Updated Nuclear Fallout and First Strike Maps for USA

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by deMolay, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Whiteman, home of the B2 stealth bombers? Located near the center of MO, way out of your AO, especially with the type of winds you receive.

    There are a number of components to determine the likelihood of fallout, but if you do not factor in the wind, you're doing it wrong. To get an idea of current wind and some future as well as past wind, take a look at Windy as forecasted

    For a general map which can serve as a guide, you can create your own based on wind patterns for any time of year. Something like this, for example:
    Just try to remember the size (yield) of the nuke, where it is detonated (air burst, ground, sea), and environmental factors all determine the results of the explosion and fallout. A good rule is to seal up your home or basement and take shelter for at least 2 weeks solid. This is only an estimate, however. The size (yield) of the nuke and how close you may be to ground zero will determine the radiation extent. The radioactive isotope, iodine 131, has a half life of about 8 days, and after this time it will decay to become cesium 131, which is still toxic but not radioactive. This is the primary radioactive element you would encounter, and it is spread out across a vast area, which could amount to hundreds and thousands of miles. The heavier radioactive isotopes will not be spread out as far and will typically fall out very quickly, within hours, into an oval area close to the initial blast site. These heavier radioactive elements will last much longer, up to several months and possibly several decades. Again, the yield of the nuke and environmental factors all contribute to the finality of what would occur. To simplify, just try to keep in mind you've got to factor in the wind, give yourself two weeks in shelter, and if you are within 100 miles of the blast site of a major detonation, you probably shouldn't be worried about fallout because that's the least of your concerns.

    Ganado and 3M-TA3 like this.
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