What Georgie Patton would say, about the USA today....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BTPost, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Even though I don't understand Chello half the time and then when I do most of the time he's wrong(lol) just teasing Chello. He is intitled to his opinion and is always welcome when Im reading and posting. You have just joined the forum and by the sounds of your post you don't have what it takes to be a Monkey any damn way. Chello has been on the sight for a long time and will probally be here when you are gone so show some respect to others. The true Monkey's on this sight are made up from all walks of life and that is how we learn and are free to express our opinions without being talked $h!t to by someone who hasnt been here long enough to know anything about us. As for for being an idiot it seems to me that the only idiot is you. (Some times it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought and idiot, than open your mouth and remove all doubt!)
  2. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Practice what they preach? That takes some serious hubris. WE THE PEOPLE are not PRACTICING what WE preach. Time and again, officials are elected that run this country further and further down a path of destruction. They strip our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and we do nothing about it, outside of grumbling and grousing. The UNITED STATES, while still the "freest" country in the world, that many people want to live in is becoming a country where it's citizens are fleeing - becoming EXPATS to escape the radical, scary changes we are faced with NOW.

    IMO (generically speaking) we are no longer acting like the free people that we were, that the Founding Fathers intended us to be. We are acting, on the whole, like a bunch of dissatisfied self entitled children who whine and complain as we are being spanked and sent to our room. This country was NOT built and secured on the backs of Politicians. It was built, secured, and grew on the backs of the AMERICAN PEOPLE and Patriots who were willing, like General Patton to lay their lives down so we could all be free! We (again in general) are now viewed by politicians as nothing more than chattel. Soon, that is what we will be in fact.

    If you have nothing better to do with your time than berate a fellow forum member for his opinions, perhaps you should pay attention to what is happening in your OWN country, ON your WATCH. I agree with Alpha, while Chell and I do not always see eye to eye, we respect each others opinions here, and are willing to have civil discourse regarding any subject. The key word being civil.

    A true patriot has 3 boxes he relies on. The ballot box, the soap box, and the ammo box. The ballot box is manipulated and controlled, our soap box has been stolen, and they are coming after our ammo boxes. When have we reached the point of ENOUGH!?

    It has been stated several times previously, I will state it again. OUR FOREFATHERS WOULD BE SHOOTING BY NOW.[freedom][soap]
    tulianr, oldawg, BTPost and 1 other person like this.
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