
Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Alpha Dog, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    Unrest is a very real everyday concern for me. All it takes is for one white officer to shoot an african american justifiably or not. For a small northern city racial unrest is a major issue here. Unfortunately for me I live right in the middle of where the war will begin if something spirals out of control.

    Police Shooting of Mother and Infant Exposes a City’s Racial Tension - New York Times


    In more recent news the police have responded to the Brownstone Bar (owned by local NAACP prez) for numerous reports of shots fired. The most recent incident resulted in a police cruiser with bullet damage.

    Unbelievable the levels of racial tension in such a small northern city.
  2. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    It can happen in a matter of seconds one minute everything calm then a small argument and next thing you know people get stupid. With todays problems in the world people are on edge and scared. All its going to take is a spark to set it off then it will a chain effect.
    Nadja, Gator 45/70, Dogfood and 2 others like this.
  3. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    When you have an administration that promotes polarization between groups, ANYTHING can set off a conflict---and that conflict can grow/explode into a major problem, such as a riot.
    oldawg, Cephus and Alpha Dog like this.
  4. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    Now that am an old man.(Meaner and quicker to temper) the wife and I do travel to visit the kids. Our motor home wouldn't stop a bullet, hell, it'll hardly stop a high-power pellet gun... but a few years back I did have a muley jump out in front me... knocked out a head lamp and put a good sized dent in the bumper... so I guess for me anyway getting threw a riot would just require a firmer grip on the wheel a bit more pressure on that gas peddle and a huge grin on my face as I blow the horn...

    but god help them if they scratch the paint... ever seen a pissed off middle aged housewife take after someone... terrifying man... just get out of the way and be glad it's not you
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    GPDave, You need to beef up the front Bumper a bit.... LIke a 1/2" Web, 10" Wide, Steel Channel Iron, comes to mind. Good for moving people, Cop Cars, Moose, Deer, and other critters who might just get in the way.... Mine had an 8" X 12" Fairlead Roller built in the center for the PTO Winch, mounted on the Backside of the Channel. You just never know when those things might be useful, when traveling. ..... YMMV....
    Gator 45/70 and Seawolf1090 like this.
  6. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I found this and even know it's for another country I think the rules stay the same and this info could help keep you and your families safe.

    10 tips for surviving a riot in Pakistan

    Moizza B Sarwar July 23, 2011

    You will know you’re in the middle of the riot if you can see burning tyres lining the roadside and charred remains of buses and vans. PHOTO: RASHID AJMERI

    Earlier this month, Zulfiqar Mirza went on live television to irresponsibly air an opinion about the legitimacy of a leader. While Shahi Syed made attempts to pull him back from the microphone, Karachi erupted in flames once again.
    My friends, on their way back from the airport, saw cars turning back from Shahrah-e-Faisal, and people driving back towards the terminal for safety. The main road was overrun with protesters and so was the road leading towards Askari-IV and Gulistan-e-Johar.
    To the occupants of a Honda Civic – who had to ask my friends to lead them to safety, jostled and bumping over a little known path strewn with dirt and bushes, I offer the following advice for surviving riots in our country:
    1. Be informed at all times: Radio, television, Twitter or whatever is accessible.
    2. Staying inside should be your option number one: Usually that would apply if your neighbourhood is the hub of violence. Lately however, the practice of barging into people’s houses to kill them renders it a less than ideal strategy. In which case, when trouble starts to brew and doesn’t look good for your community: have a back up plan. Appoint a place beforehand you can flee to and know your neighbourhood well enough to plan a route that avoids main roads.
    3. For drivers – learn to pick up the signs of trouble brewing in the city: Cars turning back are usually the first one. Make sure you get a look at the driver’s face, there is a difference in the facial expression that distinguishes between the usual ‘oh a bridge fell’ or ’7-hour traffic jam’ as opposed to ‘run for your life’ U-turns made by drivers.
    Also, see where Edhi ambulances are heading. Drive the opposite way.
    If stuck in a situation where you need to go off the road, as was the case last week, follow rickshaw and taxi drivers. Part of their sales pitch in the last few months has become a promise to know the best way to get out of a riot.
    For all those outside, the goal is get to your home or a safe place closest to you. Do not maximize the time you spend in the area of trouble.
    4. For pedestrians – stay on the outside of a riot and closer to walls and buildings: Pick a safe place – meaning it should have at least two exits, and duck inside. Avoid main roads and if you can, sidestep public transport (always an easy target).
    5. Don’t wait: Don’t bother looking for an increase in the number of policemen or Rangers as one of the warning signs.They emerge from the woodwork when the rioting has lost steam and you can think of opening shop in a couple of hours.
    6. Watch out for burning things: You will know you’re in the middle of the riot if you can see burning tyres lining the roadside and charred remains of buses and vans. Men will be wandering around with effigies and when they run out of that, they will focus their pyromania on Tigger and various other Winnie the Pooh stuffed animals.
    7. Do not try to find out what is going on: Don’t go around asking the young men wandering around with a greater sense of entitlement than usual. Steer clear of being seen by them. Typically you will see them walking in the middle of roads, waving a stick or a gun.
    8. Carry small amounts of cash: Use this to pay off looters, bribe policemen or anyone who may be manning a makeshift roadblock.
    9. You can avoid a gun but you’re not quick enough to avoid a bullet: So, if you see a pointed gun, run for cover. If it’s too late, duck (even in a car), hit the floor, the ricochet effect of a gun fired always jerks the weapon upwards.
    10. Don’t talk: Unless you have bought life insurance, don’t reason with a rioting crowd or its members and don’t try to protect any material property. It’s not worth it; your family won’t be able to replace you at the dinner table with a recording of your impassioned speech on national unity. It makes for poor conversation.

