That's fine. I might have done better if you had put in all of a given letter instead of having us think since it wasn't an E or whatever, then it has to be something else. I know ... you don't care.... and "sour grapes" or whatever... E wasn't the only letter either.
ya, I was getting hung up on the missing letters as well, so I tried finding "other versions", but none matched so I threw it out there. Movie quote: RISE AN- RISE A-AIN -NTIL LA--S -E---E LI-NS Letters Guessed: T,S,E,R,N,I,L,A
Given the underscores, spaces, slashes and juggling letters, it's amazing I got that close. (Double checking doesn't always work for me. but you knew that.) Looking back, I think I missed only one, and that was during the edits when I filled in the requested letters. (That would be the U in troubles, added it back when I realized I lost it.) Ah, well, I'm retired, suffer badly from CRS, too. Next time, if any, I'll do something simpler so's tac's knickers don't get knotted like a clothes stop.
Quote "W E. - R E - - - - - - E - W - - H -... - E R - E -.. - -... - R E - - - - - - R - - - - - - E -... - R - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - E -... - -... - - - - - - - - - E... - - - - - - - - - -." Guessed: 4W,5R,9E,1H,