Civics What say you?

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by 10brokenpromises, May 31, 2020.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I have to drop a misc thought here. First, asking someone where their personal line is will get nothing useful. That is a personal opsec thing, at least for me and many others. Also, the line will move, very highly dependent on circumstances. I rather imagine reactions to, say, a riot in the street in front of your house, will be WAY different than if it's on the other side of town. If you are looking to discover a national reaction to a call to arms, that, too will vary. Who's calling for lock and load? That will make a tremendous difference in response.
    Very early in the life of this site, the concept of finding a leader was hashed. Need one, local, regional, or national, that is respected and followable. My sheriff qualifies.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2020
    SB21 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    For me, the Line is when Bad Guy crosses into my Zone of influence, with wicked Intent.... PERIOD... I do not intent to fight other peoples battles, and I do not intend for others to fight my Battles... I lived in the Big City and watched it slide into a Second World Shithole, 35 Years ago... Demoncrates took over and the slippery Slope got slipperier... Ever since I was 12 years old, I personally made myself known to the LEOs for my AoO. They were aquantinces, then friends, then Customers, until I determine it was time to get out...Even now, my State Trooper is a Trusted Friend, as is his detachment Sargent, and the ones before them... I can say categorically that they could call me, to back them up, if needed, and they have called a couple of times, and I supplied support, and Comms, for them in some hairy situations out here near MY AoO... They know who I am and what I am about... I have sold them Custom FireArms and taught they how to build Custom Ammunition, that serves them well for the uses they need... All that is a holdover from my Custom Ammunition business, before I moved out here, where the LEO Triple Gun Competitors wanted what I built and loaded, just for them... I have No Interest in being a LawDog, as I have already been, and am a reTIRED Federal Agent... Now I just live quietly, out here in the REAL Quiet bush of Alaska... but if you choose to live the the Concrete Jungle, you choose to, and make those choices, and live with those consequences.... I made mine, but do not think you can fly out here and impose your Will on me, or mine... Crab Bait is easy to come by, and “oh yea, there was a guy around a while back, like that, but he hasn’t been seen for a while... Here have some nice fresh King Crab, right out of the cooker...”
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I think there's a breakdown in communication with what @10brokenpromises was saying to Bruce. I'm sure he was trying to be respectful and not broach opsec, and I get the point. It's pretty obvious that if you live out in the wild Alaska frontier, you've got different problems and most of them aren't the kind we've got down here in happy land. That's all he was getting at, I think. Listen, I've been on voice comms with Bruce and he's a stand up guy, and I am sure that if he was younger and more inclined to live among the sheeple, he'd be a little more pissed off and want to do something about all of this nonsense in the country. As far as all of that may be, if I were in his boots, I'd be happy as hell to not have to worry about society in general.
    And I do appreciate the mention which brought me to this topic, but I feel like I've beaten this dead horse too many times. We do live in a militarized police state, it's a corporate oligarchy disguised as a democracy, when it's supposed to be a republic. There is no satisfaction to be had, there are no rights for the people, there is no liberty and certainly no justice. And by the way, it's "Constitutionally protected rights" as we do not derive our rights from the Constitution itself, but the Creator -as we are all born free and sovereign. It's just sad that none of us alive today will die free, too. The people fell silent, indifferent, and we lost our republic. End of story.
    SB21, Gator 45/70, BTPost and 2 others like this.
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