Unbridled fear of a .50 Barrett...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dragonfly, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I'd go with the talk to find out what kind of nut job he is. If he's your kind of nut job cool. Otherwise, now that you've walked over there you will have a pretty good mental map that you can transcribe to paper to develop a post SHTF plan of action. Just don't make the pacing off too obvious.
    dragonfly, tulianr and tacmotusn like this.
  2. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    I'm honestly not trying to pick a fight just to be argumentative, but, you have just described yourself ...in the eyes of most liberals...who would dearly love to put a big "X" through the 2nd Amendment. Wouldn't they describe ALL of us as "a bit off?"

    Who are you guys to tell this person that you don't even know that he shouldn't have a Barrett? (That was a rhetorical question and I'm not being antagonistic). Think about it from the Golden Rule's perspective. The next foot down on your slippery slope argument is that perhaps you need a mental assessment to buy firearms. Or, if your neighbors think you're off, the BATFE can come in seize your weapons...the witches in Salem are shaking their skeleton heads.

    The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. If he hasn't wiped you and your neighbors out by now, I think you're OK. If you really think he's off his rocker AFTER you speak with him, that could be cause for you to alter your behavior. But, trying to figure out why he bought a .50 cal. could fill tomes. Maybe he just read Patriots...maybe he got a good deal...maybe just because. People on here want to buy .308 sniper rigs all the time...with the express purpose of turning someone's head into a watermelon.

    Take him 20 rounds of ammo and ask him if you can shoot 10. He's gotta be loaded to keep feedin' that thing.

    Again, I'm not trying to come across as a prick, but everything you just wrote could be turned on you one day.
  3. shrapnel

    shrapnel Monkey+

    We can no longer get Barretts here in Canada thanks to the stupid laws passed by Bush after 9-11... Anything over .50 is banned from export out of the US... But we can get other gun from other countries!
  4. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Shrap, I drool everytime I look at what Marstar sells! And the prices! We in the great and glorious US of A can't get those nice toys! :rolleyes:

    I personally have utterly no use for a .50BMG, or Full Auto, or a full-blown custom sniper rifle...... but I do think those honest citizens who may want one should be able to own it.
    IF they cause trouble with it, punish THEM, not the other gun owners! But banning an inanimate object is always far easier than upholding and enforcing laws.
  5. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    I am making a list and checking it thrice. [beat]. I'm going to find out whose naughty, and whose nice, just like Santa. Some people deserve more than just a lump of coal in their stocking. Something like maybe a lump of lead in their cranium. I am not talking about in todays so called polite society. I am talking about when there are no more first responders. When there is no drug stores issuing behaivior modifying drugs to keep the crazies sane. We have sex predators, and crazies all around us. Hell, I read that the average convicted murderer in Florida only serves a 7 year sentence before being put back on the street.[beat].
    All I am saying is, post SHTF, it will pay in great dividends to know who your neighbors are. What they are capable of. How much of a threat they may be to the peace and harmony we would all hope for for our loved ones. There are people walking among us who do not have a sense of right and wrong. They act on their evil thoughts if they think they can get away with it. Some don't even care about that, and they self destruct quickly. You read about them every day in the news. If you don't believe there is evil out there that needs to be eliminated, then you are a fool.
    Almost all of us break some rules/laws. Whether it be speeding, smoking a little weed, poaching on occasion, lying on our taxes, or whatever. Most of these things are relatively harmless when it comes to the effect on others. Post SHTF when Judges, juries, prisons, drug stores, 1st responders, and many other things are suspended until things can be restored to a peaceful civil society, culling out the rats will fall to those willing to step up to the task. [beat]. It will not be like things are today, or even 100 years ago. It will be much much worse. JMHO
  6. shrapnel

    shrapnel Monkey+

    Marstar sells full-auto but almost nobody in Canada can buy them... Only those individual who had full-auto before 1977 can still buy new ones AND nobody can shoot them or even take them outside of their homes: the government no longer issue permits to take them to a shooting range... And only canadian Army ranges are approved for full-auto fire... Gun laws are always stupid and wrong.
    Seawolf1090 likes this.
  7. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

  8. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Sunny Florida is fairly Class III friendly, but there are few places to shoot them legally. My local range doesn't allow them, or shotguns, or even 'rapid fire'. Fortunately, we do not have the insipid rule of no more than three rounds in the gun that some places have - THAT is truly stupid!
    A few years back, I saw Marstar offering the Chinese Norinco semi-auto M14 - I'd love to have gotten one! But no Chinese import guns here...... Thanks, Daddy Bush! Can't blame the Left on that one.
  9. shrapnel

    shrapnel Monkey+

    I have one... Only 400$. They make AR type rifles too... I have an early Viet-Nam A2 styled one they call the CQ. The newest version looks like an M4 and cost only 700$. Had one of their Colt 1911 clone buy it was crappy compared to a real Colt... But only 300$.