    Got this from another site.

    1. 1
      Be prepared. If you know an area is ripe for a riot but you can't avoid traveling there, take some simple precautions to help protect yourself. First, be prepared for the worst; the unexpected can happen at any moment. Crowds are dangerous when they're in an ugly mood and normally placid people can turn frenzied just by being in the presence of other frenzied people.

    Wear dark clothes that minimize the amount of exposed skin (long pants and long-sleeved shirts) when going out. Do not wear clothing that could be interpreted as military or police wear in any way; avoid wearing anything that looks like a uniform.
      • Carry toothpaste with you. Smear it under your eyes if tear gas is released and you have nothing else available to protect you.<SUP id=_ref-0 class=reference>[1]</SUP>
      • Take a motorcycle helmet with you. If bricks or other large items are being thrown about, at least you protect your vulnerable head.<SUP id=_ref-1 class=reference>[2]</SUP>
      • Think about your possible escape routes and safe havens before anything actually happens. Crossroads are the best because you've got at least one road to race off down if rioters go crazy or the police start charging.
      • Carry small amounts of cash with you in case you need to quickly arrange transportation, pay off looters, or bribe police at a checkpoint.
      • If you're traveling abroad, register with your country's consulate and carry your passport and/or visa with you at all times. Even domestically, have ID and emergency contact information on you in case you are arrested or become unconscious.
      • Take your telephone, two if possible (one in your pocket and one in a bag). If one is lost or taken, you still have another one.<SUP id=_ref-2 class=reference>[3]</SUP>
      • Look for homes that can serve as "safe houses". If you can, talk to the owners first.
      • If you're a woman and on your period, opt to use pads instead of tampons and make sure you have extras on you. If you get arrested, you don't want to risk toxic shock syndrome in jail.<SUP id=_ref-3 class=reference>[4]</SUP> You might also consider a menstrual cup.
    1. 2
      Remain calm. Riots bring intense emotions boiling to the surface, but if you want to survive one you'd be better off keeping your own emotions in check. Your adrenaline and survival instincts will kick in, but strive to think rationally and pursue safety methodically.
      • Have sugar candies on hand. Adrenalin will drain you of energy quickly and a sugar hit will help you move out faster.<SUP id=_ref-4 class=reference>[5]</SUP>
      • Avoid confrontation by keeping your head down.
      • Walk at all times. If you run or move too quickly, you might attract unwanted attention.
    2. 3
      Get inside and stay inside. Typically riots occur in the streets or elsewhere outside. Being inside, especially in a large, sturdy structure, can be your best protection to weather the storm such as a basement, sub-basement or sub-sub-basement or an interior doorway to hide from the mob.
      • Keep doors and windows locked, avoid watching the riot from windows or balconies, and try to move to inside rooms, where the danger of being hit by stones or bullets is minimized.
      • Try to find at least two possible exits in case you need to evacuate the building in a hurry.
      • Try to contact police or your country's consulate to let them know where you are, and be on the lookout for signs of fire. If the building is set on fire get out quickly.
      • If rioters are targeting the building and gain entry, try to sneak out or hide.
    3. 4
      Stay on the sidelines. If you're caught up in a riot, don't take sides. Try to look as inconspicuous as possible, and slowly and carefully move to the outside of the mob. Stay close to walls or other protective barriers if possible but try to avoid bottlenecks. These are areas where the crowd can be squashed into a tight place, such as tunnels, pillars, high fences and walls that go on for a long way.
    4. 5
      If you're caught up in a car, stay calm. Remain inside the car unless your car becomes a focus for the riot, in which case it risks being torched, smashed or rolled over.<SUP id=_ref-5 class=reference>[6]</SUP> Calmly and swiftly leave it behind and get to safety if that happens.
      • If you have no alternative but to drive, keep to streets away from the rioting. Avoid all main routes and keep alert for news of where people are.
      • Don't stop your car. If you're lucky enough to have a car that you can drive away from the riot, drive quickly and try not to stop for anything until you've reached someplace you know is safe. If people seem to block your escape route; honk your horn, and carefully drive through or around them at a moderate speed, and they should get out of the way.
      • Driving towards police lines can be interpreted by the police as a preparation to use the car as a weapon against them. Police are trained and prepared to protect themselves against deadly threats meaning that you may be shot at if they think you are going to run them down with a car.
