What's your great concern/fear surviving Invasion?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by mtnrider, Dec 28, 2024.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Long game strategy is already employed. People don't think about 12 year increments, let alone 36 years. We have an election every 4 years. In the past, it was no big deal...now it's a major event with huge consequences. Both political parties have become radicalized, each in their own way. The question then becomes, how far are we sliding away from freedom with every cycle? Are we more free after every event, or worse off? We had the Patriot Acts and there's still no resolve for the spying on Americans or "government" secrecy. Moving forward, we are still reeling from the corporate medical "Obamacare" scam, and good luck in the future. More Americans now are medicated than ever before, from everything mental to diabetes and the numbers are only climbing. Our food is complete shit, people are sick and mentally ill. Now we have COV shots every few months, all kinds of new outbreaks from Monkeypox to Bird Flu...and more Covid shots. How much has really changed? We've dodged so many damn bullets, but even with our luck, we are still taking two steps backward for every one we take forward. And nobody is actually being held accountable for the corruption.

    Our military is a broken joke. There's probably no remedy moving forward. It takes decades to rebuild this type of destruction because of the distaste and contempt. Remember, every 4 years we get to do this all over again. It's literally a "broken arrow" situation.

    The economy is all but destroyed. People with no knowledge about how it works believe we can "fix" it. The very best we can do is refinance at a terrible cost. We are indebted to private corporate interests who do not care about freedom and liberty. It's a usury scheme of epic proportions, and there is no way out except to kill the globalist bankers and institute our own currency -and it took a civil war to do this the first time. If we ever do go with an all-digital currency, we are well and truly screwed.

    We do have a huge number of gun owners, and we will always have a strong patriotic society. This latest election proves just how much the people do love freedom. But we also have a very serious issue with modern technology, namely AI and how almost everybody is holding a damn spy device in their hands for at least 16 hours per day.

    Shoot, move, communicate. These three facets must be present for any successful course of action. If our roads are blockaded, if more people are too sick to fight or cannot go more than a week without life saving medicine, and if we cannot freely and securely communicate, then all the guns in the world won't do us much good.

    Now think about it a while.
    Bandit99, VisuTrac, Zimmy and 2 others like this.
  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Exactly. ^^^^^^

    "Another method of controlling us is to control our finances." Now, this is worrisome as very possible and highly probable. I will be extremely surprised if we do not see a digital currency within the next 10-years and at that point it is game, set and match. Control your money supply and they control you. Clean, easy, no mess, no fuss and cheap to do.
    Seawolf1090 and Zimmy like this.
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