What we can expect to happen of we go to war with Iran?

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Dusty308, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Or pot stirring by the media in hope that something needing coverage will result. [dunno]
  3. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    It is absolute pot stirring. Getting the Joe Public incensed about Iran, I was watching local news coverage this afternoon, and the big piece was on the evils of Iran. Local news, mind. Eyes on national news.
  4. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    The evils of Iran keeps the focus off the failures of 0bama..
  5. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    "Smoke & Mirrors" meets "Wag The Dog".......... [stirpot]
    ColtCarbine, VisuTrac and oldawg like this.
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    An evil Iran worked for Obama's predecessor.............

    It worked for G. Dubya (his axis of evil troika of Iraq, Iran and North Korea)....why wouldn't Obama continue a tried and tested strategy of smoke and mirrors....The American voters bought it and elected G. Dubya for a second term, partly on Buying George Junior's idea of an "Evil" Iran among other things. Reprising G.Dubya's Evil enemies approach to international relations, might just work for Obama too.....it's a comedy presidential routine that still has some life in it yet!

    Bush Axis of Evil - YouTube
  7. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    It would wreak potentially irrevocable damage to their oil production facilities. It also would not affect anything well shielded underground, which a majority of their critical bunkers are deep inside mountains. So, yeah it would screw their power grid. That would royally piss Iran off. Also, the potential for collateral burst damage to nuclear armed Pakistan would be too much of a risk. Even just knocking out a few towns on the Pakistani border could be construed as an attack on Pakistan. Would they go full on nuke in response? I would not care to even begin to think about that possible response. So, IMO that would be a right stupid maneuver. Yeah Israel could EMP, however that is a nuclear attack. Israel's nuclear armed neighbors very much would not be happy about that. The ramifications and repercussions would be too much for lil' ol' Israel to handle.
    ColtCarbine, tulianr and chelloveck like this.
  8. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I don't think that bombing a 3rd world country back to the stone age is setting them back very far. It's when 1st world countries start fighting amongst themselves that things will get real interesting.

    stack 'em high and deep (guns, gas and grub)
    ColtCarbine likes this.
  9. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Israel may not be so keen to start Armageddon just yet

    A nuclear first strike would be a very dumb option, if there were much better options on the board...Israel's nuclear capability works better for it as a deterrent, rather than to be squandered as an adjunct to some other kind of hostile act for very limited objectives. I would suggest that Israel as a State would have to be facing imminent obliteration before unleashing that djin, and even then...it may decide that the long term survival of the Judaic peoples may be better served by not firing that parting shot.

    There is another practical limitation...and that is Israel's capacity to deliver nuclear warheads to targets in Iran that are likely to make any significant difference to Israel's survival prospects.
    Falcon15, ColtCarbine and tulianr like this.
  10. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Third world country? Hardly.
    A street view:
    An overview:
  11. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Certainly a "Third World" governmental attitude, no matter the trappings of civilization. Like China, while they do have "First World" style cities and some modern technology, the vast majority of their nation still IS a third world cesspool.

    I just hope and pray the war with them will be to 'punish' them only, destroying their will and capacity to fight - NO "boots on the ground" occupation - THAT is the road to ruin.
  12. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Why will it be necessay for there to be any punitive war?

    Why will it necessarily be that any punitive war will be inevitible? Aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves??? Are we harking back to good ol' George Dubya's pre-emptive war horsesh!t??? Look where that got us.

    I think that Iran could live with that...the last thing that they would ever want is for there to be US boots on the ground, helping them, as the Iraqi's were helped in Gulf War II. The words...."We are friendly, we come in peace...to help you...and build your country so that you can have freedom and democracy" would be enough to send any sane and sensible Iranian person to the hills. .....Whether it be deliberate targeting....or as a result of collateral damage...dead is dead. What woman, child, old man, or simple soul minding their own business, would want to be placed in the position of "getting some".

    Full Metal Jacket- Get Some - YouTube

    Some folk on this site seem to feel that LOAC and ROE are unnececcesary embuggerances to the prosecution of armed conflict, and I dare say that some soldiers share the same feelings. One would hope that training, good leadership, discipline and professionalism work as effective brakes against those inclinations.

    Note1. The Taliban and its allies a making a fair fist of that with the peoples of the Coalition countries with troops in Afghanistan. The USA is war weary, facing a continuing death toll and mounting toll of physical and psychological casualties. The wars against muslim states are rapidly bankrupting the USA.....I think the Afghanis and Iraqi's are doing a better job of destroying the USA's will and capacity to fight as a nation, than the USA is of them.

    Once I read and hear talk of Afghanisation of the ANA, in the same sense a generation or so ago, there was talk of Vietnamisation....the writing is on the wall, The interlopers in Afghanistan will have failed to achieve any lasting good, at much cost to the Afghanis and to the prestige of America. Afghanis 3 - Interlopers 0. (In relatively modern times, Britain, the USSR, and now the largely NATO/USA et al Coalition have been or imminently will be sent packing, largely by illiterate goat herders and opium growers. (2))

    Note 2. Given that Afghanistan is one of the world's leading producers of the raw material for heroin...it could be argued that Afghanistan has been contributing to the moral destruction of the USA and most other western societies on an industrial scale for decades, that makes the "punishment" that has been meted out upon the Taliban as being attention grabbing, but none the less relatively miniscule, and inconsequential...Heroin is a self inflicted punishment on the part of the westernised societies...but we as societies don't have the will to stop buying the sh!t.
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