      • Activists' fear of cars can be a reality as there have been numerous cases of irate non-participants running down protesters. Any pushing though the crowd should be done with the demeanor of patience, aggression may lead to an attempt to disable your car before it is used as a weapon.
    5. 6
      Use the social media to alert you as to where to stay away from. Just as the rioters have started using social media and texting to alert one another where to go, you can flip this on its head and ask people to help you know where to stay away from. Messages informing you of which streets and areas are currently being targeted provide you with instantaneous warnings of where to avoid.
    6. 7
      Avoid being hit by riot control chemicals or weapons. Police may deploy riot control agents (tear gas, water cannons, rubber bullets, for example) to disperse a crowd. These weapons and chemicals can cause severe pain, respiratory distress, and blindness. Try to stay away from the front lines of a riot, and learn to recognize the signs that a riot control agent has been used and how to handle exposure.
      • Avoid wearing oil based moisturizer or sunscreen as chemicals cling to these on your skin. Remove with detergent-free soap before going near the riot.<SUP id=_ref-6 class=reference>[7]</SUP>
      • Wear glasses rather than contact lenses; tear gas behind contact lenses is unimaginable pain. Swimming goggles can protect eyes, or a gas mask.<SUP id=_ref-7 class=reference>[8]</SUP>
      • Put wet bandannas in a plastic bag and carry these for your mouth. Wrap them around your mouth if tear gas is released. They need constant replacement as they will keep soaking up the gas.<SUP id=_ref-8 class=reference>[9]</SUP>
      • Wear vinyl or latex gloves to protect your hands from pepper spray; the nerve endings will make them feel like agony if sprayed.<SUP id=_ref-9 class=reference>[10]</SUP>
      • Carry spare clothes to change if you're hit by chemicals or a water cannon. Put them in a plastic bag for protection.
      • Avoid rubbing your hands or fingers into eyes, nose, mouth etc. after a chemical attack. Stay calm.
      • Never hang around when bullets, gas and cannons are being deployed. These riot control agents can kill if they hit you in the wrong way and even if they don't, they can maim and hurt you horrendously. If you're so hurt that you fall down and cannot get up again, you also risk being trampled by the fleeing and terrified crowd.
    7. 8
      Move away from the riot. The more time you spend in the midst of a riot, the greater your chance of being injured or killed. That said, in most circumstances it's better to move out of a riot slowly.
      • If you run, you will draw attention to yourself, so it's usually best to walk.
      • It can also be dangerous to move against a crowd, so go with the flow until you are able to escape into a doorway or up a side street or alley.
      • It may also be advantageous to stay with the crowd until you are certain you can safely escape because it will help you remain inconspicuous and improve your odds of survival if shots are fired.
      • Think of crowd movement like currents in the ocean. In a large riot, the crowd in the middle will be moving faster than the people on the perimeters. As such, if you find yourself in the middle, you should not try to move in a different direction, but follow the flow and slowly make your way to the outside. This requires patience in order to work properly.
      • Avoid major roads. Major roads, squares, and other high traffic areas are likely to be crowded with rioters. If possible, stick to less-traveled side streets to avoid the mobs.
      • Avoid public transportation. Buses, subways, and trains will likely be out of service, and stations and depots will probably be packed with people. Even if you succeed in getting on a train or bus, rioters may stop it or be taking rides on it themselves. Subway stations are particularly bad places to be, both because they are generally difficult to escape and because riot control agents are generally heavier than air and may drift down into subway stations and accumulate there.
    8. 9
      Get to a safe place, and stay put. Choose a safe haven carefully. Sometimes it can be as close as your hotel room, but other times you'll need to get out of the country entirely. If you're abroad, you will generally want to head to your country's embassy or the airport. Try to contact the embassy before going there, however, to let them know you're coming and to find out if it is safe to go there. If a mob is gathered outside, embassy staff may be able to direct you to a safer place. In any case, just try to put as much distance as possible between yourself and the riot.
    Homemade decontamination spray

    1. 1
      If you know you have to go out into the rioting crowd, try to make this spray before leaving. This recipe is taken from Rosie Garthwaite's book How to avoid being killed in a war zone.<SUP id=_ref-10 class=reference>[11]</SUP>
    2. 2
      Find some antacid. Tums, Pepto-Bismol, Gaviscon, Eno, Milk of Magnesia, Alka-Seltzer are all suitable or use bicarbonate of soda (baking soda).
    3. 3
      Dilute with water.
    4. 4
      Add to a spray bottle that you can easily carry.
    5. 5
      Spray on eyes, nose and skin if you are attacked by chemicals. The spray will help to neutralize the attack.
  7. Robryan

