What happens when you don't have your equipment?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Bishop, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    I'm gonna head over to that cottonwood...might be a water source there where I can drink and get myself cleaned up a bit. As I head over I am going to be trying to get my bearings (sun being low should make that easy), looking for tracks (hopefully I wasn't just dropped from the sky) and scanning for items I may need (means and fuel to make fire, containers, etc.), and scouting where my next move may be...which is going to be really dependent upon whether the sun is rising or setting and what tracks I might find.
  2. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Good choice. Cottonwoods and pines, both need a lot of water, though it may not be surface water. Your cloths are slightly damp, so it might have been a light rain, or morning dew. Either way, you will be able to get some moisture from it.
  3. Bishop

    Bishop Monkey+++

    Ok I would get my self out of my bonds take off my clothes get some grass and dry off with move up to a little higher elevation the cotton wood try to find me a place to get out of the wind that is cover to would not worry about a fire one who ever dropped me off may come back I don't want a beacon for them I take the damp clothes and suck some of the water out the paracord I take two 20 inch length cut them off with the pen knife over lap the ends 5 inchs and tie a over hand knot to each end of the over lap and take and cut two 3 1/2 foot length and do a cobra braid to both of the sides of the loop that was made it the first two lengths when that is done I will tie a small loop at one end and fold it in half and tie a knot at the other end to where it's even now I have a David sling try to get grass and leaves where I am beding down watch the stars to find my north also jets at night may give you some what of a idea where you are liston for cars or trains for a way out and wait for day break in the morning find some rocks or clay to use for ammo in my David sling suck up some more water from my clothes and put back on start working my way out use pin knife and cut a small walking stick may have to baton one down with out brakeing the pin knife if my feet are hurting cut my pants legs off and use the paracord for lacing and make crude sandles.
    kellory likes this.
  4. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I'd first want to assess if my captor is still in range ,it's not unusual for a predator to stand at a distance to watch his quarry .
    If I've gotten free first order of business is making a weapon even if it takes rubbing g stick on a rock till the point is workable.
    With cord I can make a sling and bow drill.
    Making tools is what I do ,so the second order is a digging tool to get to water, usually found in a gully with lots of growth.
    In desperation I have safely consumed water strait from the ground filtering only with clothing. Ideally though boiling is best.
    Depending on the terrain my feet are pretty tough, but if necessary making some wooden shoes is a good practical task .
    Probably not as good as Dutch sabot but good enough to get around.
    A lot depends on if I want to be found, or remain hidden.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I'm with @chimo and @Bishop so far... I don't think those that did this to me are coming back for me or else they would have tied me to something so I am not too worried about that. I will work myself free of the bonds while moving towards the cover and concealment of the cottonwoods - one never knows who else is out there. Unless my clothes are soaked, I will leave them on for now to dry faster and additional warmth. In the cottonwoods, I look for water and at the worse case dig a hole to see if ground is wet enough to collect some, stain it piece of my shirt or whatever, even just teeth. The most important thing it to protect my feet. and like @Bishop I will try to use pieces of the cord, pant legs or shirt sleeves and layered bark or wood pieces to make a usable sandal. I will not cut more of the cord for anything else yet but snares do come to mind. Sun is setting and if I can see it then I know where is West. If were in mountains and cannot see it then I can use a field expedient method using a stick and shadow to find if necessary but from the sound of this scenario we're losing light and finding shelter for the night is more important. If clear sky in the night then North Star will give me bearings or sunrise will. Hopefully, these cottonwoods could provide shelter of some sort as since I'm hurt probably best to take it easy this evening and start out in morning. Pocket knife can help cutting boughs to make bed (and possibly small lean-to which could be layers with bark, leaves and boughs to keep rain and dew off) and a layer of leaves can provide warmth. Place sleep site next to large tree and/or hill (placement is critical) to block wind. I am not to afraid of them coming back from me so fire would be next depending on how much light is left. I need to look again what I have on me that could assist with fire making. The obvious thing would be a bow using the cord to assist in making a fire and you have a small knife to cuts some kindling. The critical thing as I see it is sandals. Damage to your feet lowers your chances greatly because takes away your movement and could weaken you from infection, even kill you from blood poisoning or etc.
    arleigh likes this.
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