Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by Quigley_Sharps, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    £189m for new equipment in Afghanistan announced - News - Inside Government - GOV.UK

    A soldier displays the new combat shotgun which was brought into service for use in close quarters battle in southern Afghanistan [Picture: Corporal Russ Nolan RLC, Crown Copyright/MOD 2009]
  2. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    1. They are special tool for urban warfare. It is no different than when SF/SEAL swap the standard issue M4 for an MP5 for some operations.
    2. They work real good in urban situations. As you know in DS II the war fighters wanted more range; so they reissued the M14. So obviously a shotgun would be real inadequate when a 5,56 is known to lack the legs.
    3. In an Infantry unit the Arms Room has contained issued shotguns since WWII. But that isn't the standard issued weapon.

    They are mission specific; or if you're going poking in buildings it is a good tool for that application. However. a lot of your mates are backing you with SA80s and a couple of L115s in case a sniper is in the area.
    As the 115A1 is a purist sniper tool; I am surprised the Brits do not issue a Semi in 7.62N as we do??

    The Brits carry "SA80 A2 Individual Weapon and L115A1 Long Range Rifle" The SA80 A2 is the issue weapon and the L115A1 is an Accuracy International sniper grade bolt gun.
    Small Arms & Support Weapons - British Army Website
    This picture of from Wiki and they are US Marines. That has been for at least the past 50 years.

    Actually an easier answer for where the shotgun is almost a 100% standard issue weapon and has been since before WWII (except for the tower guards) is at military prison.
    Navy issues them also.
  3. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  5. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    They are basically meaningless as such an activity has the potential to get them fragged.
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Interesting read from the Examiner. I do tend to be somewhat skeptical about their reporting. Granted the Examiner does cover what the MSM will not but I think they tend to sensationalize. The truth is somewhere in there. I noticed in the comments below that the Vietnam vets are willing to stand strong and protect the constitution- God Bless them.

    As for the title of this thread, I just haven't a clue. I do think some military personell will fire upon Americans, just following orders. Others.. I just don't know. Does anyone here have military friends? The people I know wouldn't or couldn't.
  8. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Seriously, what would you do shoot American women and kids or blow a traitor's head off?

    Killing non-combatants comes under the heading of an illegal order. A court martial offense even if they are they are enemy's women and kids. They can be the guy who surrendered after shooting one of your Team; whack him, get caught and you risk execution.

    Some Marines are facing court martial for urinating on the bodies of enemy combatants who they killed in a fight. The UCMJ is very clear on such things and depending on the offense, any soldier who forgets it faces a DD, jail or the death penalty.

    Obviously that depends on how the dust settles, but if modern history is any example, they would face a firing squad. Unless we lay down for it.

    The Examiner needs to get real and pay attention to current events.

    The ones you know have read the UCMJ or heard about it in action.
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    It's mostly about perception --the media can spin things in a way so that even good soldiers would be in a position they would otherwise be against. Look at the Katrina confiscations. That place was a war zone, and even though some military did not participate in the confiscations, it still happened due to law enforcement and Federal Agents. Also, we have to bear in mind AFN (Armed Forces Network) media is entirely biased, and that's the primary source of information for a good number of military. When it all comes down to it, I'd say a fair amount of soldiers would not be committed to a confiscation, but enough would be willing to participate, even against their better judgement. There's a "crowd mentality" involved, and as long as the command is for it, there's bound to be a following.

    Again, perception. What if, let's say, a situation develops where it requires a quick paced reaction to an emergency. Let's assume the command is for confiscations and there are reported incidents of random attacks by civilians against other civilians. Martial law would be declared and the Homeland Authorities issue a bulletin to military commanders to settle the conflict with the aid of local law enforcement. You see, it's all been practiced routinely before -- Operation Urban Warrior Homepage

    Actually, since the 1990's the military and local law enforcement agencies have worked with numerous Federal Agencies to combat all kinds of problems, namely urban emergencies. And in light of the heightened threat of "terrorism" ™ we see how this all comes into play. Any revolt will be met with military and police force, so folks might as well get used to the idea now. They aren't going to just collectively say, "Gee...this is a warranted and constitutional action, we had better not get involved." They are going to respond how they have been trained to respond. There won't be a mass enlightened moment, no comprehension to the fact that the people are responding to a tyrannous government. It will be met how it has been presented to them by their media channels and commanders.

    Let's just hope the commanders are sensible.

    I remember one of Alex Jones' first films, Police State 3. I won't ever forget it, either. I watched it at a time when I was doing the very same research into police/military raids on large assemblies across the country. One in particular was a "rave" that took place on private land and the "authorities" thought it would be a great training op to invade and conquer.

    Motomom34 likes this.
  10. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Plus according to Prison Planet: "Militarized Police Storm Utah Rave, Beat Partygoers"

    Militarized Police Storm Utah Rave, Beat Partygoers

    It seems Mr. Jones and Prison planet have a serious disagreement here... I hope he can work it out with himself.

    Alex Jones first film, was it as imaginative as Rambo in First Blood?