    Robryan Monkey+

    Always think if you were the bad guys what would you do, then you can make a plan to counter. If I set up a road block it would be on a bridge or strength away were there is no place to get around. Then have a truck across the road that would have to be moved and another truck that would be able to block you from behind. So the only thing I would try is to get home on foot. 15 miles may take you 2 days, but it would be suicidal to try to run a road block.
  8. Waz

    Waz Monkey+

    Good post, luckily for me we live far enough away from the Big City of Perth, but we unfortunately have a big percentage of Population that are just plain lazy, on drugs and Booze is their friend, even when there is no Political, Civil unrest, they still cause trouble everywhere, God help us if we ever have a big meltdown, no guns, only hand to hand stuff, knives bats and metal poles, even they are classed as illegal here.
    Have been reading a Book called One second after, based on an EMP strike over the US, even though it's fictional, I can see how it could end up, am enjoying the book as it just adds to the growing awareness of outcomes.
    If our local druggies, Indigenous population that seem to hate white people, etc are caught out, with no food, no water, no drugs or booze, then trouble will start in a big way, even when there is no trouble, they fail to see reason and just go insane, many bashings etc, can foresee a very ugly situation arising, certainly Hope not
    larryinalabama likes this.
  9. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    For a riot to happen here they would have to bus people in. My closest niebor is almost a 1/2 mile away, he is a retired Marine (in his 70's) and his wife smokes way to much to do anything but talk on the phone. As far as me getting home well could be a problem. I always try to keep 1/2 a tank or better, so if I dropped my trailer that would get me 800 miles or so. I'm usally not further than that from home. If a riot wants to try and stop that truck I won't even blow the air horn, I'll just grab another gear and keep going.

  10. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  11. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    If anyone thinks that I would slow down or stop for a riot, and allow myself to be dragged out and beaten/killed they don't know me. I would never kill someone under normal conditions but if I am forced to choose between my arse or theirs they better bend over and kiss theirs good by.

  12. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    You are exactly right - NEVER leave the vehicle - you just present yourself to them as a prize. Bad way to die. Gun the gas and "the Devil take the hindmost!"
    Mob Mentality is a savage thing. It is the animal within released.
    oldawg, Alpha Dog, Cephus and 5 others like this.
  13. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I agree the mob mentality is savage and it constantly changes the people find justification for what ever is done. They have no thought patteren other than what ever is infront of me is the enemy and what ever stands in the way must be destroyed. I have seen educated level headed people get tied up in riots. It is like they are not the same person and cant think on their own. The only voice they here is the one leading the chare. I have even seen some mobs turn on one another when the leader gets to a point to call it quits and others don't agree.
    Cephus and Gator 45/70 like this.
  14. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    My plan which is basic...
    4 Wheel high..Plow as needed...
    I don't care if eyeball's,elbow's or grid's are flying out the fender well's...
    Skinny pedal @ 8000RPM...Something's going to give....!
    Cephus, Seawolf1090 and Alpha Dog like this.
  15. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    If and when something so insane would happen..

    Plowing through them would have the same risk as plowing through deep snow until it packs underneath and lifts a 4WD's tires off the ground.

    Don't have an answer here except to comment; if one cannot escape, they lose.
  16. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I am an insane 4 wheeler,Shirft to reverse,back-out,Hit it in forward...Repeat as nessary...

    Seawolf1090, Cephus and Alpha Dog like this.
  17. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Depends how many goblins there are - most will bounce off the bodywork. Some will retain enough survival instinct to get out of the way when they realise we will NOT stop. They aren't quite total mindless zombies at this point, just caught in the pack mentality.
    But to stop and interact directly with them is suicide.
    It's the exact same thing we see in the deeply religious caught in the 'fervor' or 'rapture'...... but with the diametrically opposite emotions at play. People in this state are very open to suggestion by a savvy 'leader'. If you can ID the pack leader, taking him (or her, all things being equal) out may quiet the Pack, or at least confuse them enough to be able to escape.
  18. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    The tractor alone weights over 18,000 lbs if I've got an empty trailer I'm a little over 33,000 lbs if I'm loaded I could be up to 80,000 lbs so I'm thinking it's going to take alot to get the tires lifted off the ground.

  19. farmboyJD

    farmboyJD Monkey++

    suggestion on what to do to avoid mobs

    To OP concerned about what to do when you hear of rioting on the radio:

    MOVE to where you can enjoy life; don't be a consumer; enjoy the peace of family and friends, and when you hear of the rioting be glad you moved.
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