For those who might not have read the other thread, tsneds has arrived home and is with his family in the US. Our prayers and good thoughts are now concentrated on a positive outcome for Bear's family.
Yes sir everyday, something you can not say enough to family and friends. Keep your chin up and maintain a positive attitude. I know it can be hard to keep a positive attitude in times likes this but now more than ever your attitude will serve you well.
Thanks Disciple... I really appreciate that... I won't forget... everything folks are doing... Mucho Mahalo's.... Bear
I copied the OP into the Prayer Closet Sticky in Faith and Religion. Just in case some might have missed it. I am a big believer in the power of prayer. Your loved ones safety will be included in mine Bear.
Thanks Minuteman, Just got great news! Accounted for most of the family... they are in different parts of the country and safe... Just need to account for a few more.... Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers... Like you all... I believe in the power of prayer and life's little miracles... this was a big one for me... So thank you all for that... I won't forget you. Take Care and Stay Safe, Bear... PS... Don't forget those hugs and "I love you" moments with your family and friends... I know I sound like a Hallmark commercial but I really meant it... times are changing, things are getting harder and when its all said and done.... Those "Hallmark Moments" are really important now... more than ever... so get off your butt and go do it now!
This is wonderful news to receive Bear. The prayers will continue for you and yours until you have accounted for each and every one of them. Of course, our thoughts will also continue for all of those affected in Japan.
That news is a blessing. I will continue to pray for those missing. No thanks necessary Bear, nobody is more unselfish than you,'s what we do.