Uh-oh. Another item for the prep list.

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by VisuTrac, Nov 8, 2010.

  1. Fanless

    Fanless Monkey+


    Get rid of the women :) More food and your inventory hole(s) disappeared, I mean literally :p

    I'm sure there are ways to do without (oh, easy for me to say as I am a man) thinking in a logic fashion, that these napkins are quite a recent invention (recent by the human existence scale).

    My first post, hope it does not offend. Looking forward to share and learn stuff.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Don't forget the feminine hygiene stuff

    Goodness Fanless.....you certainly aren't short of chutzpah and a quaint kind of a deathwish undoubtedly to be delivered to you by the amazon survival monkeys here : O Be afraid....be very afraid ; ) You may find that they may render Fanless fannyless lol

    On the other hand, you will find favour from the PIncorrect side of the gender divide, so all won't be lost. I'll watch from a safe distance.

    Welcome to the Site Fanless, nice to see a man speak with candour and have the courage of his convictions. I look forward to learning from you also. The more who are active in the forums offering alternative points of view the better.

    You do raise a valid prepping point, and one that may tend to be overlooked by some men. Also bear in mind that some kinds of sanitary pads make excellent improvised blowout wound dressings, a use that is equally utilitarian for both genders. It's not only women who bleed (despite what Alice Cooper sings).
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

    Ouch Falcon....I think I'd rather use the rough end of a pineapple than poison oak.
  4. Fanless

    Fanless Monkey+

    Thank you! In fact I arrived on these forums after I've been amazed by the stupidity and lack of common sense on the "Colony" show which I just got a hold of. While browsing around, this particular thread made me respond so here we are.

    Anyway, to avoid hijacking this thread, I shall let me opinions on the matter in the corresponding thread.
  5. jennismith2

    jennismith2 Monkey+

    As a female prepper, perhaps I can offer some insight into this "delicate" area. As a general estimate, assume 3-4 "sanitary items" per day, per female x 7 days per month. That should allow for plenty to spare. One thought...OB brand tampons are VERY compact, with minimal packaging. They're great for a BOB, or for a situation where storage space is an issue. Also I think that "femenine supplies" would be very sought after as trade items should TSHTF. Keep in mind, however, that women did just fine for thousands of years with only basic (homemade) sanitary supplies. Your woman won't die for lack of a tampon, but she'll be WAY happier with the modern convenience.
    VisuTrac, chelloveck and mysterymet like this.
  6. radpug

    radpug Monkey+

    Seems like a good site, thanks for the link
  7. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Non disposables for the eco conscious women

    some supplementary info about non disposable feminine "sanitary items" on the following linked webpage

    Feminine Needs

    Note that the web page has an advisory that the contents may be "TMI" for some men. ; )
  8. Saoirse

    Saoirse Monkey+

    This has not only been funny, but very informative. Thanks from a newbie for the laughs and great information!
  9. Lawmaker

    Lawmaker Monkey+

    Yes feminine products are very good for emergency for bleeding. That is what they are meant for didnt you know? Bullet wound use a tampon.
  10. Huntinbull

    Huntinbull Monkey+

    When it comes to sanitary napkins and TP, i hit the secondhand stores and buy their cheapest t-shirts and sweatshirts. Watch for bargain days or garage sales. Cut them into squares and seal 5-10 squares in a qt size bag. TP rags and sanitary rags. You never wondered why one epithet for "that time" was called "being on the rag"? You think Daniel Boone's wife sent him to the store?


    NOWHITEFLAG Live Free or Die Trying

    Femine Napkins

    Don't want to be without,
    PS: Put some in your 1st Aid Kit, The heavy overnight types.
    Makes excellent compression bandage for gunshot or any other heavy bleeding injury or wound.

    No White Flag Above My Door.
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