I couldn't have put it better myself. I know that there has been a feeling among the common citizens that the politicians are insulated from their constituents, and that basically they don't give a damn about us. However, I see this trait becoming more and more common. One day if apathy hasn't ruined us all, there will be a political revolution. I just wonder if it will happen in my lifetime.
What E.L., the politicians represent the people in their district? I thought they were just supposed to vote the way their individual parties told them to vote! This idea that they are somehow supposed to be the "voice of the people" is foreign to me. I mean, C'mon, in this modern age of instant communication via the internet, instant polling through telephones and such, how are they even supposed to know what the people of their districts think? I know that they are elected and paid by the people, but thinking that somehow makes them responsible TO the people is just a bit much don't you think? Maybe we're just setting the standards too high. I mean just because you have an employee you hired and paid doesn't mean you can just tell him what to do and actually expect him to do it does it? *End sarcastic rant here.
Sarcasm noted! That's the world we live in right now. Maybe why that is why Obama's message of change rings a bell with so many who are seeking it, although they are seeking it in a false prophet of sorts. I would rather have a butt plug sitting in the oval office than Barack Hussein Obama.
[Blackjacks wiggles his nose like a Genie and nods his head] **** POOOF ***** You're wish is granted.