TWD Addict

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by hedger, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I bet he will be in the compound they showed at the end of the show. I also heard that Rick loses his arm next season. Something about a guy cutting it off and feeding to his daughter. Another series that is coming back this spring that I liked is Falling skies.
    Cephus likes this.
  2. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Oh yea I watch Falling Skies ,i want it to go back and show us how it came to pass that they beat our military .
    Not many shows I like but these two are the ones I go for .

    Dog I got World War Z yesterday in the mail from Amazon !! Going to start it later today !! Thanks !!
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  3. Capt. Tyree

    Capt. Tyree Hawkeye

    SHTF Metaphor

    I am a recent TWD fan, and have been catching up with the first season through Netflix. I've seen a few epsiodes of the current (just completed) season, but would rather view each in sequence to get a more thorough understanding of the storyline and character development. It's more than just another monster show.

    It is interesting to see how the various ordinary life personalities handle the extraordinary choices laid before them in that particular SHTF scenario.

    In many ways the whole zombie-blasting storyline is a metaphor to what healthy, well-provisioned people might have to do in a real-world SHTF scenario to protect against diseased, starved looters. The show presents us all with the classic moral conflict. For TWD the only good zombie is one with a bullet, arrow, spike, axe, shovel etc. through the brain. Kill or become one of the "walkers".

    For us in the real-world, the moral dilemma would be much more complex, seldom as clear-cut, and rife with regretful second-guessing. How many more people do you bring onto your lifeboat when it's already at capacity, taking on seawater, and on rationed provisions?

    Yes, TWD is good Hollywood entertainment because it has simplified the distastefully complex into a go/no-go situation. See a walker; smash it's brains--and don't get any of it in your eyes, mouth or open exposed wound!![drooling]
  4. kdalton

    kdalton Monkey+

    Well, in the comic books (spoiler text, highlight to read):

    The Governor cuts off Rick's hand. However, Robert Kirkman, TWD creater, has said that this action may or may not happen. He said in an interview that since you already have one character missing a hand, it might be a bit much. Plus I can see how technically difficult that would be to shoot around given the budget.
  5. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    I agree that TWD provides a superb metaphor that, depending upon your perspective, can be exploited to address, and perhaps amplify certain of our current societal flaws/tendencies.

    The richness of that metaphorical opportunity is breathtaking in its potential.

    If season 3 is as good as seasons 1 & 2 have been, we are in for something special.
  6. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Areed I think the thing I like about the series is it is just every a day group humans fighting to survive. Along the conflicts of being from different walks of life and how certain things has to be sacrificed for the group. How what one does affects all this is something I could see being an obstacle in a real world SHTF.
    Silversnake and Cephus like this.
  7. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    It's like having your family thrown together with people you don't know and trying to work out how you're going to survive until tomorrow !!!
  8. hedger

    hedger Monkey+


    One of the most noticeable actions that affect others is when Rick's son interacts with and taunts the Zombie that eventually gets out of the mud it is stuck in and that same Zombie later mortally wounds a member of the survivors--who then needs to be shot in the head to mercifully end his suffering. If the kid had told others about the Zombie while it was still stuck in the mud, it could have been killed and further consequences would have been eliminated from that Zombie.
  9. mage2

    mage2 Monkey+++

    been reading,watching,and listening post hit the fan material for years. TWD is a good story.
    its alot of fun
  10. Dogfood

    Dogfood Monkey+++

    I can't help it. I just love zombies. I hope the keep the track of more action and zombies as in the last 3 or 4 shows.
  11. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    The end of Season 2 left me with some ambivalent feelings.

    We have the arrival of what appears to be a new character, highly adept at wielding a samurai sword--also apparently adept at "disciplining" zombies.

    Also, the vista of the prison compound seems like an answer to prayer for a secure site for the group.

    Since I have not read the book(s), I do not know where this is headed but it continues to be rich with new storyline possibilities.

    Do we know when the first episode of Season 3 of TWD will be aired???
  12. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I haven't seen this anywhere, the show's directors, producers,and writers have said zilch about this. Where did you find it?

    It's a great show, I DVR all of them.

    Daryll is the man. The cool thing is that for all of those people that read the graphic novels, they won't know what is going to happen to they say he wasn't even in the novels.

    Good. I also read today that the character that plays "Maggie" Lauren Cohan has been promoted to a Series Regular for season 3. I hope that means she doesn't get killed off.
    Cephus likes this.
  13. kdalton

    kdalton Monkey+

    The actor Michael Rooker confirmed it.

    Michael Rooker Returns as Merle Dixon in The Walking Dead Season 3 -
  14. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I think it will force Daryl to choose between the goup and Meril. I heard it's set to air the tird season in Oct 2012. I have to say, I havn't enjoyed a show and looked forward to the next episodes as much as I do this show in a long time.
    Silversnake likes this.
  15. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Dog I got World War Z yesterday in the mail from Amazon !! Going to start it later today !! Thanks !![/QUOTE]

    Hey Cephus have you got to read World War Z yet? I found the book very enteresting. It gives you alot to think about if a Global pandemic was to hit or even some kind of pandemic here on what if's and how Big Brother would try to handle it.. I seen anothe good one last night called dead on demand. To me it starts out like World War Z in Africa.
    Silversnake likes this.
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