Well, you got an answer you didn't like because you already knew it. Have you tried the other advice yet?
The advice I was looking for was if I could capture the bees and get them in a Nuc ,, is it to late in the season for them to survive ?? Or how to help the survive. I would rather leave the bees to fend for themselves if they were likely to die if I captured them,,, but I fear they may die either way , as I know this tree is going to be cut down soon , as this lot is going to sell soon,, and then they will finish clearing the lot. I dont want to kill the bees , but I don't want someone else to either. Was just trying to revive the thread to see if someone would see it and have some advice ,, wasn't trying to piss off anyone.
I would try to be there when the tree is cut.....talk to the owners/builders/etc ahead of time.....and be ready to move them into your hive box physically. Saw the log open, pull out the comb and brood as careful as you can and sit it in a hive of yours. Trying to get them out any other way I think impossible....plus they are going to want to go back to that hive even if you do get them out if it's that close. The old hive has to be completely gone for them to stay with you. I'd use a deep hive, or nuc with empty frames in it, then stack an empty box of the same size on top of that to put the comb/bees/etc into...just in a pile, then put another box on top that with empty frames so the bees are between the two. They should start working those frames immediately to repair their previous destroyed hive. Whether you get the queen or she is killed/lost in the transfer doesn't matter....they will make a new one shortly if she is gone. As far as the time of year, I think you still have plenty....you can supplement feed them all the way into winter if need be to keep them going.
Thanks for that. I'm working on a job away from home, and this is where the hive is. I have been looking for some local beekeepers,, but work has taken a lot of time,,and free time is mostly spent trying to rejuvenate for the next day. I think I may have found a bee supply store within driving distance, will try and check to see if they are open and what they carry. Thanks for the advice,, I can see what your saying and can understand how that would work.
another resource for bee health Give Bees a Chance! im a big fan of mushrooms for lots of health and food options