What's the biggest threat to our survival?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Ardent Listener, Aug 10, 2006.

  1. ricdoug

    ricdoug Monkey+++

    United Nations and Liberals trying to destroy our 2ND Ammendment Rights...

    Katrina proved the Government is incapable of protecting Citizens and Property during an Anarchy State. Criminals will ALWAYS have weapons, no matter how much the Anti's regulate legal ownership by Citizens. Ric
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  2. yonder

    yonder No Despot's Servant

    They actually started hiring civilian contractors (Blackwater) to free up police for the door-to-door searches. My buddy was the type very attractive to Blackwater and they came back with higher & higher offers for him to go down there, he was set to go, and then found out he was basically freeing up cops to do door kicks & gun confiscations. Once he heard that, no amount of $$$ would get him to go down.

    Originally it was police guarding things like the oil refineries and walmarts but around the time they started going door to door it was the civilian contractors doing that (and in my friends case it would have been counter-sniper work since they had such a problem with thugs using scoped deer rifles)
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  3. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    It also prove's that they have no problem rendering it's citizens defenseless in a hostile environment. :mad:
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  4. Ardent Listener

    Ardent Listener Monkey+++

    Right, even if you could ban all the guns, someone would pick up a branch and beat someone else over the head with it,
  5. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I truly believe that the single biggest threat to our survival as a nation is complacency.
    We have adopted a faith that things will work-out for the better, even at the loss of our individual liberties. We have accepted the penalties for living the standards that we allow ourselves by burying ourselves in debt for most of our productive life. Many of us will die never having been free of debt or financial obligation to a system that is designed to enslave us while allowing a degree of comfort. We truly believe that as long as we can maintain our standard of comfort, budget to vacation once in a while, buy a new car every few years, then life is good and it might not be so bad to put up with a bit of being a subject rather than citizen. We get comfortable with it. We accept what they allow us to have.
    Ganado and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  6. ghostrider

    ghostrider Resident Poltergeist Founding Member

    What he said.

    Plus what I said about un-prepared people panicking.
  7. NY PRO

    NY PRO Monkey+++

    The troops and the private contractors are just practicing for when things get rough here in the states. When economic chaos is brought upon us here due to inflation/corruption....then these same guys will be "trying" to take our guns away too. History shows this to be true. Whenever a nation becomes an empire....it eventually turns upon its own citizens. Patriot Act I & II are preludes to such. This along with the 20,000 gun laws on the books with more and more being added as we speak.:eek:

    So the very same guys we "support" with all the hoopla and yellow ribbons will someday be the ones who will be kicking your door in to steal your weapons. Especially when the gov't orders them too. It will be do it or lose your paycheck! I hope you have something stashed just incase your neighbors rat you out to the authorities or your kids tell their teachers that you own guns because you pissed them off by telling them to take out the garbage. If you think it can't happen here then you've already been conditioned enough to be in denial![violin]
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  8. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Welcome back NY, did ya have a nice vacation?

    BTW, I've already got the range to the nearest RATS in my hood. Yes, I know who they are and where they live. hehehe

    Seriously, I don't know any that I could trust not to turn on me in the neighborhood. Only a few anywhere that I might have a little trust in to come through for me. Real scary to think on. Just call me paranoid.
  9. NY PRO

    NY PRO Monkey+++

    Just call you paranoid? I'd say you're being smart. I'll bet they're politicians? [footinmouth] Or maybe social workers? :eek: :D

    I've been busy with the kids schooling (home schooling) and still rehabing the arm. I'm just getting back into rifle matches and have been doing a bunch of pistol work too. Hope you got in touch with Metal lately. Send him my love and kisses. And if you see Bravo...tell him I miss him dearly. (Where else can you find someone who spends the amount of money he does doing testing and evals. on new weapons for all of us poor folks out here in Wannabe land?)

    Stay safe and watch yer back Trap!hga
  10. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    I relayed the message to Metal. Too many Bravo's in the search to know for sure which one. I rarely spend much computer time on that forum anymore. Did invite Metal to come play if he has the time. :D
  11. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    NY, hope the rehab goes alright. And I understand the orders to do things, however it also must be taken into account that while there are those that would blindly follow orders there are those that will remain vigilant against such orders that are harmful to the citizens that are supposed to be protected whether it costs them a paycheck or not. If ya know what I mean.

    There are so many factors that are leading to the demise of this great country that I fear it will take a complete meltdown for many to wake up to the reality of the situation. It will come down to the age old 'Liberty or Death' ideal. There are no two ways about it.

    Remember 'You can fool some of the people all of the time. All of the people some of the time. Not all of the people all of the time.' You can substitute fool with make happy, help and so on. It is true to life. The liberals are trying to make everyone happy and not hurt anyone's feelings though in the end they are destroying more than helping. Some people can't be helped, especially if they don't help themselves.

