When an Ill Wind Blows from Afar

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. Country_boy

    Country_boy Monkey+

    The iodine used in Meth is not BS. The DEA put a restriction on selling iodine crystals (ie Polar Pure). You basically have to collect ID. The NRPM (or whatever the DEA called it) pretty much said that would put polar pure out of bussiness. For whatever reasons polar pure is still available with out ID, after almost disapearing. A couple of chemists published an article on the internet on how to extract iodine from Tincture of iodine (which also contains KI) The above is fact, I have a copy of the NRPM, and got the info confirmed by a deputy sheriff who is on a DEA Meth precurser task force (due to his also being a farmer and user of NH4) and a DEA supervisor. Given this it is reasonable to assume a drugstore might have tightened down ticture sales, or the DEA may have added them to their precurser list. BTW, the people the DEA were going after were buying pounds and in some cases 50 lbs of crystals. The claimed they were using the iodine as a disinfectant.

    Q2) You won't get fallout for a nuclear reactor, see my above post. If you lived in Japan, a HEPA filter or N100 is what you want. If your were close to the plant (miles) you would also want an activated charcoal filter for the iodine. I have no clue if it would help with vapors from the other isotopes (Cesium and Strontium primarily). Once you pick a filter, their are differing grade of protection depending on the mask. The top grade is PAPR (powered air purifing resperator, because with a positive pressure in the mask leaks are not likely to be an issue. Again- Absent fallout, this makes no sense in the US

    Q3) Thick clothing (firemen's turnout gear is usually the reference) will stop Beta particles. So would staying inside. With Betas the primary hazard is inhaling/ingesting them anyway. Only at extreme levels do they present a skin hazard (ie picking up a container of radioisotopes in a lab, exposed source, etc)

    Tyvek suits are for easy decontamination, though they protect your skin from Alpha radiation, but a poncho and full face mask would do that. or staying inside.

    Remember when Sadaam set the oil wells on fire? An ecological nightmare, and it probably caused a death or two in the US. But somethings you just can't protect yourself from as an individual. In Kuwait, things were different.

    Also remember I-131 has a half life of 8 days. This isn't a long term threat. it is also not much of a threat to anyone over 40.
  2. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I just bought some Polar Pure from Amazon the other day. No questions asked. Did they refer me to fatherland security? I don't care.

    Treats a lot of water!
  3. Country_boy

    Country_boy Monkey+

    I guess they got some sort of waver. Campmore sells it also. REI doesn't and is convinced it is illegal (without recordkeeping)

    BTW, Ive got several jars- All have some slight leak. Got a nice stain in my truck where the jar lid broke in my BOB
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