What are you listening to? (ongoing participation thread)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MagnaWolf, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  5. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Not so keen on the music and vocals, but man, those dance moves...

  7. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    SB21 likes this.
  8. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  9. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    SB21 likes this.
  10. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    SB21 likes this.
  11. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  12. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  13. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  14. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  15. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Recording has a tinny echo chamber kind of sound quality that used to come out of the single dash speaker in my car when listening to AM radio. I think their recording studio may be in an empty silo.
    SB21 likes this.
  16. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

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  17. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    The devil's flower....

  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I love a good drum solo.
  19. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  20. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

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