TOTM August 2020... Covid, the Sequel!

Discussion in 'Survival Topic of the Month' started by Dunerunner, Aug 1, 2020.

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  1. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Bingo! More than 50% of the covid deaths have been the elderly. Yes, I know that life is precious, we all love our loved ones but look at life expectancy numbers. The average life expectancy is 73 which has risen in the last 100 years due to modern medicine. When I was young, hearing of someone living to 100 was a big deal, now it is normal. In March someone said this virus is a culling of the herd. It was brutal to hear that but look at animals. The fox population had a mange issue which killed off much of the local population but the surviving foxes are healthy and strong. Why should us humans be any different?

    This whole Wuhan Flu pandemic scared me at first because I am a Survival Monkey and knew what a pandemic could do. Now I am not even sure if I would categorize covid as a pandemic but this covid is not the worst pandemic we could have. Does anyone realize that in 2018 over 1.5 million people died from tuberculous, yet we have 750,000 people who have died from Covid and the world is terrified. Interesting, millions have died from TB and no one seems to care.

    As for the vaccine, that is a shot in the dark. Lancer is correct that viruses mutate so what strain of covid are they planning on vaccinating people against? I will not be getting a vaccination because I believe it will be the mark of the beast but I know many who are waiting and eager to receive the shot.
  1. selvagem
  2. OlDiceGames
  3. Coyote Ridge
  4. Dunerunner
  5. Coyote Ridge
  6. Prepsteader13
  7. Dunerunner
  8. Alanaana
  9. Dunerunner
  10. Dunerunner
  11. Thunder5Ranch
  12. Dunerunner
  13. Coyote Ridge
  14. Coyote Ridge
  15. Coyote Ridge
  16. chelloveck
  17. Dunerunner
  18. Dunerunner
  19. Dunerunner
  20. martha_mill
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