    I've decided not to buy any more Chinese guns as they are our ennemy (both in trade and ideology)
  10. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Been a while since I've read Norinco CQ.

    Their 90 and 91 clones shoot right decently. If you don't mind me asking; as the AR is a lot more complex to make than an AK how accurate is yours?
  11. shrapnel

    shrapnel Monkey+

    Shoots real well indeed. Never had a single malfunction apart from a couple double feeds from a single bad magazine which I had to discard... Accuracy is quite good too even with the pencil thin barrel! I also used a couple other uppers on the rifle, including a 9mm one, with good results. The tube threads are metric on the rifle so changing stock buffer tube requires some fitting of a reamer pass on the threads but it is simple enough to switch to a telestock.

    BTW, from the few AK I examined, includings a few parts kits, the construction of the AR seems actually simpler... There seems to be more parts and more complexe assembly procedures with the AK!

    I prefer the AR as a shooting platform. It is more accurate and more ergonomic... I would nonetheless love to be able to own an AK but sadly, they are banned here to people who did not have one before the latest gun laws passed... Join the NRA if you want to keep your guns!
  12. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Except a FTFs; I've never had a issue with either.

    ARs are more assembling than building as compared to the AK which is built. The parts for an AR are harder to make as the manufacturing tolerances of the components are much tighter.

    I carried a XM177/CAR15 for a long time; although was not as as accurate as my civilian range queens it will easily out shoot an AK. The military versions of each reflect the differences of their doctrines; the West invests more in training and East prefers spray fire. Being around both taught me either is more than adequate.
    BTPost and Cephus like this.
  13. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    The wacko's in Arizona..."channel to be arranged" Coming to a place near and dear to you?
  14. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I blame that GUY "Murphy" and his law/s!
    No one is this UNLUCKY! Can't be Karma either!
    Maybe it's nature's way of saying: GO AWAY?
  15. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Basically I have to say a resounding "no". Personally I don't have any reason or knowledge....I'm unfortunately "grouping" him with so many others that are up there: hiding, running, or just plain weird!
    "My bad", I have to admit that! maybe my attitude would change if I ever met and talked with him...
  16. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I'll have to wait and see IF I can approach him...after he gets out of jail...
    Seems he "accidentally" fired the beast inside a motel room ( out of business) where he has been (holed up) staying in town for awhile. He was trying to sight it in (bore sighting?) is what I heard, but that seems strange that it had a round in it...or is that just me? He sets up several folding tables along the major crossroads in town, trying to sell junk to the tourists. He sells copper bracelets and cheap knives ( all from China) So now I know where his main "income" comes from! Wierd! Not sure how much noise it made and who it scared the most! Now I'll bet that was a real sight to see! He probably was deaf for a bit and had a wet stain on his pants! Now that had to be something to witness!
  17. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    If he was arrested, your problem may be solved by his inability to retain ownership for legal reasons. Might be good luck for you.
  18. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Neither Murphy or karma. When I look back, I can see a life riddled with good decisions and poor decisions. We all make the best decision we can at a point in time.

    What I have done now is I speak with people wiser than myself who have more experience in life to bounce ideas off. Better to have a friend tell you your idea is stupid rather than learn it the hard way. That is the measure of a true friend.
    BTPost and tulianr like this.
  19. fanderal

    fanderal Monkey+

    I'll go along with two things:

    A) Being concerned about a person who has the legal right to buy any gun, even a .50 cal, is the same kind of thinking Gun Grabbers use to say "only the military, and police should have guns."

    B) Rather than work on unsubstantiated info;;; find a way to meet the person in question. HEY! He might let you shoot it...

  20. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I do not see any Felony Violation of Aridzonia State Statutes, presented so far, so it is unlikely that he has lost his Gun Rights, under the Federal Statute, Misdemeanors, even Gross Misdemeanors do not reach the level of the Federal Statute, EXCEPT if you have a Domestic Violence conviction, or a Restraining Order for Spousal Abuse. ...... YMMV.....
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