What are you reading?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RightHand, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Hunger games was good. I like books 1 and 2 better than book 3.
  2. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That's a useful assortment Thaddius. As someone mentioned the other day, reading seems to be a common trait among our members. Some people collect guns the way others collect lint in their pockets but with me, its books. My library includes everything from Chapman's Piloting and Seamanship to a medical dictionary then off to an early 1900 book about orphanages in India and then some excellent political thrillers. Eclectic would be the best word to describe my taste
    kellory and Thaddius Bickerton like this.
  3. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    One of my all time favorite books is "Stinking Creek" which is about the rural Kentucky residents. I don't think it's still in publication but it was engrossing. IIRC, the author is Fetterman, and is what might be called an indictment of "the Great Society" but I viewed it more in terms of cultural differences between mountain people and mainstream society, poverty as well as joy and customs
  4. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    Im working on two at the moment. Re-reading Boston's Gun Bible and An Orgy for George by George Carlin.
  5. Got another book today;

    Them young fellars out of the Morman church came by and gave me a paperback copy of their "Book of Morman" to read.

    Told em I did not think I was a Morman, but They were welcome to a drink of water and to sit on the porch and chat. (Poor old boys had to walk up from the gate when Dear Daughter was leaving and had already closed it behind her, she called me on the phone and said they were coming so I got them some water out.)

    Seems Mormans don't drink tea and stuff with caffeine, so I usually offer em water. (How can anyone skip out on the house wine of the south - sweet tea, and if ya don't know what and how that is made ya need to study up on southron cooking lol)

    Anyhow They spent some talking with me about Jesus and this feller that found some gold plates (told me they not the kind ya eat off of but like paper only metal) and translated with God's assistance to get the book.

    Anyway we got around to talking about the Morman four

    (the four basic foods ya can store to get a years worth of food on hand for cheap - 1.Salt 2. honey (possibly sugar) 3.Powdered milk 4. wheat -- Google fu should lead to a lot on this and be sure ya look into a cook book on how to make em work together)

    Which lead to the idea of keeping a years worth of most eveything ya need, which lead to an invite to take advantage of a canning center at their church , even if I don't become morman.

    (I know it is to suck me in, but I've known our local mormans most my life, and they know me, so I sort of expect we could get along without them pushing me to hard since they know i push back when pushed.)

    Which lead to sharing root beer brewing reciepies. (apparently this is a big thing with a lot of mormans - who knew?)

    Anyway I sent em on their way with a ride back down to the front gate in the flatbed that is slowly becoming a wood gas truck but still hasn't had the gas converted over, just getting the equipment installed around a welder / generator and tool boxes we are putting on.

    Nice boys, They offered to help our around the place, but I'm kinds set on how I want things done, and teaching new fellers how to do stuff isn't worth any help they might offer. Sides, they do that cause of their belief, and a lot of folk take advantage of it to get a yard cut or wood split etc. Don't seem right to take advantage of them when they are just trying to do what they believe is right.

    Now if I was alone and sick, a bit of help, well that's just being Christian, or a good neighbor if ya haven't found Jesus. (Be happy to share him with ya, but I don't push him, people find their own way.)

    Anyway, some of what they do makes sense, and some is just plain mystery. I'll do em the favor and look over their book.

    I know I don't have all the answers, just not convinced anyone else has the answers either.

    If ya want a free one they will send ya one if ya ask, but actually it will get you a visit from their missionaries, and getting them to stay away if ya get em coming around ya have to flat out tell em to not come back and they are so very nice ya almost hate to hurt their feelings.

    And they will stick ya in their prayers is ya ask em to and that can't hurt.

    Well enough of my Morman commercial. They have some good food storage info no matter what, and ya ought to take advantage of the free info on the web if ya haven't seen it.

    I kind of think we are all going to be a bit hungry in the days ahead, and having food put by will be a good idea.
  6. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

  7. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2015
    wrc223 likes this.
  8. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    GREAT GREAT books!!! I loved all of them.
    Many of the places he talks about in a few books in the series are right here where I live. Chenango, Ouaquaga, Susquehanna, Tuscarora, Unadilla thats whats all around me. The main 5 tribes of the Iroquois converged right here. In fact Unadilla is Iroquois for "meeting place". It is very common to find arrowheads along the river and when plowing on floodplains. Many of the local towns are named after Generals who fought the French, English, or Indians.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2015
    melbo likes this.
  9. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    It means a lot when you grew up in Michigan, Ohio, Caintuck and Tennessee and can visualize exactly where these people were.
    So much history all around that you never were taught about.
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Where I went to school, we were taught the history. Problem is, it was taught by the winners. The Lenni Lenape stood no chance of truth surviving them.
  11. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Yes. You don't hear much about the battle at Fort Necessity where G Washington surrendered to the French... especially by the French bashers around here ;)
    chelloveck likes this.
  12. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    George is forgiven....He was fighting on behalf of the British at the time...so it was a loss for Britannia and not Uncle Sam.

    Fort Necessity National Battlefield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Edit: From the bitter lessons of defeat, came the generalship that took George to victory.
  13. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    Recently buried my uncle in the cemetery adjacent to Fort Amanda. Big fan of lesser known historical sites and tid bits. A previous forum I belonged to I had a thread (still ongoing I believe) where people posted pics of random historical markers they came across.


  14. I gotta get my camera some batteries and take me some pics. Now I need to get those added to my list of pics to get. Both for myself and perhaps to share if anyone is interested.

    Thanks for another great idea folks.

    Redneck Rebel likes this.
  15. Sewer Rat

    Sewer Rat Monkey

    Just started re-reading Steven ' Malazan 'series to prepare for reading the last book in the series. Going to grab my copy of 'The Protector' by David Morrell for my gadget/firearm/knife fix while at work.
  16. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    I'd start a thread of the sort here but I'm not sure how successful it would be because of OPSEC. Many people here don't care to reveal their AO or comings and goings. If you want to though I would participate. My prior thread was highly successful and lead to interesting historical markers from across the nation that one would otherwise never learn a thing about.
    Thaddius Bickerton likes this.
  17. I'm slow about getting to town, and I need some specialized batteries, but I'll see if I can get some and post em.

    I don't worry about opsec about my location. Anyone really wanting to find me probably could.

    I live in rural north alabama, not sure if there are many close, but this idea gives me a reason to get out to the markers I have seen over the years.
    Maybe take a road trip with the kids around the area.

    Gas may be a limiting factor, but again oldest son and I are building a wood gas generator powered flat bed. (i'm gonna try using coal in it and getting coke as a by product for the forge)

    Once that is up and running a load of fire wood, throw some supplies in the back put on a stake sides and a canvas top like the old military trucks had and off to a day long adventure.

    I'm getting excited. One last adventure before I settle down on the homestead.

    I'll see what I can do about this, God willing, times permitting and the world don't end.
  18. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

  19. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Survival Monkey Forums. Lol. Nothing new. Books still packed from move. Gonna check some of those everyone recommends though when is another story.
  20. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    Daniel X, the third book.

    -James Patterson
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