UN Bill to Disarm the Global Population Ahead of Totalitarian Takeover Exposed

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by fl4848, Dec 20, 2023.

  1. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    I am not afraid of the UN they have been a worthless/powerless organization accomplishing nothing since its formation. I am afraid of my own government and the leftistcommies running it. You want my guns well try and take them
    Zimmy likes this.
  2. Big Ron

    Big Ron Monkey+++

    It's tough to occupy a place when people keep knocking off oppressors. In my area, there are only so many public officials and they have to live with the local population.
    Zimmy likes this.
  3. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 On Hiatus Banned

    These people pushing gun control are so phony......however.....

    Do not trust them and do not turn your back on them....they will try all kinds of shady techniques to get gun control over on the American people. ...for the purposes of controlling the herd.....for power and or votes..

    Remember...if you cannot be trusted with your guns.......you will never be trusted with your vote...with your monies..with your chiildren's future.. and on and on and on....

    On top of that ...think.....about this angle...

    The US Government is the biggest weapons and or arms dealer in the world.....and they do not trust you to be armed.....

    You see....once you catch it.....they do not even make good nonsense..

    There are people and groups out here who want security ...even at an entitlement level...but they want someone else to pay for and risk for it.....all the while disarming us..

    By disarming us...I mean not only Physically...but mentally and spiritually as well.

    These people and or groups want to turn our Rights under the Constitution into privileges granted by government and not Rights from God....

    You do not register your Rights from God..nor to you insure them...as many of these groups are trying to do....to us....
    Once you go this route ..by hook or crook....you no longer have Rights from God but Privileges granted by the Sovereign....and these can be granted...or revoked by the Sovereign...at their discretion.....not yours.

    This is how an Ishmaelite works to put us into their form of bondage......mentally , spiritually as well as physically.

    Be Warned......

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    duane likes this.
  4. orangetom1999

    orangetom1999 On Hiatus Banned

    by Oil Pan 4 from the previous page...

    It is not going to be just guns......but more...much much more....

    Remember what happened in places like Argentina...due to rapid runaway inflation...peoples retirement accounts became worthless..

    And government began to search the economy for any liquidity they could tax or take to keep government going.

    This is why this new fellow in Argentina is doing such a great job...he is returning the liquidity back to the people who earn, sweat, and take risks to keep and maintain it. He is cutting many government programs and putting monies back into the hands of the people who earn, risk and sweat for it.

    Remember something else......the intelligences here ...these illuminated, gnostic, wise men with degrees next to their names...want us to go to a cashless society...which again means high government controls over the people/herd.

    How good is a cashless society doing up in the mountains after Hurricane Helene...with those people with no electricity.....understand now.????

    Notice how much our unbiased media ...not spinning....or taking advantage of our ignorance is telling us this???

    Notice how FEMA is talking about this too???

    It's not just your guns..but your thinking ability as well.

    You know......there is a quiet exodus going on in this county of people who want more liberty and freedom....in particular people leaving the left coast...Kalifornia, Oregon ...Washington State...

    They are finding out that in their search for security ..government is not a good store keeper of their liberties...and or freedoms...particularly through higher and higher taxation/inflation while giving freebees to so many on the public purse.

    Those who can are leaving for places with more liberty ...and this meaning red states..

    These places ...blue places... not only want your guns...but your monies and freedoms as well.

    There is more but this will suffice for now..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
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