Weird Medicine and Even wilder Butt Hair

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by Kamp Krap, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    You missed your chance to be on Dr. Pimple Popper, but when it starts bleeding you gotta get to the sawbones fast. For future reference to you, me and everyone else, that is what the camera function on our smartphones is for...just be sure to delete the pictures!
    SB21, oldawg and Dunerunner like this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Just wait till you get a Sebaceous Cyst some place tender, those not only hurt like hell but unless the doctors decide to dig them out your stuck with um! I had one sprout up on the back of my neck, about the size of a regulation green pee, had the wife lance it and commence to squeezing, got a little cottage cheese out of it and she medicated the hell out of it! Two days later, it swelled up to the size of a goose egg and hurt like hell! Had the wife lance it again and really lean on it to get the nasty out! I broke out the hand mirror and dug around with a mini scalpel until I found the core and using a dental pick and fine toothed forceps grabbed that sucker and yanked it out, about the size of a Marble and surrounded by a massive clot of corruption! Hooked up the Vacuum pump I use for bleeding brakes and started drawing around 2 bar of suction! Ended up filling the 6 oz cup and had to back off to dump it out and clean it all up before starting in again! It continued to drain for 5 days or so until it finally got a good scab going! Waited a few days and then scraped it off and dug around again to flush the rest out! Had the wife get in there and dug around and flushed it real good and then stitch it up! We cut the cyst open but didn't see any hairs or anything else, figure it was probably a blackhead that got infected! Two months on and it is still a pretty good lump, so I gotta make an appointment to have it removed once and for all!
    SB21, Cruisin Sloth and Dunerunner like this.
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Pro tip!
    For boils and ingrown hairs and minor cysts, you need to lance them and work them over till they bleed bright red, not the watery stuff, if it smells like rotting cheese, you need to dig it out or go to the doctors office and have it removed! Bleeding is good here, it means the body has a chance to fight the infection/inflammation directly, that's a good thing! You still need to clean and medicate and keep the area clean and dry, Don't cover with a bandage, let it run and drain till it builds a scab!
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  4. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Yeah, getting older CAN be a pain in the....well, that's already been covered! ;) But it sure beats the alternative, NOT getting older, right? (y)
    Had one of those sebaceous cysts, about 5-6 years ago, right on the spot on your back that you lean against, when you're sitting in a chair. Got referred to a lady surgeon, who was going to charge me $500 co-pay (and the hospital another $1000), to dig it out, under local anesthesia. :eek: Guess she felt sorry for me, as she said, "Let's try this, first", and lanced it with a hypo. Ended up coming back about 4 more times, for similar treatment, but she got all the fluid out, and (knock on wood) it hasn't come back!
    Got another one, higher up, that I have affectionately called my "Marty Feldman hump", for a number of years now. Didn't bother me, so I figured I'd leave it be....until my recent VA dermatologist exam, when she told me that it appeared to be forming a head, and could possibly start draining. Since that one's in that spot on your upper back, that you can just barely reach, I decided to go for it, when she asked if I wanted a referral to the surgical clinic, to have it removed. Going in, at the end of this month, to get that done. And thanks to the VA, at no cost, for this one! :D
    Dunerunner and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  5. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    VA usa or cdn ?
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