Who knows for certain how this will all play out? I know that I will not be hungry or desperate, but I am armed. As for the majority of this country, well? They are certainly going to be hungry and desperate.
May I remind you of 911, Katrina, Pear Harbor just to name a few. All of these and more show the willingness of the American people to pull together and join a cause. Those sitting in the cubical's trying to control will be of the first to see the end of a barrel. All it will take is for the mass to see the few fighting the enemy and not each other for them to join in.
I think this is true as long as we arent caught unawares. Keeping one ear to the wall may serve a good purpose with all this 'disinformation' going on (TV,Radio,etc)
Well, I hate to argue with you, Al...mostly because we agree on so many points, but I don't think that Katrina is a good reference unless you mean after the fact. I know that the gun confiscations went without a hitch, troops engaging in police roles, quarantine zones set up, and all of those people went without water in the dome for how long? Truckloads of water and food turned away by FEMA, not to mention that the entire incident was suspect itself; reports of shadowy government special ops troops blowing dams and cutting power lines? I don't know. As for Pearl Harbor, well, I don't even need to cite reference for FDR's involvement and the thousands of Americans who had to die just to grant the USA a reason to enter the war and establish a United Nations. Sept. 11th was recent enough, yet again another government created scenario and the war continues...I don't even want to think about the "terrorist hunting license" bumper stickers that went up -when all along we should have been throwing our representatives and executive servants out of office. My point is, that the People will believe whatever the television tells them to believe. Well. Not all of us.
Forget the troops, just unleash a virus to kill off 180 million people in the U.S. and tens of millions more world wide. If that doesn't work just drop some neutron bombs in all the major U.S. cities. YouTube- Neutron Bomb creator speaks
My point was more of the country pulling together as one. I was disagreeing with the point of us not working together or being organized in a time of need, regardless of the cause.
+1 that's actualy where I was going in my deleted rant ( "katrina confiscation"Nobody stoodup against gun confiscation during katrina, not one person.) but quit when I realized the situation was different, we have had natural disasters before. But there's always the light at the end of the tunnel or the half of the country not effected where the sun still comes up and everything is normal. If "martial law were ever enacted("levied"?) it would be something never experienced here. In that there may be no return to normal representative constitutional gov't...
But Al supposedly "they" shot at rescue helos and after seeing the lady turn her nose up at mres and plain drinking water! on national t.v.I wasn't inclined to help any "handsout" takers..Guard troops were still confiscating weapons..
Still not my point Tango. People joined together to help. You know, if they were dumb enough to bite the hand that feeds them then they deserved what they got.
A few people may have tried to help, and those very few who "helped" really didn't do much to stop the GOVERNMENT from taking their GUNS or blowing up the DAMS, or turning back the TRUCKS which held vital water and food and clothing. MY DAMN POINT IS, that I don't care about your FALSE sense of security in believing that Americans will stand together -because I already KNOW that they WON'T. They have been too divided for TOO LONG. In fact, I cannot name one single project, aspect, or occurrence in their lives which brings people together without also wedging a dividing pole between them as well. Balkanization occurs regularly, and most people,including yourself -cannot even see what is being done. You may think that a revolution of sorts, a martial law mandate will turn everybody around suddenly. You are sorely mistaken. Can't you realize that the largest percentage of people won't even know what is happening? Do you really believe that most people will fight beside one another instead of seizing an opportunity to get even, steal and appropriate, rape, pillage, and just have "fun"? Very few people will stand together, so stop kidding yourself. Why should a Libertarian initiate force to help us fight and reclaim the republic? And an Anarchist will laugh at you. The Democrats are tuned to the TV, and believe you to be a terrorist. Republicans are still waiting for Limbaugh to comment before responding. Gays and trannies unite for a pink march against domestic terrorists due to the recent increase in violence. Oprah comes out of retirement to hold an all black-pride rally in an attempt to persuade her brethren to unite in peace. Can you see where I am going?
On a brighter note: If you help to build strong communities, strengthen ties locally, and help to educate your neighbors and family -you will be making a step in the right direction. Just don't get false hopes in believing that we still live in the 19th century.
This is one of those no sure answer topics.. it remains to be seen; and is becoming heated.,. I would hope Al's right, Somehow I see today we are too fragmented (on purpose???). I see a cartoonish picture of a giant with one foot nailed to the floor foundering around in circles while swatting at a swarm of bees around his head... But then I really would hope it never comes to a shooting revolution. Who are we fooling? Like kids in the basement with a chemistry set( a free pocket constitution and a bunch of guns) A civil war or fresh shooting revolution would be a horrible experience and when its over who can guarantee the result (back to mobs shouting/shooting over each other)??? The point I (like brokor) was trying to get across is there is no one enemy, dems will say its those damn repubs on the other sideof the isle, repubs like wise...Is the enemy the military ordered to enforce civilian law? The civilian who ordered them ? or the civilian who made it legal for the CINC to order them in? I have to back away from this thread as the temp rises.... I throw in with brokor on this one...
