U.S. Cyber Command: No question an attack will bring the grid down

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Yard Dart, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Actually a static charge will fry an LED .
    They are impervious to vibration and shock but hi voltages will fry them.
    They are a diode so as with all solid state electronics that fry in an EMP so will the LED .

    Especially in the city , the wood will run out and furniture and whole homes will be used for fire wood too.
    IMO have several forms of cooking and energy .

    If there are a lot of others around ,it might be best to open a can and eat the con tense cold, rather than warm it and create a problem with others smelling your grub cooking.
    There is a controversy
    One side believes that spreading out the food consumption is best
    The other believes that eating one's limited ration all at once is best and fasting is better.
    Starvation mode in some tend to store fats,
    Others that eat a little through out the day seem to avoid big meals .
    IMO it would depend on the demand one has on their activity level.
    It should be prudent to have a disciplined method of distributing food conservatively during an extended event ,not knowing how long it will last.
    How will you distribute food ?
    Yard Dart likes this.
  2. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Stack a wood , yup . Stack and stack more. Stay warm stay fed. This is why we prepare.
    VisuTrac likes this.
  3. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Not sure what you mean. As distribute means "to give shares of (something); to deal out." We have no plans on distributing food.
  4. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    With in you group or even alone, In some situations say in a life boat, which can be the equivalent to SHTF EOTWAWKI.
    Your time before being rescued,if at all, is an unknown ,so how do you consume those resources ?
    All at once, or stretch it out as far as possible.
  5. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    As all I own is a southern bass boat and I can swim and we have paddles and a trolling motor; the lifeboat scenario is a bit far fetched for anything we'd experience.

    In a lifeboat, the provisions would be group property to be shared. Until any situation we prepare for. I guess all at once would not be wise, would it?
  6. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    No fear of running out of wood here. I am surrounded by thousands of acres of federal Oak forests. Today we cut 5 miles or more away from home. We save the local wood for when we have to pull a hand cart. I have enough good oak and maple wood on my 10 acres to last for about 10 years. For us the trick is stocking enough gas and oil for the saws to cut 10 years worth of fire wood. We have done this. The tractor will run out of fuel first and we will have to cut close to home by the third pr 4th year. I use about 2 gallons to cut 5 cord of wood. I have 60 gallons in storage. 6 cases of 2 stoke oil for the saws. Extra chains and other parts. I have three good stihl saws. I wont be down to axes and hand saws for at least 5 years maybe longer. We use about 5 cord per year. Long term wood cutting is a concern for us for sure. We are now cutting for next year and this season we have plans to cut a three year supply so we are stocked . We got permission to cut green wood this season and it will have to dry before we burn it. Winter is almost over here and we still have two cord in the racks. It was an easy winter for sure. Wood is our best resource here along with water. Living on a lake is a plus. We have three spring fed creeks that feed this lake and our wells . I have enough stored Propane to pump my well once a week for 1/2 hour for 20 years. 1 hour per week for 10 years. We have 140 gallons of water storage cans. So wood, water and shelter are covered. We are still working on food.

    As for food , cutting wood will burn lots of calories. There is going to be a lot of weight loss here. Trying to keep up 2000 to 2500 calories a day for the workers is proving to be a challenge and expensive. Sugar sweetened drinks will help. Sugar is a staple in our preps. Hard candy and such. Complex carbs like potatoes and rice etc. We have good balance now and need those extra calories in some long term preps. Then come all the other things we take for granted. Boots, gloves, hats, good solid clothing, socks, Aspirin and other basic medicines. Dish soap, bar soap, wet wipes, toilet paper, entertainment, games ,books, fishing tackle, rabbit wire, chicken wire, grease, cooking oil, and on and on .
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2016
    Yard Dart likes this.
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