to the reality of what our government is capable of, the better.
@GhostX "There will likely come a time when all our rights don't count for anything..." I firmly believe that time has already arrived...long ago. When there are separate laws governing the elites and the commoner...well, one can be certain that one's rights are nothing but empty words spoken to soothe the masses. As soon as they can get our firearms it will be game over and then they will no longer tiptoe around pretending that we still have rights. They will order and we will be forced to comply or be crushed, financial and physically. And, I believe we are very, very close to that happening. Since you shown interest in this topic, I leave you one more thing to review See below. I believe this is the reason building 7 was destroyed, notice that this is a newspaper article from the New York Post. "Follow the money"...That Mysterious Building 7