great Video @Cruisin Sloth he has tied alot of little gems together in this video. Im so glad someone besides me you and brokor watch alternative info sometimes i get tired of the people who pretend to be conservative that post M$nbc type posts on here from the media... this includes most of Fox... they are owned by same ppl who own the other news stations.
Another look , but LIGHTER All may need to view & decide what makes the body do Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ! Sloth
In 1996 the Commonwealth Government in Australia pressured each state to pass restrictive gun laws, in response to a lone gunman massacre. The new laws required all firearms to be registered, imposed strict licence and storage conditions, and restricted semi auto longarms and pump action shotguns to professional shooters and gun dealers. Since then further restrictions have limited magazine capacity in some states and calibre restrictions on handguns greater than .357. The vast majority of gun owners in 1996 just quietly buried or otherwise hid their newly outlawed guns. 150mm pvc pipe and endcaps were in short supply. No need to jump up and down screaming civil war, just quietly dig that hole and give the government the finger. Also, it is an urban myth that Australians cant own guns. Some US states already have tougher laws than some Australian state.
IIRC back in the 90's California passed an AWB. About only 3% register the rest said " F U"! Even New York gun owners did the same thing recently. Can't take what's not registered!
Denninger did a piece on the arithmetic of gun control that makes a valid point. It's a long video at 22 minutes, but it's just him talking, so the sound is all that's necessary. It's worth the time to listen.
Quote of the day. (in answer to "When is it time to start shooting?") "If you have to ask "when?", it isn't time. The point is not to worry about "when". It's to understand that it's going to be "when", and not "if", and to be ready, on the day." --Aesop (Raconteur Report, April 12, 2018)
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Not so fast ....So Cal (with the exception of LA) is heavily fact, there is a ballot measure this fall to break the state in to 3 states. People write off CA too quickly , and I understand... but there are 40% of us, totaling 16 million people, that are still just like you.....
Local (Bettendorf jr. high school) students walked out of school today in support of 2A, Admin gave them unexcused absences. One boy said neither he or he family owned any firearms, but he felt it was too important to let it slide, that the constitution means what it says and needs to be defended.
In discussions I've had with the Anti-gun crowd I've learned a few things. Such as the only "military and law enforcement" should have guns because they are the only ones trained and have had extensive background check done excuse. When I tell them I was an Infantryman for 15 years and have held Top Secret clearances, they then move on to the "why would you need" excuse. You can use the "why would you need" excuse for everything and is probably the least useful argument. The main players of the gun grabbers aren't worried about school shootings or violent crime, they are worried about losing their control of government and the fact that most military and law enforcement don't care about gun control until they are used against them. Most soldiers and cops are concerned with order and lawful behavior. During the Rodney King riots in LA, my fellow soldiers and I were outraged when we saw shops looted and people attacked on live tv. Both black and white soldiers. When we saw "peaceful demonstrations" in Furgeson, MO, evolve into riots and looting we forgot about "protests" and wanted to shoot rioters and looters. Also, in many countries where guns are illegal, there always seem to be guns in the hands of "pro government" militas. The government will issue military weapons to those with the same ideals as them, to do their dirty work for them. I could totally imagine a program in which the dept of justice or some other agency issues weapons to say antifa, the new black panther party, or some such other org. to "assist" law enforcement in collecting "illegal" weapons.
anything could have been possible with the likes of Obammy - but I don't see any gooberment agency handing out weapons to ANTIFA or the Black Panthers .... sending out orders to disarm honest law abiding homeowners manning street blockades & home guarding - opening the doors wide open for the Baltimore & Ferguson rioters - HELL YES - it would definitely happen if FOX -CNN-MSNBC started to show the human body pile of killed rioters - I could see Obammy hopping maniac at the sight of his brothers getting it handed to them .... As far as a nationwide gun confiscation - both the military & law enforcement would splinter - with a black like Obammy in office it would have been an immediate racial rife - across the board ... Obammy wouldn't have hesitated one second in inviting UN Blue Helmets into the country to back up his play - the worse of the worse Blue Helmets going into the most rebellious areas with an open mandate to go 3rd World wild - looting the airport and raping the available females before the planes stopped rolling ....
To be perfectly clear, color would have little if any effect. Oval office directives to that effect would cause all minorities to flock to the cause, united to some kind of progressive agenda. The hard part is that few of them would understand the issues they would be united in squashing.
Well all I can say is that a half of dozen Broward County Sheriffs were afraid and unable to take one gun from a untrained teenager, good luck grabbing anything from the likes of me or my brothers!