    Point is, according to Prison Planet, they were police and the military wasn't mentioned.
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Watch it. You would benefit greatly. Here's one of his early films for your information:

    There's a TON of information in Police State 3. As for your "disagreement" claims --I don't understand what you mean.

    On subject:

    Agent provocateurs. You want to know "how" a military assault on the public would be justified. There's your card. (Watch the film)
  12. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Ok, I've got a cracked crystal ball.
    the Dhead in DC or some zealous governor in some Nazinois upper mid western state declares a state of emergency and orders gun confiscations because of some 'Event'

    those getting the orders are going to do it. Why?
    They have been trained to follow orders.
    They have been trained to use force to get things done.
    The OpFor will be dehumanized (those aren't citizens, they are terrorists, they are attempting to over throw the government, ... etc)

    At first they will be successful at stomping the hell out of the first resistors.
    The Military / police forces will experience very few casualties where as the OpFor will be punished.

    But as tactics become known, ie. the confiscation units are bringing it full force, gloves off.
    OpFor will then adjust, I'm guessing within 4-6 weeks of first contact. It will be hard for most to accept that our 'Government' would do this to us, anyway,
    OpFor, will then prepare for the confiscation raids.
    Grouping together in loose collections that act more or less independently.
    The rules will change for confiscation raiders. They will no longer hold the advantage.
    The small bands will ambush tactics intercepting confiscators.
    Use counter intel to feed false information about caches through known collaborators or other traitors of the republic and lay traps to decimate confiscators.
    some of the small bands will be eliminated but it's immaterial as there will be more behind them.

    If the gov't tactics become more brutal, so will those of OpFor. Plus, It's a lot easier to spot a government unit than a patriot. Why you ask? One wears a uniform, the other just blends in with the crowd.

    govt forces causality rate will climb, it will eventually surpass those of the OpFor.

    Once the gov't forces figure out that it's a suicide mission to go out and collect weapons because some Dhead said so, that's when they finally figure out that 'Hey this might be a violation of the constitution'

    But, it'll take about 6-9 months. Maybe more.

    There will be lots of bodies on both sides of the issue.

    Again, Like i said, my crystal ball is cracked so this could just be a WAG.

    Peace (This is not a battle plan) Out.
  13. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    What comes to mind when reading your post is the My Lai massacre that took place during Vietnam. When you say "crowd mentality" you nailed it. M Scott Peck wrote of this group evil in Children of the Lie.
    Brokor likes this.
  14. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    From music, animals to humor and cars; I watch a variety of videos, but those aren't on my list. As I often have a warped sense of humor, I've been watching videos where they take young lady for a ride in a 1200 HP car, step on it and film her expressions.

    Post edited as the site converted the url which shows a still frame. com/watch?v=iDYJ4SBxbiQ

    To see the video remove the spaces and add a period.

    Although women in the videos show too much cleavage, I've seen the same in public. However, I do not wish to offend anyone, so be forewarned. Yes, I have a thing for excessive horsepower and I never get to watch my lady's expressions when I step on it.. ;)

    To aid understanding a google search for Alex Jones:
    "The Alex Jones Show, based in Austin, Texas, airs via the Genesis ... His websites include and"

    It appears Mr. Jones published an article stating militarized police and your first and second post mention the Military. As you read Mr. Jones and stated military; to me, that means Mr. Jones said it. So he has a problem remembering what he said if he did say the US Military in one article when in another he said militarized police. If you said it, then it is your Right to have an opinion.

    The link says militarized police, not the military which is the subject. Although I have seen/heard/read about numerous violations of our inalienable rights, excessive force, killing with no reason, etc. What I see is police, agencies, and elected or appointed representatives; what I haven't seen is the US military.

    As 0bama wants an internal force equally as strong as our military, perhaps 0bama knows where the military will stand and needs a counter force?

    As already stated, it would be easier if you explained it rather than refer me to another video or link.

    While one is watching a video of militarized police, why would they ignore what they see in favor of the military and "how" it would be justified? There is no justification to attack the American people unless, of course, they attack you.

    My tolerance is low for people who say do you see treason, now, what are "you" going to do while they do nothing themselves. "Follow Me" means just what it says, it also means pushing a string doesn't work while pulling a string does.
  15. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    all of this "Litmus test" stuff has come from one guy who says he has a high up and reliable source. I'm leaving it there. Not un-noticed, but not on my "fact" list either.
    Brokor likes this.
  16. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    They are really going to hate what the retired Vets at home from the sandbox has learned on house to house to house CBQ and IED's......
    BTPost likes this.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    and not JUST reTIRED Vets... there some Folks, who have expertise, and significant Knowledge, that have never been in the Military.....
    VisuTrac likes this.
  18. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Don't forget us Hunters. Hunters in just three eastern states (average) outnumber the entire US Military' fighters.
  19. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Let's hope and pray it never comes to having to fire on our country men under arms. Would truly be a sad and regrettable day.
    tulianr likes this.
  20. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Bin Laden sent his fighters to Chechnya to season them.

    Sincerely pray and hope our prayers our answered.

    It does seem 0bama-Biden are hellbent to overturn the Bill of Rights.
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