    They are also teaching that it is okay to blame others for your mistakes or circumstances. There is less personal responsibility being practiced. This is just another in a long list of things that is going wrong.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  12. beercritic

    beercritic Monkey+++

    Biggest threat?

    Dems blaming Pugs.
    Pug blaming Dems.

    In reality, it's the ruling class vs. the average citizen. Both parties are working together to turn us into a third world country. Looting the treasury, pensions and Social Security. Debasing the currency. Trashing the Constitution.

    I almost look for a small nuke in a small town, so Martial Law would be easily swallowed by the masses. It's a downhill ride from there.
  13. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    welcome aboard Beercritic
  14. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    USA is in whatever area .
    I don't see it that way !!
    Since the "Don" you might have a chance .
    If You Do , I'll go against Brit / rothchild asshatt system ,Our Idiot kiddo trudeau , is a puppet plus ..
  15. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Biggest Threat to our survival are idiots which encompasses unhealthy people with germs and disease going out in public instead of being medically treated and recovering at home, crybaby liberals, people who support illegals, people who breed low IQ children, the homeless, etc.)
  16. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Tolerance , the compromise of values for truth and morality, the very things democrats hate avidly.
    ED GEiN, Tempstar and Motomom34 like this.
  17. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  18. john316

    john316 Monkey+++

    Thanks to global warming, Antarctica is beginning to turn green

    Thanks to global warming, Antarctica is beginning to turn green


    Green Island Antarctica

    AND IS

    The northernmost island in the Berthelot Islands, lying just outside Collins Bay off the W coast of Graham Land. Discovered and first mapped by the French Antarctic Expedition (FrAE), 1903-05, under Charcot. The name derives from the luxuriant growth of moss nearly 4 acres in extent on the northern slopes of the island.

    Green Island, Antarctica - Geographical Names, map, geographic coordinates

  19. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Probably due to volcanic activity there.
    Ganado likes this.
  20. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I for one am glad to see the religious argument run its course. Now to the greatest threat to our survival. When I got into survivalism, prepping , Militia , etc. I was absolutely sure that The government was out to get me. This spurred me to use the computer to search for the truth. I went down hundreds of rabbit holes , Trilateral commission, Bilderburg, Rothchilds, Federal reserve, CFR, N.A.F.T.A. , G.A.T.T., United Nations , European Union , North American Union , etc. etc. etc. Then Natural disaster, Chem Trails, Nuclear reactor melt downs, Yellowstone, Hurricanes and Global warming/cooling. It seems there are disasters around every corner and a million people screaming wolf all at once. The greatest threat to our survival is our own intelligence. Humans over think everything. We create more trouble than we solve.

    So , do I go forward ? or Go back. How does a man protect his family in this swill of threats ? What if Yellowstone blows? Or Kim jong dong lobs a nuke into California ? What if the Currency becomes worthless overnight? The trucks stop running? WORLD WAR THREE ? I got so overwhelmed back in 2006 I was on the verge of a breakdown. I was living in a medium/large sized city . Thugs were everywhere and was concerned for my wife who worked nights and slept at home alone while I was at work. Bad deal when gangs were just three city Blocks away.

    So we Bugged out. W e took all of our belongings and we moved north. We moved away from the threats of high populations and concrete and bought a small house built into a hill looking over a small private lake. The house was a wreck but the location was almost perfect. With 10 acres and rich lake level soil for a garden we knew we found a much better place to ride the storm out. I joined the local Militia unit and rose fast to team leader then stepped down and ran the field support unit. I learned a great deal from these Military guys and made life long friendships and Contacts. Most of all I learned how to fight. We bought this place in 2008 and have since secured long term wood supplies, long term water, long term food, and security. No matter what the calamity the rules stay the same. water, food , shelter, security. Without these 4 things you die. So my path is like my signature "Self Reliant" I no longer care what is coming down the pipe as these bases are covered. I still carry a small amount of fear that even my little group here can lose it all in a heartbeat but from where we were,,, to where we are? Is 99% better. Today we work to make large amounts of cash money to pay off debt, and improve every asset from long term seed production to more ammo. So we went back not forward. I will never again count on the trucks or the store or the bank. I have zero visible assets besides our house and look to any digital search to be debt compliant. A disabled couple living in an old house on a small lake. Nothing to see here move along.

    None of us knows what is coming but something is coming or it isn't. That make sense? We prepare because of our sense of doom playing on our minds . Our intelligence. Just like their intelligence . Our own worst enemy. You see we as Humans are too smart for our own good. W e created the Bomb, the monetary systems, the Governments and almost all of the disasters. If God is real, and I believe he is. He is shaking his head in disbelief at our failure in grasping the simplest things we need while creating our own demise. Cheers. KF.
    Dunerunner and Motomom34 like this.
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