When your spouse is not on board

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Elessar, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Rule #1: Keep your own council... & keep the info , stash , larders QUITE !!
    Boasting or being a known hoarder /wacko / tin foil hat wearer will bring them later.
    oldawg and AmericanRedoubt1776 like this.
  2. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Lots of similar threads.
    Getting your SO involved or at least not thinking you're batpoo crazy | Survival Monkey Forums

    Glen Tate's 299 Days series spends a great amount of time on the topic. In the beginning, the main character's wife thought he was a loon, but, he viewed it as his job to take care of his family regardless if she couldn't see the writing on the wall. So, he prepped in secret.

    I think you just have to give them a scenario that is plausible and get them to spend some time actually thinking about it. Try reading the Jakarta Pandemic . . . has some of the same lessons as 299 days and much less expensive.
  3. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I prep on my own, I buy what I want or need and squirrel it away without the Mr.'s input or even knowledge at times. That's not to say I do it in secret or hide it; he's well aware of my shenanigans, he just chooses to remain on the outside of it. Ordinarily I tell people who prep in secret to nut up and own it. We're adults, why should we have to hide our activities from our spouses?

    And then I get around a gaggle of women and I realize that no, we're not all adults and some people are better off doing it in secret. Because if your wife is like a LOT of women, she's going to talk smack about you when she's with your friends, and if your preps are on her radar and her chit list, they will definitely be a source of much derision among the stewpot hens. Which is bad enough, but now her friends are laughing about you being a doomsday prepper to THEIR friends, and so on and so on until half the town thinks you have forty years worth of food and ammo tucked away.

    Of course I know no one on this board was foolish enough to get hitched to someone like this. BUT, if your wife is one of those women who thinks you're just an overgrown manchild in need of her supervision just to get the same color socks on in the morning, do it in secret. I try to avoid any woman (or man for that matter) who offers up their partner as a source of comic relief to their friends but sometimes it's unavoidable and I am always shocked at the details that get spilled.
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