When will you depleat your food stores

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Mule, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    I think possums get a bad rap. They really aren't that bad eating. In the winter it's a good source of fat that your body needs to help keep you warm. Of course ratcoon is good eatin as well. I don't think we are going to starve any time soon because we will eat what others won't. There is always something to gathered to eat. The real question is will you eat it? I love our dogs but if push came to shove, they are big and have lots of meat on them. [stirpot]

  2. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    emmmmmmmmmm elk, bear deer, Mountain Goat, Bighorns, upland birds and steelhead and salmon sure love living in the NW..................
  3. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    As far as I am able to determine at this point....
    I figure I have enough food stored up for 4 people, for maybe 3 months....
    Now, assuming ( I love that word!), I were to relocate to the northern region of the state, I might be able to get some deer, elk, antelope....
    But, seeing as it is a well known hunting area, I honestly believe the area would be completely devoid/depleted, from any/all game, in a matter of days!

    So, back to square one.
    I'll have to buy and store a LOT more canned foods, as well as dehydrate and vac- pack some more!

    Recently. having gone through a bit, ( well sort of severe), depression over the whole survivng thing....
    I find it growing much harder today, to prepare for and to care for, others that seemingly have NO interest in survivng: (Son, and a soon to be EX!)....
    I spend 18+ hours per day, by myself, researching, studying, packing, ordering, and purchasing, the necessary items for people to survive in the worst case sceanrio!

    ( Having been a photojournalist in the past, I once had what has since become to be known as "writer's block"...)
    Today, I have the same type of thing, but on the scale and terms dealing with survival....

    On a less distressing/depressing theme:
    Buy GOOD can openers! ( IF, you can find them!)
    I have searched stores of all kinds and found every type was made by 1 of 3 companies, 2 of which WERE, (PastTense), made in the U.S.A.
    They are all junk!
    In 1 week, 5 days, we had 4 break here at home.
    I tried from the old styles to the newer styles, to the cabinet mounted types (which BTW, don't work worth a tinkers' darn on big cans!!!)
    None are what they used to be.
    The gears do not mesh properly, and the cutting wheels and gears, are no longer made of or treated hardened steel.
    They break the cuuter wheels, the cutter stationary blades, and the gears teeth strip off!
    So, I bought 100 p-38's...
    Now I am going online and order 100 P-51's.
    Just something to know!
  4. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Ya use what you got. [winkthumb] We have deer, turkey, trout, and alot of other things most poeple would like better than possum. I just won't pass up an easy meal waiting for something else. Dad always told me a bird in the hand is worth more than two in bush. ;)

  5. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Yup, if there isnt already food on the table then oppossums would be put there without hesitation. At present my only real resitation is the same as many folks problems with carp, catfish and chickens. I have seen to much of what they eat and find it unappealing to think about. They are scavengers and seeing them walk out of a rotting carcasses eaten out rectum just tends to put them toward the bottom of my PREFERENCE list. If hungry prefrence is superceeded by availability.
  6. Gravy

    Gravy Consfearacy

    I aim to store a minimum of 1 year of food. The rationale is that when the SHTF and food becomes scarce, I have one year covered to replenish or find other sources. Within that year I would hunt and fish for what I can, and it allows for a change of seasons when I can start farming and doing whatever to become as self-sustaining as possible. It also allows a year for whatever order will come from the chaos to start providing for the people. I could be wrong, but one year supplies are the minimum I am shooting for at this point. (feedback invited)

    At this point I have been keeping notes on food storage and usage and rotation. This is useful for rotation and inventory keeping. My best suggestion is to set a minimum amount of time that you want to be safe, acquire the inventory, and keep notes on what you use and how often. From this you can determine your inventory levels and usage.

    In order to not waste food or other supplies, you need to know your weekly, monthly, and annual usage. The only way to figure this out is to start storing and keeping track of it. This will tell you what to keep, use, and when.

    I hope this helps. Happy New Year!
  7. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder


    Here's some food for thought. If you are not use to raising/hunting your own food being self-sustaining. Once you start doing that sort of thing you burn alot of calories and will be starving on a normal diet. People can't believe how much I eat. But I'm always working on our farm and I burn the calories fast. If you have a seditary lifestyle then you will want to likely double what you think you need. [2c]

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