Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ColtCarbine, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

  2. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Still water undisturbed , oils float, solids drop .
    Knowing this ,stored water is treated and filtered as you would city tap water , omitting what is at the very top an the very bottom of the container. However,
    containers of questionable history or over a year old are tested and treated with more care , and containers with open air access are treated with the more stringent processes.
    I have filters and materials for making bucket filters as well as distillation capabilities .
    I figure on having several class of water filtration, for several class of usage and recycling.
    Doing aquaponics I respect the capabilities it provides.
    So , I can take stagnant water from any source I've got and revitalize it ,but I strive not to assume any thing stored is safe with out testing or treating .
    Swimming pool and fish tank test kits are a valued asset, and so are microscopes and PPM meters , to see how well you filtration system is functioning. Which reminds me I need to replace my old test chems .
    chelloveck likes this.
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