It was the opinion of everyone in the Union Army (from Grant on down) that one of the major reasons for their victory was COFFEE! Pots of coffee, cups of coffee, canteens of coffee, in short a never ending flood of coffee that followed the Yankee army wherever they went. They claimed that coffee was as important as food or ammunition. We in the South had little coffee, but we had many substitutes. These included chickory, and parched corn, acorns, wheat, okra seed, and sweet potatoes. Some were better that others, but they all lacked one thing... caffeine! We did have better leaders and soldiers.
I use one level measure in an 8 cup coffee maker , I prefer it this way .. What are your preferences ?
I generally have about 200 lbs of unroasted beans on hand at any given time and I have two trees that are about a year old. I should have time to wean myself off of it.