What skills could you offer to a survival group?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Pauly Walnuts, May 27, 2008.

  1. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Nah MATE ;YOU'RE aware and questioning, there's 10 points in your favor right there...and seem to be a decent sort: even more good kharma.[chopper]
  2. LondonCalling

    LondonCalling Monkey++

    Cheers Tango3 thats really nice of ya mate!!

    I am seriously looking at going on a (up-to-date) first aid course shortly, so maybe that will be of some help?

    This thread has really got me thinking mate, "what can i offer"?

    Other than the stuff already stated, i guess i may have to put some more effort into "goods" and then hopefully my family and i will be able to barter our way in?
    Long term this is not the ideal scenario, because once my goods run out then again, i will be of little or no use to a group, this is the frightening part.

    Its just opened my eyes to how many people will be :

    A) in the same situation as me, ie stocked up with "bits & pieces" but havent really got any skills.

    B) In a worse situation, ie havent got any skills, and havent stocked up on any supplies.

    c) how long before utter chaos breaks out........hold on, im going to do a search ive just thought of a thread starter, just make sure no-one has addressed this problem?

  3. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Thanks man, we aint goin out or nothin'...:):lol::lol:
  4. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    I believe that skills are more important than stuff. Stuff can get stolden, lost, and broke. IMHO stuff makes you a target, skills make you an asset. In a long term thing like Peak Oil or something I would be hard pressed to barter stuff, because the likely hood of getting it again if I needed it would be slim. Things that I would be willing to barter with would be things that I can produce, like goats milk, meat, eggs, and fruits/veggies. Earlier today DW and I were talking about selling milking goats to people if it got that bad. I said we would be better to sell/barter the milk and meat that way they would have to keep them coming back. :lol: Of course I would be willing to barter with skills that I have as well. Pick things that you like and study/practice them as much as you can. You'll find a way if you really have it in you. [beer]

  5. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    How mechanicaly and scientificaly inclined are you? If you could learn how to take junk and make a generator AND fuel for it (say make it run off methane and be able to make and maintain a methane digester) then MANY groups might like a guy that can keep their lights and electric conveniences going longer than their stored fuel.

    There are tons of things that can be gained as skills and not all of them even require a lot of manual labor, though being able to pitch in a bit on that as well is helpful. Even learning a few specialized skills or adapting skills you already have to make them useful in that world can take a person from being of little use to most groups to a HUGE asset.
  6. zarraza

    zarraza Survivalist in training

    i think i'm with some of you - i don't have any SKILLS that are "primitive" in nature - I'm a computer/network engineer by trade
    however, I can swing a hammer, turn a wrench and screwdriver, i can also wield a rake and shovel - and i'm sure i can swing an axe too, and am an amateur marksman

    Leader? NO SIR!
    Grunt? Sir, Yes Sir!

    I have been wanting to go camping with a few friends (my family wasn't exactly the outdoorsy type) so i can go fishing and learn how to clean and cook the fish. I would love to hunt, but I hear here in Arizona that you pay a bunch of money up front and you MIGHT get pulled for ANY tag so I'm gonna have to have those friends teach me after SHTF!

    I'm a shade tree mechanic too, but my wrenchin' buddies call me the tool bitch!

    As much as it pains me, i do agree with the posters saying that claiming to be a marksman/security as your only skill set is not totally worthy in and of itself. So if i start my own "group" I guess i'll head up my own security!

    I want to get a piece of my own land so i can start my "farming" and raising animals like goats and chickens (for milk and eggs) and horses for both transportation and as "work horses" hopefully i can get there before a SHTF situation!
  7. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Gee, and here I was, all set to begin a list too.....!
    Oh well,...How's about this one...
    "I'm an OLD guy"!!!
    I "survived a LOT of years", under a LOT of different scenario's, and circumstances.
    I am self-taught in a lot of subjects, and do quite well, including: a tad bit of doctoring and nursing...
    Besides, I have a distinct advantage over MOST people....

    I have a 40 lb. orange tabby cat named tiger, ( but, we call him fatso, curly tail, most anything at all and as long as you have food, he comes , NOT necessarily running mind you, more like a horizontal penguin!).!!!:shock:

    On the serious side, I have a lot of skills in a lot of areas, far too many to contemplate and list here.
    I Guess that's why I have a "group" of 6 here in Phoenix already, and we are joining another group, plus: there is the 40 acres of land and a lot of gear, skills and experiences in both groups...combined, it's outstanding!!!(12 members so far!)
    I'd just like to have a certified Dr., and a Dentist!
    Other than those specific 2 people, we are set.
    (looking for 3 more people to add, ASAP!)
    We have at least 18 separate BOV's, real ones, not Hyundai's or Hondas. Some with 1 1/2 ton capacity, plus we have several BOT's, some are actually capable of having 3-4 people live in them.
    NOT the 5th wheel types....Built by members.
    We have heavy equipment also. ( and certified operators with them!)
    Now, where can I find a chemist?
    ( we even have ourselves a winemaker/brewmaster!)
  8. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I wouldn't want to be accused of blowing hot air, even though I'm pretty good at spouting [BSf]

    and most thought plumbers just unplugged their toilet [booze]

    I could build a house out of uni-strut, if needed.
  9. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Between you and Melbo and I we could build one hell of a fortress in no time Colt.
  10. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    It would be helpful if we had one of those Academia Nuts living closer though. As much as I hate to say it, Engineers have their usefulness. [booze] [lolol]
  11. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    We have Ghrit???
  12. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Yup, that is who I was trying to pick on but it's no fun when he isn't around to hear it. [gone]
  13. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Sure it is.

