We gots No Roads to setup Check Points on, and there ain't enough Stater Troopers to Man them ANYWAY...
He and the & Governor just got sued in Federal Court for Constitutional Infringement of Rights by a whole Host of outfits including the NRA, CGF, SAF, FPC, and a bunch of Gun Shops in Commiefornia.... They are asking for Immediate Relief by Enjoinment Order...
I have three letters declaring my folks as essential, due to their construction work on medical and food distribution facilities. We are working as best as we can with tight site rules for distancing and such. I have 8 jobs under construction, out of the maybe 10 jobs our company is actively working right now.... we just shut down a 200 man job on Friday. Currently, we have over 350 on standby with no work....
Just read the Home defense folks (feds) stated (also heard by order of the pres) very clearly... gun shops are essential... hmmm
Yes, in some areas you might be arrested and placed in jail with a bunch of other "constitutional lawyers" and be exposed to the Wuhan Flu! IS IT REALLY WORTH IT? I have my papers, they were handed out at work, and I keep them in my car in case of a lockdown/ curfew. Y'all are just jealous cause some of us are essential and some aren't. Got to admit that the uniforms were way cooler back in the day! As long as it's just New Yorkers, I can live with it!
I have been declared essential and am free to travel.. Got no place to go right now. The county deputies have said they are not going to be stopping anyone..
I'm a little on both sides of this issue. I have my Critical Infrastructure travel and fuel papers, but I would attempt to travel for my job even if I didn't.( Not on a high horse here: I am manning a transmitter facility alone until this is over.) I believe if everyone had sucked it up and stayed home two weeks ago we would be in a different place and most of this would be unnecessary. We know people are stupid and even in the face of something that could potentially kill them, they can't be troubled to alter their lifestyle a bit for the good of all. I do not believe this is leading to Martial Law, but I fully expect areas to be locked down on a state level. They have to, because they are areas full of sheep. The stimulus checks? I can not see anything evil about them. I just gave (not loaned) a neighbor $200 to go get some food. They have both been out of work for two weeks now and are staying home as asked. I imagine there are plenty like them out there and the money is running low. The government can't afford to pay everyone to stay home, and I wonder how they will pay for this. My guess is a new round of tax hikes after this is all over. The Guard troops? Remember that most states have a State Guard that is under the control of the Governor of that state. Then there is the Army National Guard, which is under Federal control. I have seen State Guard deployed after hurricanes as an aid to law enforcement to block roads, but none were ever issued ammunition. When we see armed ANG troops it will be time to worry. For right now, they can all pound salt. Virginia has shown them that we the people won't just roll over and take it.
Actually usually the national guard is under the control of the governor for this type of thing. They still are even though the feds said they would pay the states for the cost of it. Now the .gov has just signed something allowing for the activation of the reserves. Reserves are under federal control. We take no oaths to a single state governor. This might get interesting although I am guessing only medical and logistic units will be called up for how. (Only a guess on my part).
Slippery slope Wildbilly. Once people deem it ok that it's not them but another group/region/culture/creed, it's a downhill spiral.
My job is considered essential services as well. It's becoming, I need to see your travel papers comrade.
Alabama shut down all non-essential businesses; gun shops, State own Booze Markets, grocery stores, Pharmacies can stay open during limited hours provided a limited number are allowed inside. The single thing that frightens me most, is the Fed taking some serious bonds to print more worthless money and people being gullible enough to think this is real money. let's see how many packs of chewing gum a hundred dollar bill will buy in a few weeks,
Nothing more chilling than the words, "Papers! .....Please!" spoken with a heavy German accent, although the Soviet, "Papers!... Comrade" comes close!
Neighbor just came by and borrowed my burner for his crawfish boil tonight.... Seems I might be eating mudbugs later today? This is deemed essential here....I guess,But we don't ask permission from no-one!
Gator, you might want to rethink your cavalier attitude...this shit is serious! You might have done better by pointing a shotgun at that neighbor and reminding him of the need for social distancing!