Wow. This in one of the most liberal outlets around. From Newsweek and posted in Yahoo "News". FBI raid on Trump's home, in 2 words: 'Massive screwup'
The links the loony left will go to belittle anyone who disagrees with thier views. Ànyone upset about the raid on Trump is just upset because Merrick Garland is Jewish. And then this, anyone who is opposed to swapping an international arms dealer for a basketball player who got busted for bringing an illegal drug into another country, one that she/he had been to many times before, well they are just homophobic, racist, and have a mental block that doesn't allow them to be compassionate. Jeez!! It's amazing. "The fact that the American public might be really focused on the alleged drug possession and the outlandish accusation of drug smuggling might make the American public less willing to pay attention to this case," Gilbert said, adding that the public may also be "less supportive of government efforts to bring her home." "Though "gender tends to be less influential in how the American public and how the media care about, sympathize with, pay attention to Americans who are held hostage abroad" than some other factors, "race is a huge deal here." This concept is aptly called "the missing white woman syndrome," Gilbert said." "And then there are other demographic characteristics, including the fact that she is openly gay," "Griner's beliefs may also play a role in her perceived deservingness of spending nine years in a Russian penal colony. Though she's not particularly political — having cast her first vote during the 2020 presidential election — she's received serious criticism for her views on the national anthem." So its just because we don't know any better. I have said for years that this argument is the standard for leftists, atheists, liberals. It boils down to "if you were just as smart, as enlightened, as good a person as me you would agree with me." The scientific theory of why some Americans don't want Brittney Griner to come home from a Russian prison
Start with name calling first. Makes your point so much more poignant. The Democrats who fall foul of the espionage act are free to go? What a hypocrite. Must be nice to be so one sided. Just call him a criminal without actual evidence or proof. Why not? His opposition has been doing that for years... except before that when they worshiped him as a successful businessman.
We all knew it was coming. The nut that attacked the FBI office in Ohio was a Jan 6 rioter. Gunman who was killed after trying to enter the Cincinnati FBI office was a Navy veteran with top secret clearance. He was also at the Capitol riot.
Sounds familiar. "Baseless conspiracy theories" like vote tampering, targeting conservatives by IRS, yeah all those dangerous theories. Could lead to horrific violence like people walking through the halls of congress and taking selfies. "Republicans are spurring further violence against law enforcement by toying with conspiracy theories and baseless allegations, said Trygve Olson, an expert on authoritarian tactics and an adviser to the Lincoln Project, a group of current and former Republicans who oppose Trump." “They are playing with fire in radicalizing people towards the FBI and the rule of law,” Olson said. “It is a very, very dangerous game." You vill obey and not question!! Republican response to Trump FBI search raises specter of political violence against law enforcement
Yeah because even with proof they didn't go after her. Everyone that could get her mysteriously committed suicide or had their cars blow up. She deleted all of those emails but that's OK while Trump had a hand written note in his toilet. ESPIONAGE! There is no way the entrenched deep state would prosecute one of their own crime family. Hypocrisy abounds. Your comments are the same as cheer leading Hitler, Mao, or Stalin wiping out their opponents. FBI raid on Trump Mar-a-Lago home leads to calls to dismantle the institution FBI director slammed for "integrity" comments over Trump raid EXPOSED: FBI ‘Informant’ Behind Trump Raid – Republican Daily
We've never seen anything like this before. It is a constant barrage of story after story. It used to be that if someone like Alex Jones went to court the story would be a major deal for years and affect their whole life. Even Biden took 30 years to recover from his plagiarism and lies. Today, it takes 5 minutes, and everyone forgets. This is why the Trump stories just keep rolling out. It doesn't matter if they are told by liars like the Russia Russia Russia hoax. They just keep going with it until something sticks.
Then had the gall to say, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" Which pretty much shows how much value she has, for anyone's life but her own! Saw this today. Pretty much says it all. Garland is as useless as an Attorney General, as he would have been as a SCOTUS justice.
The nutbag with a nailgun took the rabid rightwing rhetoric seriously and took his stand...and now he is horizontal instead of kneeling. One who lives by the gun, is just as like will die by the gun.
I can't help but like this woman. I just wish she had an R after her name. TULSI GABBARD DESTROYS DEEP STATE ON TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT
The track record for them that crow now is that will suddenly forget all about it when it's proven to be a nothing burger hoax later on. How many times do we have to watch this same shit show that started with the peepee tapes?
She comes from Hawaii. Republicans barely exist out there and almost none get elected to anything. She would never had made it onto the national scene if she had an R after her name. Think of her as a Dino.
Hey you shouldn't call him a nutbag, the CIA took a lot of time and our money to make him into a Manchurian Candidate. They may come after you. He's about as right wing as Ray Epps is a protester. New York Times Confirms Revolver's Claim of FBI Involvement In 1/6... But What Are They Still Hiding? - Revolver News "Donald Trump Jr. If you think it’s a coincidence that Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer became a federal judge and that very same judge, of thousands of judges, was the person to sign off on the Mar-a-Lago search warrant you haven’t been paying attention!"