    He's an engineer.

    He reads everything.

  14. TNZ71


    What Skills? It takes will to survive. Depending on how catastrophic the collapse, many who could survive won't. Those willing to fight, scratch, claw, sacrifice and adapt will survive. Then length of chaos also comes into play. Nobody can bunker indefinitely.

    Why measure with a caliper when your cutting with axe?
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member


    Dunno about "is" but surely was, and a pretty good one at that. What's left is always subject to debate.

    And, If we ain't got a lens grinder guy in camp, and if I sit on my specs, reading might go the way of Dino.

    You can't get to me - to me - to me!! ARGH!!! Not subject to rattling unless the ship is about to collide with a bigger ship.

  16. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member


    Told ya...

    [ROFL] :lol:

    Once an engineer, always an engineer.....I think it's one of those "You either are, or are not" professions.....

  17. godisreal

    godisreal Monkey++

    Ahowashte,god will keep you.
  18. iloveronpaul

    iloveronpaul Monkey++



    name is Deborah and I am trying to do my share to help direct all of us
    Patriots to the same starting point. Whether you already have all your
    survival plans in place or you are a newbie to all this, either way you
    MUST reach out. If you have a plan, then do the right thing by
    networking your survivalist group and assisting with others who are
    looking to start a new survivalist group, or want to find a group to
    team up with. And if you are not prepared and do not have a
    survivalist group to join, you are not alone. That is where I am.
    Strength are in numbers. And we all need to get organized and network
    together so we have a strong force of people all over the country.

    have done a lot of research and I believe we can do this if we all just
    made this our number 1 priority. The truth is awful, but what is even worse is it we ignore the
    facts and waste what little time we still have. If there is a will,
    then there is a way.
    I want to live through this and I know you all do too. So please check out this FREE site www.uaff.us.
    It is a great place to begin to network and connect with others. If you
    want to help all your brothers and sisters in this movement, and
    really be a part of changing this country, then lets all donate and get
    these survivalist bunkers built.

    We can get organized and
    connected by each location and then just branch out. There is a way to
    join the UAFF and start your own "chapter" or branch in the area you
    are in. If each of you who already have a survivalist group would join
    and make your group a chapter, then this network will begin to grow
    very fast. Then we can communicate with each other and find out what
    other survivalist groups
    or people need to build their chapters. We can share info, plans,
    ideas, ect... We can organize what skills people have or what trades
    people know to help lf we all had the same platform then we can begin
    to build up and take care of each other and make this work. We will
    have a way to supply all the things we need for our groups, to stay
    self sufficient and to protect each other. ORGANIZATION AND NETWORKING
    TOGETHER is the answer. We can get our patriots who are tech experts
    and electricians together and create a communications system for all
    our groups to
    communicate after our power grid is shut off. We can
    do so much if we use our imaginations and leave our fear behind, and
    TRUST each other . .

    Remember we are all in this together. We
    all are at a dangerous time and we all have the loss of liberties,
    enslavement, and death staring us in the faces right now!
    But we can do this !
    We can do this like we have done before....

    If Ron Paul supporters were able to raise 4 million dollars for Ron Paul's
    first money bomb back in November 2007, then we all can do the same and
    raise enough money to do this and have a few fully stocked bunkers in
    each of our states.

    We all need a place to hide until its time
    to take our country back. This will be the key to our survival. Hiding
    our supplies, our kids, our ammo, our water, and us. Remember where the
    elites are going? They get to go to their safe havens that have been
    built underground. So this means that there is going to be complete
    chaos going on for a few months. People who did not see this coming,
    and people who ignored the warning signs will be in complete shock.
    They will have to fight off the military, the loiters, along with
    starvation, disease, ect... And the military will be on a shoot to kill
    order if the Americans decide to resist and not surrender. So the best
    kind of hiding place for us, the Patriots, I think is underground.
    a look at these plans I attached on how this is possible. We can do
    this and be very comfortable at the same time. But we have to begin
    ASAP! I know we all can do this but we have to step up and get this
    movement rolling forward NOW!

    If we all went right to www.uaff.us and signed up for FREE. Then donated any amount, we can
    get this started today!!! Also if you have land you want to donate
    then lets get a list of where and how much land we have to work with.

    try to imagine all of us having a organized system at each location.
    And each location has a underground fully stocked bunker that your
    family and your fellow patriots are safe in. And everyone in your group
    or chapter knows there jobs, and are taking care of their
    responsibilities. All of us working as a team.
    We can even have a
    safety bunker that all the young kids and babies can stay in when the
    time has come for the freedom fighters to go back up and help defend
    our country. We have to plan for the worst and pray for the best....





    Thanks for reading this message.
    If you want to contact me by phone or by email,

  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Why do I sniff a plant other than a daffodil? No way I'm going to that site.
  20. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    The United American Freedom Foundation. Claims say Patriot site. They ask for property donations for C.A.M. ("The North American Network, The UAFF answer to the NAU/SPP").

    iloveronpaul (Deborah); Wow! Quite an introduction. I see you're very...ummm... passionate. Seems to me that you'd be more interested in learning at this stage of your game ("And if you are not prepared and do not have a survivalist group to join... That is where I am") than sharing links to a group that you say you don't have.
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