Its a friendly conversation guys. I'm not disagreeing with you on many points, but I believe Country wide martial law would be much different then the Katrina event. Anyways, none of us have a crystal ball. We don't know how folks will act but I can tell you from first hand experience. Desperate people will do desperate things. Unless you've been on that fringe of desperation like I was 10 years ago you won't understand. So guys take a few deep breaths and relax a bit. No need for it to be heated. We have different views so I'm going to bow out of this thread.
NO WAY! I WON'T ACCEPT THIS ANSWER! GAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Nah, I am not upset, just trying to convey important words via the keyboard -which isn't easy. History tells us (not the public educated type) that the People, as a whole, are STUPID. It is only in the most precarious moments, after matters have gone beyond their control, that they begin -BEGIN to see the errors of their ways. It will be most unfortunate to sit back on the sofa with your arms crossed, exclaiming with pride that there will be no F-ing way that the government will ever consider martial law and gun confiscations because we, the citizenry just own "too many". This is just silly, unadulterated hogwash. If Americans were so brilliant, and so capable -then how, pray tell, do they somehow manage to fall into the cycle of dependency upon electric, food, and other various essential requirements, while shopping and spending their way into credit debt -making their corporate slave masters rich beyond belief? Your neighbors, your friends, your acquaintances will most likely turn on you. Even dare I say it -in some cases, even your family will. Well, perhaps some of this topic is debatable to some. As for myself, I see clearly and I know that I hold very few illusions. You may have no idea what the future holds, but I have a pretty good clue: and I don't have to be a psychic to know this. All I have to do is read the writings of the elite who create the future for you.
I have kept my mouth shut on this one, but I can't take the anymore. First, there is nothing new on this issue, CSMRF or whichever letters make up the "see-smurf" accronym have been around for some time, it has just finally hit the tin hat community. "Homeland Defense" has been taught a the war college for years. Secondly, Broker, we seem to be back in the urban legend statements about the Guard taking weapons at Katrina, B.S. I was there, didn't happen. Law Enforcement took the weapons, not the Guard. Every case I was briefed on was people coming out and waving them at the LEOs and rescue workers as they were assessing neighborhoods. Most of them were bangers protecting their stashes. I was at the dome and have pictures of what those people had and didn't have. Didja know that every one of those people could have walked through about 50 yards of knee deep water, climed a 50' ladder and walked themselves out of there? Finally, an armed resistance without coordination is going to invite a large scale yard party in which you will loose. Don't think these troops haven't seen it before? Someone mentioned insurgents in Iraq times 100? Really, where are you going to get your RPGs, explosives, and artillery stashes, you know, the thing that makes the insurgency dangerous in iraq. I watched it time and again on this board, people think the "military' is just going to bumble up their driveway and give the hold out the opportunity to "paint the inside of their helmets with their brains" if I remember the quote correctly. There seems to be a belief that shooting Gubment people is aikin to shooting zombies. Besides, when it comes to starvation due to cut off food, how many of you are already identified by your neighbors, work companions, or family as being the neighborhood flake. Don't think you won't get ratted out for that bag of snickers? Let's not forget fuel, one valve at the fuel terminal will shut most cities down in a day, those bugout plans after the fact will be useless or leave you as the only one on the road to find those roadblocks. Anyone really think this country will stand up for what is right? I wouldn't bet on it for the same reason we are dealing with the current administration. This country lost it's balls years ago, just hasn't figured it out yet.
One more for the "realists"...Military counter intel /counter insurgency folks get paid for what they do (i.e.pros)...This "lone wolf revolutionary" myth needs to die like the "backpack survivor ("warrior of the wasteland" myth):I.E." Shooting mzb's while carrying every weapon they own along with food and shelter on their back. (ha! " Best" gun? why I've got my 870 for anything close, the m4 for on a tactical sling for medium range, the glock on the right hip, 1911 in a shoulder holster..308 bolt for counter sniper...Hence invincible... can't move but I can command the 1000 yards around me. A majority up here are vulnerable because of the NEED for fuel, unless you've got separate wood heat and a woodlot, you need a continuous flow of utilities, winters are just too harsh. Turn the switches and valves off and 10 guys can assure compliance of 98/9% of the populace. Armed insurection is just a complete nonstarter: Then there's the practical aspects, just for argument: get past pages1 through 375 in this bit of pulp"survivalist fiction": lets say a loose rabble of "revolutionaries" manages to "beat" every gov't employee back across the d.c. line.( whatever you might call a "win") Do you want to be "in charge?" I don't... Do you want the crazy irresponsible kid in tiger stripes down at the range "in charge"? How about scumbag ms-13 bangers who show up to play with their organization intact???