What are you reading?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RightHand, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. Mudinyeri

    Mudinyeri Monkey+

    You're the second person who's suggested that today. I may have to take it under advisement.

    A glimmer of hope ... I have all of next week off. While I plan to spend some time with family and some time hunting, I should also have a good deal of time for writing.
  2. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    Quality over speed. Nothing wrong with keeping people in suspense for a bit.
    Then again I'm just a dick like that LOL
  3. gomer

    gomer Hooligan

    I saw a lot of that and I see it as a form of art imitating life. Even in my own household. All in all, what you mentioned isn't unrealistic. Like when the .gov in office at the outset begins to downplay its importance (the manure collector) as well as opportunists and the involvement of the black market.

    Saw it on the PBB and gave it a shot. Least I could do in exchange for the good read. Keep it up and at a pace you can stand; too much survival fiction gets a little unbelievable when the author starts to rush to meet demand. Any literature for that matter. I have no problems spreading the word for something like this.

    Thank you, as well, for giving us a chance to read this.
  4. Mudinyeri

    Mudinyeri Monkey+

    No intentions to "rush it". I have several chapters "in the can" and should be able to pound out several more over my time off next week.

    My wife asked me tonight, "Are you enjoying it?" I really am. Some of the side fiction (soon to be posted) is more difficult as I'm into the diary mode but after I get my head out of the diary, the side fiction starts to come almost as easily.
  5. gomer

    gomer Hooligan

    Good to hear. Like I said before, this is some of the best survival fiction I've seen in a while. Keep up the good work!
  6. kkspar620

    kkspar620 Monkey+

    I'm reading a book by C.S. Lewis called "Out of the Silent Planet". Needed some recreational reading that is easy on the mind.
  7. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I'm reading Arnold.

    It's a six pound book, and anybody that exercises should read it. Outstanding information on diet, exercise, the science of, and motivation. Incredible read. 800 pages.
  8. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    a 6lb book on exercising????

    I would be buying a second book and using them both for weight training as dumbells! : O
  9. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I swear, brothers from another mother. I have that same book open right now on my desk!
  10. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I am reading a book called "On Artillery".....

    I am reading a book called "On Artillery" authored by Bruce I. Gudmundsson. I wish I had have been able to read it when I was a young infantry officer.

    The book covers the technological and the tactical / operational employment of artillery on the battlefield. The book spans the developmement of Artillery employment doctrine from the Franco Prussian War (1870) up to the commencement of the Cold War just after WWII.

    The book is very readable, and is most suitable for a general readership interested in military history and the evolution or Artillery tactics. Those of an Army or Marine Corps background will find the author's analysis quite enlightening.

    On artillery - Bruce I. Gudmundsson - Google Books

    The following links to youtube are provided for your delectation....Australian and US Marine Corps Artillery. I'm particularly impressed with the US Marine Corps crew...they work like a well oiled team...they would do justice to any major professional dance company...they certainly have the moves. [applaud]


    Australian Artillery 108 Bty - YouTube

    US Marines

    marine corps field artillery at its best - YouTube

    I'd hate being the Taliban on the receiving end of that lot.
  11. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Finished "11-22-63" by Stephen King last night. Now on "Mrs Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" by Ransom Riggs.
  12. gomer

    gomer Hooligan

    Youy know, I read something in that book last night I wanted to discuss with you. Damned if I can remember what it was now.
  13. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    Finally downloaded The Survival Template by Mr John Heatherly onto the new Kindle Fire last night! I'll be diving into later this evening.

    BTPost likes this.
  14. Smitty

    Smitty Monkey+

    Keeping Bees, A Complete Practical Guide by Paul Peacock

  15. Treblinka by Steiner. Nazi extermination camp for Jews. Is there a lesson here for America if the SHTF?
    RightHand likes this.
  16. carly28043

    carly28043 Monkey+

    The Forgotten man: A New History of the Great Depression by Amity Shlaes.
    RightHand likes this.
  17. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Medic:Saving Lives from Dunkirk to Afghanistan

    I'm presently reading Medic:Saving Lives from Dunkirk to Afghanistan. by John Nichol and John Rennell, It is a history of war medicine and field surgery under combat conditions from Dunkirk to Afghanistan. Rather than dealing with grand strategy...it deals with the guts and grime of rendering first aid, and rescucitation surgery in combat. It's a very sobering book.


    Medic by John Nichol and Tony Rennell: review - Telegraph

    I would recommend the book to preppers who want to prepare for the possibility of gunshot and other trauma wounds in a PAW or lesser hostile environment.

    Having bandages and medicines in preps is a good thing, and should not be discouraged...but their usefullness is diminished without the knowledge and skills to apply them. The least that preppers should do is to become first aid competent, and have at hand useful references to draw upon if need be.

    First aid training is not just a once in a lifetime innoculation shot...it needs reinforcement and practice, else knowledge and skills degrade with lack of use/practice. The training should not merely just be in developing individual first aider skills, but should be incorporated into group training exercises. Initial treatment and stabilisation, evacuation and definitive treatment should be integral aspects of training exercise planning, conduct, assessment and review.

    One of the things that I learned was that many surgical instruments and apparatus can be improvised, given time, given the resources, and given the knowledge of what they do and how they work. It is ever so much easier to have a stock of off the shelf equipment, but, as on the Burma Railway...that is not always possible, so surgeons hand fabricated instruments (successfully) from the most unlikely of materials to do lifesaving surgery. Read and learn from those who did the impossible under conditions that were improbably hostile. (A subject the book covers very comprehensively)

    A survival group that has a General Practitioner in it should feel fortunate: a general or trauma surgeon would be priceless.

    In a PAW situation, survival groups should screen refugees for medical personnel, and should evaluate people who are Nurses Midwifery & Obstets nurses; surgical nurses and generalist community nurses. Paramedics are another source of useful skill and knowledge.

    What if fate doesn't send doctors, nurses or paramedics your way......Then, think laterally...Veterinary surgeons...and dental surgeons. Even a pharmacist will have a general idea of disease processes and would be a useful supplement to the Medical effort.

    Most preppers and survival groups usually make provision for FAKs, and will tend to the FAK not just being a booboo papercut quality kit. It would be worthwhile having a basic selection of general surgery non disposable / reusable instruments. You may not have a doctor in your group Pre Paw, but it would be a tragedy if you were able to secure a doctor, without having the proper kit for them to operate with.

    In your group's preps should desireably be a purpose designed sick bay, (or at least a space that could be easily adapted to an operating space that can desireably be kept sterile as possible) with appropriate lighting and instrument and dressing autoclaving facilities. autoclaving can be improvised, but purpose designed equipment is much more efficient and convenient.

    These may seem rather extravagant wishlist suggestions, but what price do you put on your life or the lives of those that you love. Start with the simple stuff, the essentials and the most likely case option requirements, and then work outwards from there.
  18. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    I am reading Sitka by Louis L'Amoure...half way through and its great so far.
    Sapper John and Witch Doctor 01 like this.
  19. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Last of the breed by Louis Lamour...
    kellory and TheEconomist like this.
  20. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Log Cabins
    How To Build and Furnish Them by William S. Wicks.

    even has section on Temporary shelters so ya have sumwhere to live while building yer cabin :)
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