What do you (EDC) carry ?

Discussion in 'Blades' started by bladefrenzy, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Ah well, just call it another TOOL.
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Schrade old three blade stockman's knife carbon steel blades,
    Montana G4M single blade,
    Victornox multi blade key chain,
    Kershaw Ken Onion with clip partial serrated assist opening.
  3. kom78

    kom78 OH NOES !!

    where I am we have stupid laws I carry a leatherman micra
  4. andrew ebert

    andrew ebert Monkey

    i carry a ka bar warthog w/ a plain edge and a tanto style blade.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    When I do carry a knife, It is my 10" Nepalese Kukuri ... It also travels with me whenever I leave the local AoO, around the place. It is a Knife, Hatchet, & Weapon, all rolled into one. The only thing I have found better, is a DesRosiers Alaskan Bush Knife. I just can NOT Afford one of those, so I go with what got.....
    Falcon15 likes this.
  6. munchy

    munchy Monkey+++

    victorinaux super tinker for me had one in my pocket since gradeschool, used to lose them every year or so but the current one is 5+ years old just epoxied the plastic on it the other day. I just heard of a kid at the local high school got suspended for using a small knife. Times have changed. It wasnt unusual for some of us to have a longun in the gunrack in the parkinglot, just around the time of columbine.
  7. SAK one handed treker, Tops C.A.T., Tops Key B neck knife. On the trail I carry my SAK, Kinfolk WW II Fighting knife, and Ontario SP5-95 Survival Bowie, CRKT Carson M-16 folder Tramolina machette in my truck. Gerber flat nose multi-tool, Ontario Parachutist, Buck CrossLock skinner, CRKT Eat'N Tool, and custom Tracker in my B.O.B. I like knives because, sometimes you run out of bullets befor you run out of bad guys.
  8. Turtle

    Turtle Monkey+

    @ work i carry a Leatherman Supertool 300 combined with an AA LED Maglite in a Ripoffs pouch or my Victorinox Spartan.
  9. Frisian

    Frisian Monkey

    At work, In uniform I carry a pair of Ken Onion Kershaw Blackouts. One in each front pocket.
    At home I normally carry a 5:11 folder in right hip pocket for cutting chores, right front pocket gets a Cold Steel, 4" Serrated saved only for "Social Use". In this case the left front pocket is sans knife because it holds my S&W Md38 "J" frame in a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster.
  10. Frisian

    Frisian Monkey

    Of late I have started carrying a Spyderco Endura & a Delica for more serious social work. I recently have studied with Michael Janich and have continued with his programs. I have learned to appreciate the advantages of the Spyderco system over some of my old favorites.
  11. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    I've been struggling with this for decades. In town and around I always carry either a Swiss pocket knife with a spear point blade, can/bottle opener/screwdriver and an awl, or, a Multi-tool©. In the woods, it so much depends on what I'm doing. I own too many blades and they're like my children, all different, all useful, all loved. For general runnin' over a 2-7 day outing I like to carry my Norwegian knife with a 4" laminated blade on my side and either my East Brothers® (Sydney Australia) WW2 survival/pilots knife/chopper/machete strapped to my calf. Sometimes I may take along one of my old Norlund hatchets or my tomahawk. I always have a small pocketknife too.
    For a weekend I really like my K-Bar camp knife. Those choices are for hoofing all day and setting up new camp sites every night and weight is a precious commodity, especially for being in the upper 50's age range (hell, why be proud? I'll be 56 real, real, soon).
    When I go "fancy campin’ " as I refer to using a car for transport and staying within half a mile of it, I splurge on an axe and a folding shovel with the root saw sharpened properly.
    I used to be strictly a big, heavy, long blade, fan. I was much younger, more vigorous and a lot greener back then. The re-evaluation began when I had to rely on a 7" K-Bar combat knife for a couple of weeks. It was all I had and it had to do a lot of stuff. I learned just how versatile a medium size knife could be. I built shelters, dug holes, cut, skinned, carved and batoning wood for fires.
    I have nothing but disdain for the enormous "survival" knives with shark tooth sized saw backs mini tangs and hollow handle for $19.99 and there about. I've managed to discourage a couple of new lads from wasting their money on them. That said, I would have been a prime target for a sale at one point in my sordid career so no personal judgment, just against the gear.
    In the end, it boils down to personal preference tempered by experience and what that experience has told you about what to carry in a given circumstance. To conclude: Vive le couteau! [woot]
    gunbunny likes this.
  12. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    I currently have a Benchmade Mel Pardue. I would have preferred a plain blade, but the one and only Benchmade in the cabinet had serrations. I bought it anyway. I've carried it for three years now. Rather heavy for a pocket knife, but well built all the same. You can feel it when you hold it, and when you lock the blade open. The blade is 154CM stainless.
  13. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    If you don't mind, I have a question for you and perhaps the other monkeys. I'm not well versed in acronyms (must be a newby/old guy thing) so, what does EDC mean?
    Perhaps someone could post a list of all the acronyms commonly used here in the forums. That would be helpful. Hell, I still don't even know what a twitter is (really!).

    (Es wäre schön, wenn Schnee Jagdsaison haben in diesem Jahr!)
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Every Day Carry. Other stuff is less obscure and often easier to figure out. Any specific mysterious, well, ask. There are really too many to come up with a comprehensive list, and new ones seem to crop up daily.

    Twitter and tweeting (or equal) are beyond me because I don't see any real use for it beyond spreading rumors and making access to personal data easy for anyone that's got nefarious schemes in planning. And, I suffer from the same ills as you, too soon old, too late smart.
    ExHelot likes this.
  15. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    Thanx! Now that I get the concept, Very often: Leatherman Kick and or Cold Steel Reckon 1. Always: Swiss Mil issue pocket knife..spearpoint blade, can/bottle opener, screwdriver and awl.
  16. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    Thanks for the info , all. The attachments for "Grovel" didn't work so I searched on You Tube. Looks like a good rig for a truck. Little disappointed in the performance shown on Y'Tube though. Too heavy for BOB but I love the concept. I have a serious thing for multi-purpose gadgets and tools. Guess I'll stick with my Army issue Tri-fold for now.
    Just a note too: I found that one of the best ways for me to evaluate these kinds of things is to look at them as if I were going to purchase them for a novice prepper (like one of my kids). I've been scrounging about for info' so I can fix my daughter in-law with a reasonable BOB to get her out of the city in case of SHTF. My son is a bit passive about the concept, she isn't. Another reason I love you Katie!

    Read more: http://www.survivalmonkey.com/posts/238189/save-inline#ixzz2AzQoOq00
  17. Quadfather

    Quadfather Monkey

    ImageUploadedByTapatalk1362495959.264451. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1362496054.612675.
    Glock 22 that mounts to my wheelchair.
    TheDC and BTPost like this.
  18. Frisian

    Frisian Monkey

    Good setup.
    TheDC likes this.
  19. TheDC

    TheDC Disabled Veteran

    My EDC would be this S & W folder and Gerber multi-tool...

    In addition to either the Kel-Tec 9mm or EAA Windicator in .357 Magnum,depending on how I'm dressing (the KT is a mite easier for CCW when dressed light) and mood.
    BTPost likes this.
  20. fmhuff

    fmhuff Monkey+++

    SOG Flash II.
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  15. Andy the Aussie
    ...it's my excuse anyway... ;) [IMG] [IMG]
    Thread by: Andy the Aussie, Dec 21, 2018, 8 replies, in forum: Blades
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