What is it really going to take?

Discussion in 'Bill of Rights' started by 10brokenpromises, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I would be in favor of it.
  2. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    I was unaware that any such thing even existed. Kind of smacks of hypocrisy though doesn't is? I mean, it's voting a right? A couple of amendments certainly lend credence to that notion. How can you legislate forcing someone to exercise their right?
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    Tully Mars and Yard Dart like this.
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    The "put up, or shut up amendment" you don't vote, you don't get to use your other rights either. Call it a "voluntary separation." If you can't be bothered to let your voice be heard, your vote counted, your preference known, then clearly, you are not part of the process. The rule is "one man, one vote", so if you don't vote, you don't count as a man. ;)
  4. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I have few a Ideas about the problems in the country and how to fix several of them. There is one thing that effects everything from healthcare to jobs, wages, the debt, deficit, budget etc. That is trade. Donald Trump said we are the laughing stock of the trade world because we removed all of our import tariffs on foreign goods. Ross Perot warned us what would happen if we went down this road. The numbers dont lie. When Reagan left office he left us with a 16 billion dollar trade surplus which was with Mexico. We were pretty even with everyone else except Japan and he forced them to build plants in the U.S. or face a 27% tariff. George Bush sr. started us on a path to Globalism and when Bill Clinton signed N.A.F.T.A. and the G.A.T.T. he began the end of the American Middle class as we knew it. In meetings of the Trilateral commission the deals were cut even before Reagan left office. Once Clinton had the Senate and House that he needed to pass both the door opened and the exodus began. Since those deals were cut the U.S. has lost to date over 100,000 companies and or corporations from little one man operations to mega giants like General electric and General Motors. These businesses either outsource or have moved off shore taking with them 15 million high paying manufacturing jobs effectively gutting the middle class of wealth and redistributing it around the world. However even worse has been the Global wage leveling or lowering. The race to the bottom. Wages here continue to fall in manufacturing and now we see the right to work laws being implemented which are really just right to work for nothing laws as this is a part of the global wage lowering plan. We fix this by putting the tariffs back on imports made by sub standard wage labor. In other words we set the standard of living and only trade with those who measure up. Today according to the U.S. census on trade we are running a 1/2 trillion dollar per year trade deficit. Dr. Ben Carson agrees with me and if elected will impose stiff tariffs on unfair imports. Those revenues will go towards the debt,deficit and if we also end the wars we could pull out of the dive and start repaying our debt.

    Healthcare and medicine are bloated to the point where what you pay for things like a syringe or a dose of medicine needs to be addressed. The mark up on goods sold through a hospital is ridiculous. My wife has been a registered nurse for 28 years, we know how the system works and how much gouging and waste goes on. The biggest problem however is how we pay for services. Insurance is legalized extortion. Most of the companies offering health insurance take upwards of 30% off the top for their overhead and this is not acceptable. Some as high as 41% of every dollar goes to run the insurance company. The funding should come from health savings accounts or trust funds that can NOT be raided by Government. They need to be non profit and transparent. Then there is education on what we eat. Good lord that is killing us in the U.S. FAT FAT FAT everywhere. Sugar and fat are killing America. We need to lose weight as a country. I need to lose 50 pounds. We need more companies here producing the medicines so we have more competition within our borders. Imports are not the answer, we saw this with Chinese Wheat Gluten in pet foods. Killed 600,000 pets in 2006. There is a lot of room for reform in the Medical arena that is for sure. Forcing people to buy legalized extortion is not the answer. I am not at all opposed to a public option if it means non profit trust funds versus Insurance. That is all the Government should be involved with. PAYING FOR IT. Not controlling it.
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